Rank means nothing, it doesn’t make you the #1 player. My friends and I had an undefeated record for a long time after the leaderboards came out, and the people we literally 500-0’d in ranked ques 24/7 were ranked higher than us because they simply played more games. You being #1 on the leader board doesn’t make you the #1 player na or eu, it just means the leaderboards are horrible. In reality the top 5 on the leaderboard should be Phanta, Nos, Chaith, Wakkey, and Toker. If anyone thinks otherwise they are just not very smart.
Not 100% WR anymore
#Teef2gud #Teefisesports #TeefisSwAg #TeefrektHordi
@OP nice troll, if you’re serious then LOL cuz 52% winrate is bad. Most of my games are soloQ, maybe 1/4 duo/trioQing and 1/6 5 manning and my WR is higher than 60%, would be higher if I took LB seriously.
Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.