50/50 w/l ratio...
It’s such a terrible idea. And an obviously bad one. Yet, they did it anyway.
no problem here, working as intended
Edit: Kek
Ah, the old, “It’s ok for me, so it must be ok for everyone else.”
ESPORTS BABY HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is nothing wrong with it trying to match 50/50, as that just means it predicts that either side has an equal chance at either winning or losing, and well.. that is a fair matchup. Unfortunately, if you queue solo, you will often face other teams with 2-5 players who are grouped, as there are no separation of Solo- and Group Queue, nor do the game even tend to match somewhat fairly, e..g, only pitching 3+2, 4+1 and 5 player teams towards one another—so these predictions are worthless when one team can have a huge advantage over another (voiced communication, knowing how team members play, tailored class compositions and builds to support one another, etc.).
50/50 is not a problem however.
Seafarer’s Rest
I have grown slightly less defensive of arena net in the last week because I realised that although 50-50 is the goal often matchmaking believes that 60-40 is okay because it can adjust the rewards appropriately and then it is okay with doing 60-40, 40-60, 60-40, 40-60 repeatedly. This is much less rewarding than playing 50-50, 50-50 games every match.
However given that all those matches really were in favor of one team over the other (instead of the op just taking a pretty common occurrence and shouting murder) then every loss in your disfavoured position would have been no pip loss as long as you got over 300 points and a win in disfavoured position would mean a +2 which would probably be a big upward move. So try harder and overcome the odds.
If you lost pips given you were over 300 that verifies the match making believes you were equal and it is your own fault you lost when you did. One example 10 game long does not prove a pattern, that’s a fairly likely occurrence.
50/50 is not a problem however.
The problem is when Anet implements a league were you’re supposed to climb divisions in order to show your skill, but everybody gets matched with this 50/50 and so everybody finish on the same division no matter what. I’ve played PvP for a while and I know guildies of mine that arent even r80 (so they havent played that much) and are ruby too, cause they are matched with people like them.
However given that all those matches really were in favor of one team over the other (instead of the op just taking a pretty common occurrence and shouting murder) then every loss in your disfavoured position would have been no pip loss as long as you got over 300 points and a win in disfavoured position would mean a +2 which would probably be a big upward move. So try harder and overcome the odds.
If you lost pips given you were over 300 that verifies the match making believes you were equal and it is your own fault you lost when you did. One example 10 game long does not prove a pattern, that’s a fairly likely occurrence.
Some of the matches that I’ve lost +300 were against 4 premades were teamfights were tight (so equal skill) but rotations were way better. Anyway, this post isnt a rant, just that yday I found funny how the “50/50 theory” was happening to me on that perfect way , even if 10 matches doesnt mean anything ofc
Yeah that is the right approach, a win loss, win, or pure loss streak they are just funny not offensive so just continue on. ;-)
As I say in an other post team comms are just a crouch for imperfect map awareness, and that is just another skill that you have to train through many many games.
And I do not believe that the leagues are supposed to display skill, they are supposed to display dedication, out of the box thinking, being ahead of the meta or ability to over come the odds, because that is the only way to advance.
Approx 300 games to go from Ruby to diamond if playing with a fair coin with +1/-1 w/l, so can do it that way, but no point in complaining about match making until you hit at least that number.
It’s such a terrible idea. And an obviously bad one. Yet, they did it anyway.
why? Every successful matchmaking pushes you to 50% winrate. Not being like that means having unbalanced matches.
You should complain about the quality of the matches. Having a 50% winrate by playing always with equally skilled players is one thing, having 50% winrate cause you play 1 match against hotjoin heroes and 1 match against ESL premade is another.
As others have said, the 50/50 isn’t bad on its own. It’s bad when applied to leagues which require streaks in order to advance. Putting the two systems together is a colossal oversight.
the idea behind 50/50 is valid, however… the matchmaking to support it currently is not.
I have had far too many unbalanced matches to give the system the credit it deserves, most of which have gone against me mind you but still.
The goal is to give everyone an even shot, but the reality is that this has not been the case due to multiple factors… exploiting ranks and groups versus solo queue to name a couple.
..sucks on leagues
The complaints on this forum are weird. 50/50 win rate is what matchmaking is supposed to give, unless your skill is improving. So then, maybe you think you should be able to advance even if you aren’t improving. Which is fine, but then there is a huge segment on the forum that is complaining about how people can just grind out legend and it means a lot more about the time you put in rather than your skill. Clearly, to have a system that cannot be grinded, it needs to be the case that if you have a 50/50 win rate, you won’t advance.
It’s like people don’t realize that it is impossible to have a matchmaking/rewards system that does everything they want.
the idea behind 50/50 is valid, however… the matchmaking to support it currently is not.
I have had far too many unbalanced matches to give the system the credit it deserves, most of which have gone against me mind you but still.
The goal is to give everyone an even shot, but the reality is that this has not been the case due to multiple factors… exploiting ranks and groups versus solo queue to name a couple.
I agree with this, most of my matches feel incredibly unbalanced. Either the enemy team plays like absolute idiots and loses every even fight or my team does. It might be a consequence of the bunker meta, where once you are down, its difficult to come back.
50/50 is not a problem however.
The problem is when Anet implements a league were you’re supposed to climb divisions in order to show your skill, but everybody gets matched with this 50/50 and so everybody finish on the same division no matter what. I’ve played PvP for a while and I know guildies of mine that arent even r80 (so they havent played that much) and are ruby too, cause they are matched with people like them.
However given that all those matches really were in favor of one team over the other (instead of the op just taking a pretty common occurrence and shouting murder) then every loss in your disfavoured position would have been no pip loss as long as you got over 300 points and a win in disfavoured position would mean a +2 which would probably be a big upward move. So try harder and overcome the odds.
If you lost pips given you were over 300 that verifies the match making believes you were equal and it is your own fault you lost when you did. One example 10 game long does not prove a pattern, that’s a fairly likely occurrence.Some of the matches that I’ve lost +300 were against 4 premades were teamfights were tight (so equal skill) but rotations were way better. Anyway, this post isnt a rant, just that yday I found funny how the “50/50 theory” was happening to me on that perfect way , even if 10 matches doesnt mean anything ofc
That’s not how it works. It tries to continually push to to 50/50… meaning if you have a win ratio above 50%, you will keep going up because you’ll win more game then you’ll lose, but it’ll try to keep you close to even by giving you “harder” opponents.
Regardless, you will continue to rise in the ranks because if you’re good, your winrate will still be above 50%.
I have been solo queuing since the league started, not one team game, and i have about a 65-70% winrate and im halfway through diamond.
Your experience may not be the same as others. Given what is posted here, you appear to be an outlier.
Hmmmmm. Some matches are impossible to win due to class difference/premades but overall..
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
the idea behind 50/50 is valid, however… the matchmaking to support it currently is not.
I have had far too many unbalanced matches to give the system the credit it deserves, most of which have gone against me mind you but still.
The goal is to give everyone an even shot, but the reality is that this has not been the case due to multiple factors… exploiting ranks and groups versus solo queue to name a couple.
I agree with this, most of my matches feel incredibly unbalanced. Either the enemy team plays like absolute idiots and loses every even fight or my team does. It might be a consequence of the bunker meta, where once you are down, its difficult to come back.
This is the biggest thing. The closest match I had today, the ONLY match where I felt there was actually any doubt…. was my team playing 4v5. 480-501 because we just couldn’t hold enough in the closing stage. Every other match I was either on the verge of smashing my face into the keyboard in frustration (and actually did once), or I could have autoattacked and used mouserun the whole game and we would have still won. If games aren’t lost on class matchups (like the two warr vs 4 meta+reaper), they’re lost on sheer idiocy. This is end-tier Sapphire. I can only imagine Ruby is probably worse.
Had a few forced loses with full random against full premade. Followed by a game where my team slightly lost in a 4v5 because someone didn’t connect the entire game… Yeah, that probably would have been a forced win if not for that…. Thanks system… you kitten
Easiest way to rake in wins atm? Create a new account, level to rank20 fast (rankfarm ftw), invite into your team and tank team mmr with it. You can rotate that duty easily.
Also broken: queueing with 3-4 man puts you either against 2 strong premades, or 1 strong 4-5 man premade. Whereas queueing as 2 man premade – even if you win all the time – puts you against less good groups 99% of the time.
How to abuse this? Easy, look for someone you play well with, play two meta builds and just win your easy games up the ladder, once in a while you get a loss, but most of the time you win… no 50/50 win chance there.
All things that are a result of a too bloated matchmaking algorithm not suited for a mix of casual players and pro players.
Has been that way since what… two years now? And everytime anet tries to fix one loophole, another opens up and gets abused.
Now you could say: everything was better while there was a solo Q, and you would be grossly wrong, because… then people would sync-join and sync-accept to get on the same team.
Anyway, you are alone and dont play well with others? One hot hint coming for you right here: log out as soon as you loose one game, since chances are, at that time, you will get matched with the same loosers over and over and over and over… you get my point.
Dont waste your time there except if you want to tank your mmr anyway. Whatever good it does.
And the same goes for winning of course. Keep on queueing until you loose. Since the pool of players is just way too small for that above mentioned complicated mmr algo, chances are good you get a winning streak for a few games, getting matched with and against the same core of players. Until you “level up” so to speak, then all bets are off. So dont log off before you milk that streak.
Did I forget something? Probably.