A serious issue with the dishonor system

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Rastaaa.3752


My client crashed as I was in the beginning stages of a Niflhel match. I immediately tried to log back in and was thankfully placed back into the match. We did end up losing but after leaving the match I was placed on a 35 MINUTE dishonor timer.

It feels like I’m actually being penalized for trying to make an effort to get back to my team

Is this intended?

Drop Top Coupe
Engineer on Darkhaven

(edited by Rastaaa.3752)

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Is it intended that Anet created and implemented a dishonor system that locks players who leave a match (for whatever reason) our of the game?

You betcha :D

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: AtomsOrSystems.9420


Still, it sounds to me like Rastaaa’s point is that sometimes you have a momentary DC or whatever, but manage to get back into the match within a minute or two. Do those players really deserve the dishonor penalty? I would argue not.

There should be a short grace period (there is, although it might be too short), to account for DC/RCs. After that, I agree, DCing sucks, but you’ll just have to wait out the 35 minutes.

EDIT: First time on the forum in a few days, reading down I see this is a repeat thread of a topic being pretty exhaustively discussed. Just ignore me. XD

(edited by AtomsOrSystems.9420)

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Huge.5891


I just got 20 minutes for missing a queue check. I don’t know how many I have got, but what’s the problem with missing a queue check? Am I supposed to leave queue if I have to leave my pc for a minute? That makes no sense. If I have to leave queue that makes everyone’s queue times just as long as if I missed it, even longer if I make it back in time to hit OK. This is next level STUPID!

Too Huge
Just Defend [DFND] Commander

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: saturn.4810


I just got 20 minutes for missing a queue check. I don’t know how many I have got, but what’s the problem with missing a queue check? Am I supposed to leave queue if I have to leave my pc for a minute? That makes no sense. If I have to leave queue that makes everyone’s queue times just as long as if I missed it, even longer if I make it back in time to hit OK. This is next level STUPID!

If you leave the queue, 9 other people will have to essentially restart their queue, as a new matchup must be found. If you leave the queue, you signal the matchmaking system that you might not be available.

If you leave the PC for more than 15-30 sec, you need to leave the queue, as otherwise this will affect the experience of other players in a very bad way.

Imo, dishonor is justified in that case, though 20min seems a bit long to me, too.

(edited by saturn.4810)

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Huge.5891


I just got 20 minutes for missing a queue check. I don’t know how many I have got, but what’s the problem with missing a queue check? Am I supposed to leave queue if I have to leave my pc for a minute? That makes no sense. If I have to leave queue that makes everyone’s queue times just as long as if I missed it, even longer if I make it back in time to hit OK. This is next level STUPID!

If you leave the queue, 9 other people will have to essentially restart their queue, as a new matchup must be found.

If you leave the PC for more than 15-30 sec, you need to leave the queue, as otherwise this will affect the experience of other players in a very bad way.

Imo, dishonor is justified in that case, though 20min seems a bit long to me, too.

That is BS. Im not going to leave my queue to run upstairs to get something to drink. They need to figure something else out. Giving someone “dishonor” for 20 minutes on top of it isn’t helping the queue times for anyone.

Too Huge
Just Defend [DFND] Commander

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: saturn.4810


I just got 20 minutes for missing a queue check. I don’t know how many I have got, but what’s the problem with missing a queue check? Am I supposed to leave queue if I have to leave my pc for a minute? That makes no sense. If I have to leave queue that makes everyone’s queue times just as long as if I missed it, even longer if I make it back in time to hit OK. This is next level STUPID!

If you leave the queue, 9 other people will have to essentially restart their queue, as a new matchup must be found.

If you leave the PC for more than 15-30 sec, you need to leave the queue, as otherwise this will affect the experience of other players in a very bad way.

Imo, dishonor is justified in that case, though 20min seems a bit long to me, too.

That is BS. Im not going to leave my queue to run upstairs to get something to drink. They need to figure something else out. Giving someone “dishonor” for 20 minutes on top of it isn’t helping the queue times for anyone.

If you don’t see the problem, I don’t see the problem that you get 20 min dishonor.

The dishonor system has exactly been introduced to punish selfish actions like yours.

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Huge.5891


If you think that is selfish and this dishonor system is working as intended, expect to lose pvp players and extended queue times for everyone.

Too Huge
Just Defend [DFND] Commander

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Snorcha.7586


punishing someone for an action BEFORE THEY EVEN GET INTO THE GAME is bad for business, just saying.

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I just got 20 minutes for missing a queue check. I don’t know how many I have got, but what’s the problem with missing a queue check? Am I supposed to leave queue if I have to leave my pc for a minute? That makes no sense. If I have to leave queue that makes everyone’s queue times just as long as if I missed it, even longer if I make it back in time to hit OK. This is next level STUPID!

If you leave the queue, 9 other people will have to essentially restart their queue, as a new matchup must be found.

If you leave the PC for more than 15-30 sec, you need to leave the queue, as otherwise this will affect the experience of other players in a very bad way.

Imo, dishonor is justified in that case, though 20min seems a bit long to me, too.

That is BS. Im not going to leave my queue to run upstairs to get something to drink. They need to figure something else out. Giving someone “dishonor” for 20 minutes on top of it isn’t helping the queue times for anyone.

If you don’t see the problem, I don’t see the problem that you get 20 min dishonor.

The dishonor system has exactly been introduced to punish selfish actions like yours.


If you can’t see how this will lead to people logging off the game and not coming back, you’re gonna find nobody to play PvP with :p

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


There are other 9 people who are willing to stay ready and stick to their monitor for the match. If you have to afk, you afk. If you’re not ready, you’re NOT ready. 9 other people are. The system is working the way it should always have been. Some people need some lesson on social responsibility.

As for the DC case, I think grace period for 1-2 minutes are enough. In fact, leaving your match 30 seconds is more than enough to wreck the team rotation and causes snowballing loss. It doesn’t matter if you’re gone for how long, point is, you contribute to the loss factor. And that’s more than enough for dishonor.

System seems fine for me.

A serious issue with the dishonor system

in PvP

Posted by: Tamasan.6457


The only way you’re getting 20 or 35 minute dishonor timeouts is if you’re repeatedly leaving matches or failing ready checks.