I have no idea what you just said.
How’s this for an idea:
Instead of having a matchmaker, have a matchmaking system in place. It’s cruel to have one person bear the responsibility of effectively making teams from people in queue, and when he goes for his smoke breaks we’re just left hanging. Come on, Anet.
Honestly though, this actually explains everything. When he feels pressured for time he just drags the top 5 mmr onto one team, and the next 5 onto another team. Sometimes he forgets to check if a player is still online which causes 4v5.
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]
I have no idea what you just said.
so it wasn’t just me
You don’t want to know what $10 is in my thirdworld country.
Some people think gemstore things are cheap… for me to buy a few thousand gems to buy any nice skins or anything, would be more than a months salary.