@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


I agree with Altroll to many points.
Most of the complains about the current meta are complete bullkitten, expecially when people are calling this the worse meta ever.

Metas of the past have been way, way more unhealthy than the current one. Some profession were completely left out while some other professions were as FotM as Necros and Rangers are now or even worse. So, stop this lie about lack of game variety and whatever and remember how the past metas has been.

So you like the current meta the most right now?
I thought all the top tier players would rather have the old meta?
I was thinking that this meta is really the worst especially for GW2 first tournament Pax.

Shout casters as of late- “omg 25 stacks of bleed and the burning, OH HE WAS 1 SHOT!!!!” OMG I’ve never seen it bef…"

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


Well these games are really fun 4 necros and a ranger …. not. basically just walking to each point just to help stomp cause every1 was already dead from the spam lol

Oh ya and when the other team thinks ele/war/thief still works. Well atleast this thief was spamming skills all the way from gate, up both sets of stairs to the altar more than once and I’m like huh…. is someone there?


Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

(edited by Krayiss.4926)

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


[b]UPDATE #2
1st PIC. Four of the top 20’s vs 245’s and beyond

That first image with the leaderboards rankings is embarrassing. I don’t understand, the idea is to create balanced matches. If not enough rank 100 and higher are available to fill both teams then it should do a mix and match so the ranking distribution between the teams is even so matches are actually competitive and fun. The current system pigeonholes players into brackets depending on their initial matches and it takes a lot of matches for player skills to average out against wins and losses, winning your first 5 matches CAN totally just be luck, then if the system now groups you with all top ranked players against groups of all lower ranked players… of course you’ll keep winning. Who designed this?

And that pairing that with the imbalance in matches played? Not only is the decay awful and encouraging people not to play, but how is there no match weight for ranking. Meaning, players should have to play certain numbers of matches before they can be bumped up. A player who has played 100 matches should be higher up than one that has played 7 regardless because 7 matches isn’t enough for an accurate ranking. Obviously beyond a point it will no longer matter (over 100 probably is a good bench mark statistically) but someone playing 5 games and winning then not logging again and being top 20 is dumb as hell.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


So you like the current meta the most right now?
I thought all the top tier players would rather have the old meta?
I was thinking that this meta is really the worst especially for GW2 first tournament Pax.

Shout casters as of late- “omg 25 stacks of bleed and the burning, OH HE WAS 1 SHOT!!!!” OMG I’ve never seen it bef…"

So, I guess that you’re not capable of reasoning and the only thing you do is taking what top tier players say and swallow it as truth.

Top tier players have all the reasons of this world to be conservative about the meta that made them top tier. You know, being forced to learn a new profession in order to jump the meta bandwagon isn’t a good thing for top players.

Since launch, the team composition has been pretty much the same. This meta has completely changed it, that’s why every single top player is upset about it.

It isn’t even a mystery that the most vocal “top players” about the “obscenity” of this meta are the one which had their main profession hurt by this meta (Mesmers and Elementalists, mainly).

So, yeah, keep parroting what top players say if you like.

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


1st Obviously the views we have of top tier players are quite differently.
2nd you quoted me swallowing/parroting what they say? I simply asked 2 questions, so what am I parroting could you please enlighten me?

Dont just attack someone and then not answer their questions, its rude.

Back to top tier players; I haven’t seen them hurt by it they seem to be adapting to me.
If you’ve seen helseths newest rant, he complains at one point about the obscene amount of damage. No I dont swallow it as truth and thanks for putting words in my mouth. I’ve experience 1st hand that their is too much damage and not enough to do about it.

Trying to troll me in this way means you must have a problem with me when I was just asking questions… But I must be incapable or reasoning as you said…

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


1st Obviously the views we have of top tier players are quite differently.
2nd you quoted me swallowing/parroting what they say? I simply asked 2 questions, so what am I parroting could you please enlighten me?

Dont just attack someone and then not answer their questions, its rude.

Back to top tier players; I haven’t seen them hurt by it they seem to be adapting to me.
If you’ve seen helseths newest rant, he complains at one point about the obscene amount of damage. No I dont swallow it as truth and thanks for putting words in my mouth. I’ve experience 1st hand that their is too much damage and not enough to do about it.

Trying to troll me in this way means you must have a problem with me when I was just asking questions… But I must be incapable or reasoning as you said…

First off, you didn’t ask questions. You made two retorical questions in order to make two statements.

I’ve explained with reasoning why this meta isn’t worse than the old ones. The answer I’ve got from you is “but top players think…” and “but shoutcasters say…”.

The only logical conclusion I can get to is that you aren’t capable of reasoning and you have to quote someone else who has already done the brain job in your place.

This is the first time ever that top players have changed their profession since launch, as you’ve pointed out. Another good reason to be angry toward the meta.

About the damage, it’s like that now the damage is so much higher than in the past. Seriously, are you really saying that conditions now deal much more damage in a shorter time window compared to shatter mesmers or backstab thieves (pre nerf)? Come on, you can’t really believe that, if you are that smart as you’re claiming to be.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


So you like the current meta the most right now?
I thought all the top tier players would rather have the old meta?
I was thinking that this meta is really the worst especially for GW2 first tournament Pax.

Shout casters as of late- “omg 25 stacks of bleed and the burning, OH HE WAS 1 SHOT!!!!” OMG I’ve never seen it bef…"

So, I guess that you’re not capable of reasoning and the only thing you do is taking what top tier players say and swallow it as truth.

Top tier players have all the reasons of this world to be conservative about the meta that made them top tier. You know, being forced to learn a new profession in order to jump the meta bandwagon isn’t a good thing for top players.

Since launch, the team composition has been pretty much the same. This meta has completely changed it, that’s why every single top player is upset about it.

It isn’t even a mystery that the most vocal “top players” about the “obscenity” of this meta are the one which had their main profession hurt by this meta (Mesmers and Elementalists, mainly).

So, yeah, keep parroting what top players say if you like.

look we have a smart kitten right here

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

“The community also seems to feel that Warriors are in a good place right now in PvP”

Nooooooo… AAAAAAAhhhhhh the horror.. the horror..!!
saw the livestreams about warior and they are not in a good place.. basicly dominate pvp with their lockdown “hey look i cant move for ..forever.. while i blew all my stunbreaks just to recieve 16k damage spikes. ^^”

warriors are in a good place in pvp for players and dev’s playing warriors..
The baise from dev’s towards melee is incredible btw.

NB: melee “the dumb professions..”

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


I play soloQ at low skill level and Warrior are favorite of the month. You can see warriors at the high skill streams and at tpvp as well. So I agree warrior is at at good place right now.

It is also a good counter to rangers.

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


@ MMR: We’re working on a fix for the grouping issue you point out in picture 1. This fix should also help to alleviate some of the queue issue as well.

@ Class diversity: I’ve also seen games (referring to your pics) with a ton of Rangers, or a ton of Thieves, or too many Warriors, or a ton of bunker Guardians. In your pic of the top players, you see 6 of the 8 classes. The community also seems to feel that Warriors are in a good place right now in PvP. That’s 7 classes. You could make a case that Mesmers have a hard time in a hard condition meta, and I think a lot of people would agree with you. They have counters to conditions, but a lot of players don’t like to run those in standard Mesmer setups.

@ Balance: Perception of balance is always changing, so we’ll continue to try to make sure all classes have good options!

I’m lost on how you can’t attempt to make ALL classes balanced. Where is Ele in this mix right now? You didn’t mention them, haven’t mentioned them. There’s no room for good eles at the moment. There’s no build diversity for us not because you’ve got traits messed up, but because you’ve got our base stats so low!!

Also because of our extremely limited armor choices.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


Agreed ^^ on all war/ele problems above. With the NEW set of questions in OP I didn’t really want to bring up balance so much because the more they try the worse it seems to get, along with the pax tournament coming up, nothing will change.

Then look at the answer we got about balance. They obviously have different view/opinions of whats going on in Spvp

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Looks like the 2% is holding back the other 98%. :<

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


Looks like the 0.001% is holding back the other 99%. :<

fixed it because 10 people are holding back all the solo/team players on NA/EU and 0.001% sounds alot better

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Why bother? You’ll be whining about something else within 4 hours of a patch giving you everything you want and completely breaking the game anyway. All I want is a matchmaking fix ^^

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I think Mods were too busy dealing with the heavy fallout from the QQKARMA train yesterday to post in the Pvp Forum.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


Why is the QQglory is worthless train not doing anything then? Oh we don’t have enough yet I guess…

But ya still hoping for some more answers about the OP!

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

@Anet Your Plan for sPvp? Update #2OP+pics

in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


I was actually thinking about the “OP Team” vs “clearly lower MMR Ranked team”. The only thing that came to mind is that instead of searching for 10 closely matched players and then starting at the top and putting players on either side of the match, the system prioritizes finding a team for five, once it finds that team of five it will try to match vs another team of similar rank… then lets the boundaries grow and grow until they find a team.

If it was changed to the other way, players would experience more even battles, and possibly have queues popping at a faster rate.

This is all just an educated guess though.