Anet, a screenshot for you
I’ve been doing solo queue all evening and I only saw one game with less than 10 people.
yeah actually the only time I’ve not seen everyone in match was the first one after the patch.
Every single match I’ve played in has been 5v5 so far. Only seen one leaver when the score on a match was 450-22.
for you the join-solo now is beautyful?
I’ve had maybe 5 out of 39 games with non 5v5.
Actually, the most fun I had was almost winning a 4v5, but that’s off topic.
There will ALWAYS be quitters and afkers in a PuG que setup. If you don’t like that happening at least 10-20% of the time, then you should stick to team que.
I would disagree with you saying solo que is the same hotjoin.
Both solo que and hotjoin have their + and – depending on what you feel like doing, but they definitely AREN’T the same
People take the solo que much more seriously and it’s a nice contrast to the mostly 8 man hotjoins.
In solo que, people talk more and they coordinate 10x more than in hotjoin.
If you’re expecting premade level coordination and communication, then…again…the solo que is NEVER going to be for you.
The leaderboards are totally whack right now and some people are clearly “gaming the system”, but overall it’s fun to have in the game.
If you don’t like it, there are other things you can do in the game.