Any plans to fix revenants?

Any plans to fix revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Locking people into a single weapon set was only acceptable for elementalists and engineers because they had ways to get around the limit of weapon skills (every elementalist weapon has skills for every attunement, and engineers have an entire suite of kits that give them a variety of weapon skills. Elementalists have conjures that do the same thing, as well, even if they’re mediocre). Revenants don’t (an extra bar of fixed utility skills doesn’t offer nearly the same flexibility, for starters), and that’s why people wanted weapon swap for them.

(revenant also desperately needs a ranged condition weapon, but one problem at a time I guess)

Yeah even after reverting every single nerf and locking into only having one weapon I don’t think it would perform good, unless all the five legends are available at any time and by buffing everything even more.

Stella Truth Seeker

Any plans to fix revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Locking people into a single weapon set was only acceptable for elementalists and engineers because they had ways to get around the limit of weapon skills (every elementalist weapon has skills for every attunement, and engineers have an entire suite of kits that give them a variety of weapon skills. Elementalists have conjures that do the same thing, as well, even if they’re mediocre). Revenants don’t (an extra bar of fixed utility skills doesn’t offer nearly the same flexibility, for starters), and that’s why people wanted weapon swap for them.

(revenant also desperately needs a ranged condition weapon, but one problem at a time I guess)

Yeah even after reverting every single nerf and locking into only having one weapon I don’t think it would perform good, unless all the five legends are available at any time and by buffing everything even more.

Don’t just mindlessly undo nerfs. Redesign the weapons to work well without having a weapon swap. And of course redesign some of the legends to be better in more situations

Any plans to fix revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: lucadiro.4519


To be honest I’m seeing really few revs in my match but the ones I meet are really good… Seems like most of the brainless revs have left it to play dragon hunter now.

I would left rev As it is now, It’s well balanced and instead tone down other classes

But they NEED to have fixed tons of bugs


Any plans to fix revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


To be honest I’m seeing really few revs in my match but the ones I meet are really good… Seems like most of the brainless revs have left it to play dragon hunter now.

I would left rev As it is now, It’s well balanced and instead tone down other classes

But they NEED to have fixed tons of bugs

I agree, pretty reasonable so lets hope for the best.

Stella Truth Seeker

Any plans to fix revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: Klypto.1703


Mostly Jalis, Shiro, and mallyx work great now no need to change them. The problem is condition management with traits, glint/herald spec, and ventari. Especially if you are using power in most cases you wouldn’t want to use mallyx because other than being able to cleanse people it uses condition damage or else you are cutting off the usage of a legend.

As for traits you have two traits that only remove 1 condition every 10 seconds in which where the game is right now you remove that condition and wait another 10 seconds as they keep piling up so power builds are really difficult to use with the current meta. Now ventari seems like its design was to be the counter on paper for conditions but yet it takes too much micro management and slow to remove said conditions. Then take in consideration too that the elite spec herald as well as glint legend both have no condition management what so ever but hard to do without utility abilities.

I like that mallyx has its own unique way of dealing with the problem but it makes power builds just too frustrating to even attempt to play especially in wvw where epidemic is being spammed left and right.