Automatic medical response

Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Automatic medical response.

I dont think that this nerf hit it the right way.
The cooldown was increased by 30 seconds (from 90 to 120).
Some people will probably still complain,
because in the first pvp fight that you enter, it will still reset your heal spell,
because Automatic medical response is up at that time.

So they wont notice a difference fighting an engi when its up.
Yet afterwards, it wont be up for a long time (120 sec).

I believe it would be better to make it like 30 sec cooldown or so AND make it reduce the cooldown of your heal spell by x sec, once you drop below y% hp, instead of resetting the cooldown,
or to make it lower the cooldown of your heal spell by default (no trait cd needed at x% hp).

This way, people would notice the nerf when Automatic medial response is up, because it would be weaker (no reset)
and at the same time
Engis will not have a trait being inactive for 120 seconds once its used.
meaning you will get use out of it more often.
Which seems better than only having it really strong once every 120 sec.

So its a winwin?
Both parties win?
Would this be a good change?

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527



Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Kodama.6453


I have to say that is a bad idea at least in my opinion. Sry, but if they change AMR to a cd reduction for the heal skill, it wouldn’t do anymore what it is supposed to do. To trigger the effect, you have to get hit under 25% of health. This means it is VERY likely for you to get down in the next seconds. AMR is a emergency tool, saving you a single time (with 2 min cd) from getting down.

I think it still should stick with it’s theme to be an emergency trait.

Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I have to say that is a bad idea at least in my opinion. Sry, but if they change AMR to a cd reduction for the heal skill, it wouldn’t do anymore what it is supposed to do. To trigger the effect, you have to get hit under 25% of health. This means it is VERY likely for you to get down in the next seconds. AMR is a emergency tool, saving you a single time (with 2 min cd) from getting down.

I think it still should stick with it’s theme to be an emergency trait.

I said y% hp.
So it could be something different than at 25% in the new version.

Also there is the second suggestion mentioned where it becomes just a cd reduction trait for your healskill (without a proc at y% hp).

The reason I came with the suggestions is that I think people will still complain about it when automatic medical response triggers, because there is no difference to see when its up prepatch, compared to post patch.
However the engineer has a longer internal cd on it now post patch.

Wouldnt you prefer the trait to be changed into something that is not useless for 2min after use (maybe something different than my versions)??
It would be less powerful when its up compared to a heal cd reset, but it will be useful more often, due to no massive internal cd.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


I would decrease cd back and increase the cd of passive elixir S, cause even if u can use one without the other it has a really good synergy between traitlines, which is imo what Anet should be focusing when designing them


Automatic medical response

in PvP

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

Meh, thanks for killing AED for build that weren’t even meant to be serious, now I can’t even run it in a ‘for fun’ build.