I make PvP & WvW videos
Been in Queue for 37m
I make PvP & WvW videos
My record is 1 hour 28 min so far xD
Queue times got bit better lately, during prime time that is
[Teef] guild :>
Is the player base THAT dead???
I make PvP & WvW videos
Is the player base THAT dead???
1. a lot of players already got wings so no motivation
2. pvp kind of sucks atm (MM, balance yada yada) and certain hyped game just came out so many sailed over there
3. high division always had long queues, especially at begin of the season
[Teef] guild :>
Queue in prime time (8 pm), they are 15-30min. Gets pretty bad at late evening – i just don’t bother anymore when it gets late.
[Teef] guild :>
1 hour? C’mon arenanet….
I make PvP & WvW videos
The problem is that the player base is dwindling AND high level players are cycling back through the ranks on f2p accounts.
So, not only are the high end queues empty, but the low end queues are invaded by people exploiting being way below there skill level. In doing so, I think they are also driving away most of the pve players that got pulled to the tournament.
Long queues>Less players decide to queue>queues become longer>more players stop queuing> and so on.
Congratulations ArenaNet, great that you force everyone to queue from Heart of the Mist, and great that you created the PvP Leagues (they have clearly been a massive success). And thank you for endlessly kittening up the game after it was pretty kitten decent.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
The problem is that the player base is dwindling AND high level players are cycling back through the ranks on f2p accounts.
So, not only are the high end queues empty, but the low end queues are invaded by people exploiting being way below there skill level. In doing so, I think they are also driving away most of the pve players that got pulled to the tournament.
No, see this post:
Is the player base THAT dead???
1. a lot of players already got wings so no motivation
2. pvp kind of sucks atm (MM, balance yada yada) and certain hyped game just came out so many sailed over there
3. high division always had long queues, especially at begin of the season
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Why the game don’t just add player to lower division match? is that unfair? well, add a fictitious ruby icon to that player at the end, no one will notice.
Edited to use word Fictitious, the other word is banned for some strange reason.
(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)
Why are you surprised by this? There’s no reason to play ranked once you get to legend because there’s a safety net and you can’t drop below a certain division once you reach it.
I don’t know about you guys, but my queues are all below 1 minute, but I moved on to a certain shooter, so that may be the reason.
Anyways, the sole idea of being ‘stuck’ in the bleakest, most daunting, disheartening and dreadful map ArenaNet ever designed, a shameful title that has fallen upon Heart of the Mists to hold, for so long is a terrible testament to how horrible GW2’s PvP currently is.
Anyone who tried playing it in the past weeks knows well the overwhelming sense of impending doom that permeates PvP today. It’s basically as bad as it was during off-season unranked times, but worse, with less people willing to play, tired of the never-changing, stagnant environment of the broken e-sports dreams.
(edited by leman.7682)
No reason to play when class balance sux balls. So much cheese its not even fun. Also as mentioned many ppl got wings already, pretty much the only reason for many people to bother with this kitten called “pvp”.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Why the game don’t just add player to lower division match? is that unfair? well, add a fictitious ruby icon to that player at the end, no one will notice.
Edited to use word Fictitious, the other word is banned for some strange reason.
Ha, I love this idea. Take all the people that are left in the game and move them all up to higher divisions, why not. winning is mostly about luck anyways so they might as well
Or they could make pvp the same way it is in gw1 and completely remove matchmaking altogether and just let it all be random, AND separate team players and solo players. I think it’d work. It definitely couldn’t make it any worse.
We got class balance issues.
Temp PVP players having a poor time, getting the stuff they need for legendary (Backpack) and backing out.
People who rushed hard to legendary and higher tiers where no one else is at the moment.
High teir players cycling back through the leagues on low-tier accounts making it a nightmare to raise division range.
And the million dollar one. 50/50 win rate. Remember all those people charging through the forums parading their “If you’re at a 50/50 win rate that’s where you should be, leagues aren’t a reward track!”
Well this is what happens when people settle in their divisions and can’t/don’t/won’t move their way up in tiers. There just aren’t enough (High Tier) players to support higher tier divisions. The legendary backpack was a great motivator, till people started finishing it.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast