Blackwater (PU) vs Mantra, help?

Blackwater (PU) vs Mantra, help?

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m probably going to get scolded for this, but on my mesmer I run a PU build as the suitability and damage has been so helpful in pvp I can hold my own against most builds. And then theres my signature nightmare in pvp, the mantra.

Mantra is one of the few builds that really wall my mesmer, and in general, I seem to struggle the most fighting against other mesmers due to all the clones. Is it possible for a PU mesmer to outpace a mantra build?

Blackwater (PU) vs Mantra, help?

in PvP

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


Firstly, this should be in the mesmer forums. You will get a lot more constructive criticism there on this topic.

On pu, you should be able to slice through a mantra mes. Mainly because a mantra mes gives off obvious signs of how it is fairing in a battle, just look at the mantra charges and interrupt them as they try to charge them. However a really good mantra mes who knows what they are doing are tough to take down, especially if they are running a condi/defense build because they can cover their charging with various skills.

Overall you need to know what kind of mantra mes they are, damage/condi/tank and then fight based on that. On pu focus on using all your condi bursting techniques on a tank, however keep it steady for a damage/condi is what I find works best (coming from a condi/tank mantra mes perspective)

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Blackwater (PU) vs Mantra, help?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


What’s the point of PU mesmer in pvp? No seriously…it’s one of the most unuseful specs ever seen in tournaments, can’t literally do kitten…can’t kill ppl 1v1 in decent amount of time (Well once it’s clear a mesmer is running pu crap you can just sit on point and it will take forever to kill you if you just clean up condis not trying to fight him back, no point on fighting back anyway cause he permastealths and you get the point too), can’t defend points, can’t even contest…the only use for dat that comes to my mind it’s stealth ressing or stomping someone…maybe…

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

Blackwater (PU) vs Mantra, help?

in PvP

Posted by: Helly.2597


What’s the point of PU mesmer in pvp? No seriously…it’s one of the most unuseful specs ever seen in tournaments, can’t literally do kitten…can’t kill ppl 1v1 in decent amount of time (Well once it’s clear a mesmer is running pu crap you can just sit on point and it will take forever to kill you if you just clean up condis not trying to fight him back, no point on fighting back anyway cause he permastealths and you get the point too), can’t defend points, can’t even contest…the only use for dat that comes to my mind it’s stealth ressing or stomping someone…maybe…

Doesn’t have access to stability so can’t do those well either. PU is simply a spec that makes the user feel like they’re achieving something valuable while not actually giving the team anything.

On a note to the OP, I personally think PU isn’t going to work well in the longrun for a player. If you’re looking for a spec that isn’t shatter mesmer and still gives some good survivability, I would recommend Countless’ build. (A bit outdated but or a chaotic interruption build, which would be 4 4 6 0 0 running staff/gs and utilities being decoy (or null field), MoD, and blink.

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