Bunker comps

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230



The problem you’ll run into in forcing a 3 split is how infrequently they have to do it. There’s the beginning of the match you can force a 3 split until they have a 1 cap. Other than that they only need to on Kylo while treb is up and Temple while buffs are up. They will never have to 3 split on Foefire, unless they allow the opposing team to get 350. They never have to 3 split on forest after they have a 1 cap.

Vs their 2 split as long as they match up correctly they’ll probably outlast you, or at least last long enough that the respawn timer is irrelevant.

Even when they don’t match up correctly they can still last long enough that it’s punishing to the game score even if you win the fight.

It takes 3 near perfect games to beat this comp when yours isn’t bunkery. Whereas for them their comp is very forgiving on their own mistakes, and honestly doesn’t put them in a position to make many since they have less rotating than a non-bunkery comp.

The reason they have to rotate less is because the ele/guardiĆ”n builds do similar things, and running dual warriors is similar too, Apex was running two hambows. Because the builds are so effective and similar this eliminates or reduces the time on potential rotations you’d make for a 2 split.

If you’d need a hambow on one of your 2 caps, it’s probably there already. If you’d need a support on a point it’s probably already there.

Conceptually the best counter I can think of for a comp that isn’t that bunkery is a warrior, Guardian, thief, thief/Mesmer, and variable non-squishy. You’d have to abuse the mobility of two thieves or thief and smart portal play in order to scew the numbers in your favor long enough to ko 1 of the 2 supports in a timely manner, then ko the Ranger or hambow with a 2v1 in the next 20 or so seconds to beat out the rotation. All this while hoping your other 2 can stay up long enough against a 2v3 that your thief can get back to them.

There’s obviously a lot of micro analysis that can be done in regard to playing each match up, but at a macro level this comp requires you to build specifically to counter it or run it in order beat it currently.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbo.2845


Which is exactly why we need different game modes. I’m certain we’ll have a chance to see a more varied meta if that happens.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


What can you even do to stop bunkers?

Anet for some, I’m sure unforgivable reason, decided to not separate PvE from PvP in the sequel to the only MMORPG to ever do it, and is what made that game so great.

Give it a rest. They could have but they didn’t. Crying about it isn’t going to suddenly change their mind especially now that they have to keep track of PvP, PvE and China. So how about working within the current reality and not living in fantasyland of guild wars 1.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Follidus.8027


I’ll just say this about bunker comps, as this has always been my opinion:

They’re generally easier to play than bursty comps because bursty comps NEED to have very good coordination to work. It’s not that bunker comps are better/worse than bursty comps, because really we don’t know. People tend to use bunker comps because they’re easier to do well with, and there hasn’t much incentive for people to not only make teams, but to practice enough to get the coordination needed to run a bursty comp.

So it gets back to the age-old issue that has plagued this game: things being too easy to play because they’re spammy. It’s not that ‘X’ is overpowered or underpowered, it’s that ‘X’ is too easy to play. I really wish people would understand this concept.

With that said, it’d probably be better for the game if healing stats were just taken out, and healing skills changed to not be usable on both yourself and allies.

Cause I ain’t perfect, I never said I was.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz
www.twitch.tv/Follidus – Team Absolute Legends

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Aaron.2413



The problem you’ll run into in forcing a 3 split is how infrequently they have to do it. There’s the beginning of the match you can force a 3 split until they have a 1 cap. Other than that they only need to on Kylo while treb is up and Temple while buffs are up. They will never have to 3 split on Foefire, unless they allow the opposing team to get 350. They never have to 3 split on forest after they have a 1 cap.

Vs their 2 split as long as they match up correctly they’ll probably outlast you, or at least last long enough that the respawn timer is irrelevant.

Even when they don’t match up correctly they can still last long enough that it’s punishing to the game score even if you win the fight.

It takes 3 near perfect games to beat this comp when yours isn’t bunkery. Whereas for them their comp is very forgiving on their own mistakes, and honestly doesn’t put them in a position to make many since they have less rotating than a non-bunkery comp.

The reason they have to rotate less is because the ele/guardiĆ”n builds do similar things, and running dual warriors is similar too, Apex was running two hambows. Because the builds are so effective and similar this eliminates or reduces the time on potential rotations you’d make for a 2 split.

If you’d need a hambow on one of your 2 caps, it’s probably there already. If you’d need a support on a point it’s probably already there.

Conceptually the best counter I can think of for a comp that isn’t that bunkery is a warrior, Guardian, thief, thief/Mesmer, and variable non-squishy. You’d have to abuse the mobility of two thieves or thief and smart portal play in order to scew the numbers in your favor long enough to ko 1 of the 2 supports in a timely manner, then ko the Ranger or hambow with a 2v1 in the next 20 or so seconds to beat out the rotation. All this while hoping your other 2 can stay up long enough against a 2v3 that your thief can get back to them.

There’s obviously a lot of micro analysis that can be done in regard to playing each match up, but at a macro level this comp requires you to build specifically to counter it or run it in order beat it currently.

It Should not be easy to beat this comp, and APeX is very good at it, at top tier, it should require people outplaying them. There comp is limited in the sense that a really good team could win just by out rotating them…. I just realized that there is in fact no way this comp will be nerfed…. its only a problem with top tier PvP, and wont affect anyone except the top five teams or so… No random 5 people are gonna be able to pick it up and be successful with it…. BEFORE someone says KPz was able to do that, realize that all this comp really needs is semi-basic rotations and some amount of mechanical skill, which KPz already possessed, KPz did however show that this comp could be picked up by just about any team that is good, and they could at least compete with it.. and they should have won with the thief advantage, they were just too new to the builds to beat APeX

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


all i see in EU soloQ is condimesmers, condi grenade engis or necros, sometimes hambow or condiwarrior

condis everywhere

dont know what bunkermeta you guyz here talking about but i dont see this – or you call this condibuilds bunkers?

just go mists and click on first 10-15 ppl and look what class they play – i bet more than 50% are mesmers engi or necro

sooo unfun

(edited by Romek.4201)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Backpack, thank you for your very insightful feedback. I do believe that top teams, with a little more practice against such a comp, will be able to more consistently beat it. It does require almost perfect execution, but there were clearly spurts during various games where Apex/Kpex were having the door slammed repeatedly in their faces. You guys had a great opening at Foefire. Caed’s thief play and Lonely’s rotations nearly won them the game on Khylo. KPex themselves were, at times, dominating with the thief advantage, but had just a few near misses (not decapping by 1 tick, etc).

There were also a few mechanical strats that people were missing against builds such as staff ele. Thieves were front-loading their burst and wasting steal, rather than saving it to interrupt stab-covered ether renewal/res-glyph. The ele res-glyph should NEVER EVER EVER finish casting, ever (it is a 3.25s channel). There wasn’t enough focus-fire on staff eles. They have a few “tricks” to stave off the flow (static field, earth line, chill field, burning retreat), but after those CD’s are used up they are sitting ducks. Many teams switched targets too early. Many teams weren’t coordinating burst and cc to dive in on a target. There wasn’t often a lot of downed body pressure when Apex went to group heal. TP back in the day eventually made teams give-up on ressing b/c they would just bring so much cleave that it was suicide.

Also, I am sure that TCG would dismantle this comp if given a few games against it. I hope that Outplayed/GF/Lonely/etc. can keep at it and show everyone the light in NA next tourney.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Inscrutable.8347


lol people really hate Apex. I think the phrase goes “hatas gonna hate”

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Blood Lord.5687

Blood Lord.5687

1st off who are You? troll? oh. Just OH. Secondly, I had to grab a tissue or two because I simply could not contain the tears rolling down my face from reading your post. Absolutely hysterical.

I’m not convinced you even watched the games from Saturday. Aeroxe is the thief from Elusive. Furthermore the things you’re suggesting for Ender to do to “help” against Apex are some of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen written on these forums, and believe me these forums have seen some kitten.

You should stop, you’re embarrassing yourself and your guild.

Listen to this man, he is the most fabulous canadian NA.

Ozie expects me to remember the thief from the losing team, who didn’t even make it to finals! :O pls.

Majestic Royales ~ Champion Illusionist (R80)
Apex Prime [ApeX] , BlackGate

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: hehk.8705


There are many EU teams who play with 2-3 Burst classes, these teams will just destroy any bunker comp because they can just 1v2 a guy get to the other side of the map instantly and 1v2 again, bunker comp is not even good in EU.

But wouldn’t it just take a comp with a thief to keep it 5v4 vs that apex comp? I mean where’s the mobility?

This is why 55HP monks easily beat Apex prime in a bo3. OH WAIT, they lost 2 of their games against Apex because Apex out bunkered them.

My experience with EU is you have 2 strong teams, TCG and 55HP Monks, the rest are just as good as NA. The only difference is they are full of a kittened level of patriotism for Europe.

Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Blood Lord.5687

Blood Lord.5687

responding to aeoroxe….

Ok here we go… You clearly made a list, good for you.To which is how should I put it, word of the week. Kitten. You forgot I was replying to ender, since after all he was the one who created this post. So therefore I was speaking to him directly, So if he was singled out, oh well.
When I main Mesmer, of course I would be paying attention to the player who so happens to be playing Mesmer, its like the quarterback of a football team watching a game on tv, he’s not gonna be watching the line backers movements. He’s going to be watching The quarterback and see what he was doing.
And then you expect someone to remember who you are? as if you matter dude, you are the thief from the losing team. No one is going to remember you. Funny how tourneys are huh? You can stay mad though, doesn’t bother me much.
I mean you can lead hoarse to water, doesn’t mean the beast will drink it. Helping someone and enlightening someone is two different things. Which by the way how your teammates respond to my posts, seems like they would rather starve themselves from good advice. So be it.
Furthermore Regardless of the last few pages of people attempting to clear the air on whether or not this is a QQ post. IT still is, Loser of a losing team right after a tourney complains about a team comp he couldn’t beat. So classic. sigh… then you are over there trying to defend ender and your team mates. Which is understandable and more to power to you. I’m fully aware its a team game and you guys chose a glass Mesmer as you thought it might be able to defeat apex. But like I’ve said, it didn’t. To which I gave various other ways of Mesmer. Shatter isn’t the only thing a Mesmer is good for. And the Mesmer isn’t the problem with the comp, which THEN You expected me to deconstruct you team comp, to which you did it for yourself. 2 engis… Idgaf about your engis dude. I’m the Mesmer. kitten
Lastly Warriors are frontline, They certainly aren’t backline. The fact that you are trying to disagree with me shows your incompetence as a MMMORPG player. and just shows how little you really understand this game. Every game has frontline, if you decide to not believe in that crucial and ever so real part of the game then your screwing yourself over. Which you did. luls.
Mesmer’s are scholar classes, hence known as a mage, mages have the option todo many a things, mainly being a source of extrememe dmg output, crowd control and or incredible support abilities. The fact that you continue to try and argue with me, again shows your ignorance.
Dude you have embarrassed yourself, so I wont say you reflect your guild. Because your the one responding with such nonsense. Your response shows no real logical or thought pattern to the game at hand. You are a soloq hero who thinks they know tpvp. From til this point, didn’t even know this game had a thing called frontline. You think one comp is going to win the game, you should learn to adapt to the game at hand. The meta is always changing, the fact you hump that $%*! like white on rice baffles me more.. Dude just stop while your ahead. Your getting absolutely no where with your irrational responses. L2P that’s is all from me! stay “kitten”

Majestic Royales ~ Champion Illusionist (R80)
Apex Prime [ApeX] , BlackGate

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Chaotic.9742


Such egos in this thread. Kids need to simmer down some.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: SgtJanitor.3164


Such egos in this thread. Kids need to simmer down some.

NA will always be filled with overbearing egos unfortunately…. It’s just the American way.


Authorized Shoutcaster for ArenaNet, ESL, and DPS

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Nemiros.3590


Most of the people in apex are known trolls, just disregard their comments.

I literally fell asleep watching the finals and woke up at 4:00am not really caring who won. I expected that was how it was gonna end. Yes, NA proved to be the boring region. Yes NA cheeses to win.

What I really hate is that this game has nothing to show for if youre good or not… People know you through the community and the word spreads who is good and who isnt, so prestige is what counts. The finals got no prestige to the winner and second place, if anything they lost it. no one is congratulating them on their skill. So congratulations on your legendary? your bunker skills are amazing?

Thx for the nap.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


responding to aeoroxe….

Ok here we go… You clearly made a list, good for you.To which is how should I put it, word of the week. Kitten. You forgot I was replying to ender, since after all he was the one who created this post. So therefore I was speaking to him directly, So if he was singled out, oh well.
When I main Mesmer, of course I would be paying attention to the player who so happens to be playing Mesmer, its like the quarterback of a football team watching a game on tv, he’s not gonna be watching the line backers movements. He’s going to be watching The quarterback and see what he was doing.
And then you expect someone to remember who you are? as if you matter dude, you are the thief from the losing team. No one is going to remember you. Funny how tourneys are huh? You can stay mad though, doesn’t bother me much.
I mean you can lead hoarse to water, doesn’t mean the beast will drink it. Helping someone and enlightening someone is two different things. Which by the way how your teammates respond to my posts, seems like they would rather starve themselves from good advice. So be it.
Furthermore Regardless of the last few pages of people attempting to clear the air on whether or not this is a QQ post. IT still is, Loser of a losing team right after a tourney complains about a team comp he couldn’t beat. So classic. sigh… then you are over there trying to defend ender and your team mates. Which is understandable and more to power to you. I’m fully aware its a team game and you guys chose a glass Mesmer as you thought it might be able to defeat apex. But like I’ve said, it didn’t. To which I gave various other ways of Mesmer. Shatter isn’t the only thing a Mesmer is good for. And the Mesmer isn’t the problem with the comp, which THEN You expected me to deconstruct you team comp, to which you did it for yourself. 2 engis… Idgaf about your engis dude. I’m the Mesmer. kitten
Lastly Warriors are frontline, They certainly aren’t backline. The fact that you are trying to disagree with me shows your incompetence as a MMMORPG player. and just shows how little you really understand this game. Every game has frontline, if you decide to not believe in that crucial and ever so real part of the game then your screwing yourself over. Which you did. luls.
Mesmer’s are scholar classes, hence known as a mage, mages have the option todo many a things, mainly being a source of extrememe dmg output, crowd control and or incredible support abilities. The fact that you continue to try and argue with me, again shows your ignorance.
Dude you have embarrassed yourself, so I wont say you reflect your guild. Because your the one responding with such nonsense. Your response shows no real logical or thought pattern to the game at hand. You are a soloq hero who thinks they know tpvp. From til this point, didn’t even know this game had a thing called frontline. You think one comp is going to win the game, you should learn to adapt to the game at hand. The meta is always changing, the fact you hump that $%*! like white on rice baffles me more.. Dude just stop while your ahead. Your getting absolutely no where with your irrational responses. L2P that’s is all from me! stay “kitten”

It’s pretty clear that you are immune to everything except your own voice, and will only stand by your own interpretations. You severely lack empathy by sticking only to how you see the world, and even more sadly, you lack just overall maturity. You need to calm down and grow up.

I agree however that you do have a point concerning singling out Ender because you main mesmer and I know some people turn off Blu’s casting. I did not consider this and thus apologize.

I’m taking my leave.

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

(edited by Aeroxe.8140)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: ghaleon.2861


Tanky dps vs Zeker dps it’s not balanced, and Anet after 2 years can’t see it.

Onesixty IQ Genius[Mesmer]
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


Such egos in this thread. Kids need to simmer down some.

But forum pvp is the best kind of pvp.

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: KarinaCO.6948


Let me be the 1st to say and certainly not the last, IF I may say so myself, Ender you are the epitome of an excellent Shatter Mesmer worth being called a Champion Illusionist. You excel above and beyond many others, BUT after your performance in that tourney , it was sub par to say the least. You want to call yourself an illusionist, you have so many utility skills and traits at your disposal. For starters; null field, staff instead of GS, mantra of resolve, mantra of concentration, mirror of anguish trait, healing phantasms, healing mantras, time warp, feedback. But instead You chose the glassiest spec possible. Playing shatter is fun and it deals great bursts.
I know off hand not being able to just burst someone can be frustrating but that doesn’t mean your enemy is cheesing because they chose more survivability than you did. They played it smart as you didn’t. You took blink decoy and portal and moa(which when you did use your elite[which seemed out of panic], your team failed to capitalize on that skill) which is, lets face it, extremely standard. The spec you ran allows you be hard to catch while still maintaining consistent damage, but when that damage is mitigated how did that work for you?
Being a champion (anything) means soo much more than just being able to play high skill cap (blank), you could’ve easily Retraited/Respec’d between matches or even before the match itself to allow yourself more survivability. Granit the match might not be as “Fun” because you didn’t 80-0 someone…. But rewards/stakes were high and some people chose a much safer approach. AND nothing is wrong with that.
Being a tpvp player yourself, you should’ve picked up on what others were doing, playing it safe. You lacked personal condition clear for 1 and you basically brought nothing to team fights, other than boonstrips because people were a bit tankier than you had anticipated.


For a long time Ele in general was and has been swept under the rug, no tpvp teams even touched Ele besides ApeX. This game lacks a dedicated support class, so Anet broke support amongst all the classes which are favored between Guardian and Staff Ele. Staff ele isn’t cheese, it has an extremely high skill cap to master and this tourney just proves the “viableness” of a good ele in all its forms. Mesmer is a mage too and has great support utility as well. You chose not to use those utilities which is a click away.

If you think playing 1 way of a class will guarantee you a win, you are dead wrong & if you think because that spec didn’t work it’s automatically other peoples fault, your wrong again.

2 warriors is front line, which is an important aspect of the game, for PvE, WvW and PvP. The healing signit was previously nerfed, so they aren’t bunker. celestial amulet, Zerker amulet and soldier. You got focused and outplayed, you didn’t have the sustain to keep on fighting. You Chose a glass spec. Lastly Instead of saying another comp is cheese cause they beat you to the punch line through well played fights. Instead of trying to deconstruct the winners comp, maybe you should look at your own teams comp and therein lies the problem(s).

There’s just so much ignorance, malice, and general stupidity in this post that I don’t even know where to start. This is a team game, and Ender was playing well in the tournament of legends. You cannot single him out and place Elusive’s loss on his behalf. Honestly, it seems like you are trolling, because I refuse to believe that really anyone can be this…well….I’ll just pretend I didn’t read this.



Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Willson.8170


responding to aeoroxe….

Ok here we go… You clearly made a list, good for you.To which is how should I put it, word of the week. Kitten. You forgot I was replying to ender, since after all he was the one who created this post. So therefore I was speaking to him directly, So if he was singled out, oh well.
When I main Mesmer, of course I would be paying attention to the player who so happens to be playing Mesmer, its like the quarterback of a football team watching a game on tv, he’s not gonna be watching the line backers movements. He’s going to be watching The quarterback and see what he was doing.
And then you expect someone to remember who you are? as if you matter dude, you are the thief from the losing team. No one is going to remember you. Funny how tourneys are huh? You can stay mad though, doesn’t bother me much.
I mean you can lead hoarse to water, doesn’t mean the beast will drink it. Helping someone and enlightening someone is two different things. Which by the way how your teammates respond to my posts, seems like they would rather starve themselves from good advice. So be it.
Furthermore Regardless of the last few pages of people attempting to clear the air on whether or not this is a QQ post. IT still is, Loser of a losing team right after a tourney complains about a team comp he couldn’t beat. So classic. sigh… then you are over there trying to defend ender and your team mates. Which is understandable and more to power to you. I’m fully aware its a team game and you guys chose a glass Mesmer as you thought it might be able to defeat apex. But like I’ve said, it didn’t. To which I gave various other ways of Mesmer. Shatter isn’t the only thing a Mesmer is good for. And the Mesmer isn’t the problem with the comp, which THEN You expected me to deconstruct you team comp, to which you did it for yourself. 2 engis… Idgaf about your engis dude. I’m the Mesmer. kitten
Lastly Warriors are frontline, They certainly aren’t backline. The fact that you are trying to disagree with me shows your incompetence as a MMMORPG player. and just shows how little you really understand this game. Every game has frontline, if you decide to not believe in that crucial and ever so real part of the game then your screwing yourself over. Which you did. luls.
Mesmer’s are scholar classes, hence known as a mage, mages have the option todo many a things, mainly being a source of extrememe dmg output, crowd control and or incredible support abilities. The fact that you continue to try and argue with me, again shows your ignorance.
Dude you have embarrassed yourself, so I wont say you reflect your guild. Because your the one responding with such nonsense. Your response shows no real logical or thought pattern to the game at hand. You are a soloq hero who thinks they know tpvp. From til this point, didn’t even know this game had a thing called frontline. You think one comp is going to win the game, you should learn to adapt to the game at hand. The meta is always changing, the fact you hump that $%*! like white on rice baffles me more.. Dude just stop while your ahead. Your getting absolutely no where with your irrational responses. L2P that’s is all from me! stay “kitten”

1. Please when making a post try to keep it constructive instead of insulting my teammates, it does indeed reflect poorly on you and I hope you would realize the irony of ME giving you advice on how to act politely.

2. Your opinion on what i should have run was to say the least sub optimal, shatter was the only spec to bring to the plate against that team because of boon removal. Whether null field was better than blink or decoy will remain undetermined.

3. My post, if you bothered to read it was about sustain comps. Sustain comps are broken in many ways, to say the least at a high level they require a enormous amount of effort and coordination TO BEAT that no NA team currently possesses while requiring semi-decent knowledge on rotations and mechanics. If you want to argue that point I challenge you to run both sides of the coin and see which one is easier

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Willson.8170


4. I regard you post as a troll, and a bad one at that. Not only did you personally insult Aero, one of the best thief’s NA calling him “a bad soloquer” but you also rubbed in the fact that we lost. You obviously know nothing about me and my team when i say I cherish losses in that it teaches us to become good players. You never win, without losing. LET ME emphasize the point that I was actually surprised at how far we made it and considering who we went up against in the final 8 we did fine. And for our comp, we ran mez thief double engi because that all anyone played, it wasn’t some comp we though would “beat apex”. We pulled the group together literally 1 day before signups ended.

5. Insulting someone and his team on a personal and mechanical level shows a lack of self control and reflects poorly on you and your guild. As for yourself, I have 0 clue who you are and have never seen you in a any major tournament or tpvp match.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: KarinaCO.6948


4. I regard you post as a troll, and a bad one at that. Not only did you personally insult Aero, one of the best thief’s NA calling him “a bad soloquer” but you also rubbed in the fact that we lost. You obviously know nothing about me and my team when i say I cherish losses in that it teaches us to become good players. You never win, without losing. LET ME emphasize the point that I was actually surprised at how far we made it and considering who we went up against in the final 8 we did fine. And for our comp, we ran mez thief double engi because that all anyone played, it wasn’t some comp we though would “beat apex”. We pulled the group together literally 1 day before signups ended.

5. Insulting someone and his team on a personal and mechanical level shows a lack of self control and reflects poorly on you and your guild. As for yourself, I have 0 clue who you are and have never seen you in a any major tournament or tpvp match.

He’s a hotjoin espahts #1 mesmer africa/europe/multiverse obviously.


Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: DiamondMeteor.8345


And I’m delightfully reminded on why so many people I used to Tpvp with left the game a year ago.

Ranger / Revenant – Crystal Desert

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

First off, I would just like to say that I completely agree with Ender.

I believe ArenaNet needs to promote more balanced builds; not ones that turtle around holding nodes, not ones that do insane burst, and not ridiculously tanky ones.

They need to place more focus on rolls that require sacrifice to attain effectiveness. Currently, specs like Hambow warrior sacrifice very little to gain A LOT. (I think a lot of this has to do with the way might stacking works, and how it gives classes access to both condi and power.)

Unfortunately, I feel like some of the combat mechanics allow players to run more forgiving builds that are still highly effective in the upper tiers of PvP (not to say that these teams couldn’t play with a high risk build at a high level).

I believe that there is a very serious issue with how risk is rewarded in this game. Players who are running more glassy builds have their potential reward taken away when extremely tanky builds can put out as much or more pressure on them in return. The whole strategy of a bursty comp is to be able to put pressure on the other team to kill them quickly. But that strategy is negated by some of the builds we have today because they do not require sacrificing defense.

I think a lot of these issues are rooted in the Conquest game mode.

Just my 2 cents.

(edited by Elegant Avenger.8042)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: hehk.8705


Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


much shots such fired

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Prophet.1038


Just wanted to Add this : kitten asuras. I could barely see the animations. Pls anet make asuras bigger or no more asuras in pvp tournaments.

Back to topic: We shouldn’t blame APeX for using the bunker comp to their advantage, hell it works and they won the tournament. There needs to be restrictions for the next upcoming tournaments, no double class + asura crap IMO, pls anet fix ur game.

I want to actually enjoy watching these tournaments.

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom

(edited by Prophet.1038)

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


There are many EU teams who play with 2-3 Burst classes, these teams will just destroy any bunker comp because they can just 1v2 a guy get to the other side of the map instantly and 1v2 again, bunker comp is not even good in EU.

But wouldn’t it just take a comp with a thief to keep it 5v4 vs that apex comp? I mean where’s the mobility?

This is why 55HP monks easily beat Apex prime in a bo3. OH WAIT, they lost 2 of their games against Apex because Apex out bunkered them.

My experience with EU is you have 2 strong teams, TCG and 55HP Monks, the rest are just as good as NA. The only difference is they are full of a kittened level of patriotism for Europe.

Hehk man there’s a reason EU players are scoffing at this warrior QQ.. also you know the difference playing across regions can make to evading warriors

PS: weds we’ll have a session EU if you’re game, maybe with a bunker or two this time ^^

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)