Can We Delete Reaper?
Let’s delete every class that rustles someone’s jimmies.
Can we delete Reaper from the game? Just too much.
You mean its so bad you can’t handle it?
…or maybe you mean you’re sick of constant chills, fears and stuns?
(edited by Morwath.9817)
He’s an engi, just kite the reaper and he can’t do crap. Probably going to lose the point but at least you won’t die.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
No, they aren’t going to delete Reaper.
However, your irritation and lack of desire to adapt to something new has been filed in the appropriate bin marked TrashFeedback.
Thank you for contributing.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
People started to fear the reaper. Thats new
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
People started to fear the reaper. Thats new
They did back in beta. Then Scrapper came along.
What’s up?
Can no longer CC lock Necro and gotta put a fight?
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
What’s up?
Can no longer CC lock Necro and gotta put a fight?
Exactly, reaper got stab.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
What’s up?
Can no longer CC lock Necro and gotta put a fight?
Exactly, reaper got stab.
And useful shroud for power spec.
Despite how Life Blast was good due to homing system, in close quarters it was nothing more than safety for Healing and other skill recharge.
Reaper is a very good spec – gap closer, stab and close combat damage.
No longer there is a need to kite certain classes, like Hammer or Skullcrack warriors, or knockback/knockdown engis.
And it’s funny, because it seems that most “pvp” people expect to be always at least one step ahead of someone else in build spec matter of course.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
We shouldn’t just Delete Reapers… having said that though:
The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.
Its not about skill at that point.
further more, the lack of CC affects on the class IS annoying. Maybe Anet should review CC mechanics in earnest instead of just making them superfluous towards a specific class to sell HOT.
An lastly i see A LOT of contrived points premised around primed language to elicit an emotional response instead of pursuing the conversation rationally. Name calling and trolling proves to me that the player base exploiting these effects are aware of their power and don’t want to surrender their one hit I WIN button.
“The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.”
Sounds like you are moaning about sigils rather than the class. 99% of application is active.
whats wrong Bob? cc lock no workarino?
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
“The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.”
Sounds like you are moaning about sigils rather than the class. 99% of application is active.
Yeah, it’s like saying Revenants, Elementalists, and Engineers cause poison and chill passively. They don’t, of course.
We shouldn’t just Delete Reapers… having said that though:
The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.
Its not about skill at that point.
further more, the lack of CC affects on the class IS annoying. Maybe Anet should review CC mechanics in earnest instead of just making them superfluous towards a specific class to sell HOT.
An lastly i see A LOT of contrived points premised around primed language to elicit an emotional response instead of pursuing the conversation rationally. Name calling and trolling proves to me that the player base exploiting these effects are aware of their power and don’t want to surrender their one hit I WIN button.
What passive reaper skills cause poison and chill? And are you saying reaper doesn’t have enough CC? Or too much?
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Reaper is pretty balanced now, after having received the most nerfs since HoT launch out of any of the elite specs.
If your issue is constant boon corrupt, then complain about the signet trait, which is part of core necro. If your issue is rampant condition spam, it might be the on-swap sigils.
Imo the olny thing that deserver nerfs is scrappy, dh and maybe druids. Reaper is fine in current state and they are still easy to cc as always when they leave shroud. Complaining about reaper is l2p issue honestly. Its really not as kittenome people trying to make it out to be.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
“The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.”
Sounds like you are moaning about sigils rather than the class. 99% of application is active.
Uh there is no poison sigil in pvp mate… stop using straw man attacks =/
I’m simply stating the Reaper build is superior to the original set of skills. we should recognize this as intentional, instead Anet of earnestly reviewing CC chains. they wanted to ensure the reaper build could retain a victim with out relying on the players ability. when i play reaper i hardly have to pay attention to win.
There is still a lot of emotional statements being made.
Amenity of the internet, of course, feeds the unjustified indignation.
We shouldn’t just Delete Reapers… having said that though:
The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.
Its not about skill at that point.
further more, the lack of CC affects on the class IS annoying. Maybe Anet should review CC mechanics in earnest instead of just making them superfluous towards a specific class to sell HOT.
An lastly i see A LOT of contrived points premised around primed language to elicit an emotional response instead of pursuing the conversation rationally. Name calling and trolling proves to me that the player base exploiting these effects are aware of their power and don’t want to surrender their one hit I WIN button.
The scepter AA inflict poison but you need to reach the 3 chain of the AA to inflict it. Then you can inflict poison with staff skill 3, corrosive poison cloud, the signet and with RS skill 4 (in combo with poison cloud inflict a Lot of poison). Then there’s the sigil that when you swap weapon make your next attack inflict poison but more or less there’s not a single necro using it why the necro can still inflict a lot of poison without it (and if you think it’s Op you can use it by yourself, it’s an old sigili, totally free to use without spend a copper). Ten there can be other skills and utilities that active it. But, just say, it’s more or less all considerated an Active Game Play, not a passive. (to inflict poison vith the scepter AA you ant to inflict it, why there’s a lot of other skills you can use/active instead of wait for the AA chain, unles you’re really out of skills.
But about the RS, only the skill 4 inflict Poison and that’s called Active Game Play, why you need to active that skill.
Chill can be inflicted by weapon swap with the sigil (you can also take it if you think it’s OP), then it’s all related to Active Gameplay. Staff skill 3 (and 5 with fear), the utility shout that inflict chill and send a condition, elite shout, RS skill 5 (also in combo with RS4 for chill projectiles), fear with RS3 and Spectral Grasp. You can also use the sigil that inflict 2 sec of chill when hit qith a 30%chance (with 10 sec of CD).
Then there’s the boon corruption. Regen become poison (not totally shure) and resistence become chill.
More or less, excluding the sigil of poison and the 2 of chill (that you can obtain free if you think they’re strong), it’s all an Active Game Play if you want to stack poison and chill.
In RS AA there’s not a single skill to inflict poison or chill, only poisoning with the AA3 of scepter or chill with the AA3 of GS (that more or less no one is able to land if the enemy move a step away)
He’s an engi, just kite the reaper and he can’t do crap. Probably going to lose the point but at least you won’t die.
I’ve been cleaning everyone’s clocks on my engineer. reaper is something I will never fear.
this pal just needs to L2P and stop scrubbing out.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Uh there is no poison sigil in pvp mate… stop using straw man attacks =/
Try again. Sigil of Doom. Poison on next attack after weapon swap.
“The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.”
Sounds like you are moaning about sigils rather than the class. 99% of application is active.Uh there is no poison sigil in pvp mate… stop using straw man attacks =/
Im not attacking you im just pointing out that you are wrong.
Also there is a poison sigil in PvP. Have you never heard of sigil of doom?
My point still stands the only real “passive” come from sigils that are available to everyone. 99% of application comes from active abilities. Silv summed it up well minus a few things.
(edited by Sigmoid.7082)
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
Its certainly not fun to go against a reaper, in fact reaper is probably sitting at the top of the food chain in 1v1 matchups in conquest currently. Its also very dangerous when +1’ing in team fights.
Every conquest build is built focusing on a boarderline or outright broken element which typically translates to unfun to play against; hence all of the posts similar to OP’s on the forums.
While I do enjoy the new spec’s and traits and the freshness they bring in something new to experiment and play with, I sorely miss one of the core design philosophies of the dev team in the past: “Hole in roles.” They certainly didn’t have that concept nailed across all classes at the time, but the goal was sound in principle: no single class should be able to do everything well. Its the weaknesses and trade-offs that come with being strong in another aspect that make the game more interesting. The strengths/weakness trade off creates space for situational counterplay or strategies to emerge. Alternatively, if builds that are good in all situations in conquest largely remove this type of minute-to-minute counterplay – and these are the types of builds that have been dominant for a long time now.
Anyway, imo, I’d like to see the dev’s take another pass at chill on the reaper. Chill increases cds on all skills, impairs movement and also does damage. Reaper can quickly apply very long duration chill which ticks for in that 600 – 900 range. Personally, I’d like to see the dev’s make a choice and either reduce the application and duration or reduce the damage component.
(edited by Naix.8156)
“The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.”
Sounds like you are moaning about sigils rather than the class. 99% of application is active.Uh there is no poison sigil in pvp mate… stop using straw man attacks =/
Im not attacking you im just pointing out that you are wrong.
Also there is a poison sigil in PvP. Have you never heard of sigil of doom?
My point still stands the only real “passive” come from sigils that are available to everyone. 99% of application comes from active abilities. Silv summed it up well minus a few things.
Fair point, cant argue about the poison; I’ll acquiesce.
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
What is Toxic Chill? I’ve been a Necro main since head start and haven’t seen this ability on the class.
And yes, Reapers have a lot of ways to apply chill. It’s their main schtick! ANet said right off the bat that Reapers were designed to keep high Chill uptime.
So, if we’re complaining about something working exactly as it was designed to…
(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
- Deathly chill is the chill damage trait
- Bitter chill causes vulnerability when you cause chill
- Toxic chill….isnt even a thing?
- Chilling nova requires the target already be chilled and you to crit before it will work. Its hardly passive since you need to chill to continue chilling as well as either a trait, stat or sigil investment to crit.
- Shivers of dread means you have to fear your target, again unless you use a rune its all active play since all fear application is from active skills.
- Cold shoulder doesnt cause chill at makes it last longer, again you need to apply chill to see any benefit same as chilling nova.
- Chilling dark means you have to blind someone. Again all blinds come from active skills.
There is no “passive” application. You’re saying that because you can trait something else you do to cause chill the chill is passive but by definition thats not passive at all because you still have to do something to get the chill just more things cause it.
How very confusing. Passive is more like adaptive armour or guardian virtues passive effects, signets, etc etc
(edited by Sigmoid.7082)
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
What is Toxic Chill? I’ve been a Necro main since head start and haven’t seen this ability on the class.
And yes, Reapers have a lot of ways to apply chill. It’s their main schtick! ANet said right off the bat that Reapers were designed to keep high Chill uptime.
So, if we’re complaining about something working exactly as it was designed to…
oops mean Chilling sythe not toxic chill, good catch.
Chill up time renders any movement impairing duration reduction talents moot while increasing CD rate, reducing movement sped and causing a DOT.
i suppose i can see you’re point its not reaper… its chill that should be reviewed/balanced.
I’m not sure I gather why a class having a condition that doesn’t even do damage is that big of a deal. Especially since almost every class can remove conditions like crazy.
I’d be far more concerned if chill did damage, but as it is i’m not too concerned.
If you’re worried about chill, try to counter build against it i know it’s not the answer anyone wants to hear but really, counterbuilds ARE written up for a valid reason. Not everything that’s difficult to beat should be ripped from the game, it would be incredibly boring to PvP with little to no challenge or thought put into counterbuilds.
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
- Deathly chill is the chill damage trait
- Bitter chill causes vulnerability when you cause chill
- Toxic chill….isnt even a thing?
- Chilling nova requires the target already be chilled and you to crit before it will work. Its hardly passive since you need to chill to continue chilling as well as either a trait, stat or sigil investment to crit.
- Shivers of dread means you have to fear your target, again unless you use a rune its all active play since all fear application is from active skills.
- Cold shoulder doesnt cause chill at makes it last longer, again you need to apply chill to see any benefit same as chilling nova.
- Chilling dark means you have to blind someone. Again all blinds come from active skills.
There is no “passive” application. You’re saying that because you can trait something else you do to cause chill the chill is passive but by definition thats not passive at all because you still have to do something to get the chill just more things cause it.
How very confusing. Passive is more like adaptive armour or guardian virtues passive effects, signets, etc etc
i never said all of those were passive…. yet ANOTHER straw man to misconstrue what was stated.
i said “they all cause chill” which, you’re right, some of those don’t but rather buff chill.
try to stay off the straw man please. this is a discussion of interest not hate.
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
What is Toxic Chill? I’ve been a Necro main since head start and haven’t seen this ability on the class.
And yes, Reapers have a lot of ways to apply chill. It’s their main schtick! ANet said right off the bat that Reapers were designed to keep high Chill uptime.
So, if we’re complaining about something working exactly as it was designed to…
oops mean Chilling sythe not toxic chill, good catch.
Chill up time renders any movement impairing duration reduction talents moot while increasing CD rate, reducing movement sped and causing a DOT.
i suppose i can see you’re point its not reaper… its chill that should be reviewed/balanced.
Or you could L2P. Only significant source of chills in the game right now is Reaper, which has very well defined strengths (which can be avoided) and weaknesses (which can be exploited).
And it’s apparent you’ve been trying to beat them by simply trading blows. This doesn’t work so well, since that’s attacking them where they’re strongest.
I’m not sure I gather why a class having a condition that doesn’t even do damage is that big of a deal. Especially since almost every class can remove conditions like crazy.
I’d be far more concerned if chill did damage, but as it is i’m not too concerned.
If you’re worried about chill, try to counter build against it
i know it’s not the answer anyone wants to hear but really, counterbuilds ARE written up for a valid reason. Not everything that’s difficult to beat should be ripped from the game, it would be incredibly boring to PvP with little to no challenge or thought put into counterbuilds.
so my counter is the med pack (i know boo right?) because it has antidote. so i do have a counter though its no where near effective to really stand up against the chill applications of reaper.
Reaper chill stacks cause damage over time.
oops mean Chilling sythe not toxic chill, good catch.
Chill up time renders any movement impairing duration reduction talents moot while increasing CD rate, reducing movement sped and causing a DOT.
i suppose i can see you’re point its not reaper… its chill that should be reviewed/balanced.
Of course.
But after Burn only.
Which means – never :v
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
I’m not sure I gather why a class having a condition that doesn’t even do damage is that big of a deal. Especially since almost every class can remove conditions like crazy.
I’d be far more concerned if chill did damage, but as it is i’m not too concerned.
You seem pretty new to both the game and necro/reaper in general, so from the self-proclaimed friendliest mmo community let me say welcome to HoT.
Chill doing damage is possible since the expac:
Condi cleanse is now RNG. Necro/reaper can apply a lot of condis which actually makes it difficult to get the condi you want cleansed actually removed when you need it.
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
What is Toxic Chill? I’ve been a Necro main since head start and haven’t seen this ability on the class.
And yes, Reapers have a lot of ways to apply chill. It’s their main schtick! ANet said right off the bat that Reapers were designed to keep high Chill uptime.
So, if we’re complaining about something working exactly as it was designed to…
oops mean Chilling sythe not toxic chill, good catch.
Chill up time renders any movement impairing duration reduction talents moot while increasing CD rate, reducing movement sped and causing a DOT.
i suppose i can see you’re point its not reaper… its chill that should be reviewed/balanced.Or you could L2P. Only significant source of chills in the game right now is Reaper, which has very well defined strengths (which can be avoided) and weaknesses (which can be exploited).
And it’s apparent you’ve been trying to beat them by simply trading blows. This doesn’t work so well, since that’s attacking them where they’re strongest.
“L2P” tells me you are really aren’t here to discuss, just troll.
ad hominem attacks aren’t legitimate points AT ALL. Learn to contribute.
The chill attacks are LOS (line of sight). i think only two could be considered skill shots. its not about skill when you’re just ensuring there is no obstruction. so dodge can counter the chill attacks but not all of them.
you’re making it sound like i can just spam dodge and win. that is wholly a misrepresentation unless you’ve never really played and just don’t know (ad hominem sorry)
But your second point rings true. I’m not trying to remove the reapers abilities I’m interested in reviewing chill. maybe a new string is required.
(edited by No Man.4180)
I’m not sure I gather why a class having a condition that doesn’t even do damage is that big of a deal. Especially since almost every class can remove conditions like crazy.
I’d be far more concerned if chill did damage, but as it is i’m not too concerned.
You seem pretty new to both the game and necro/reaper in general, so from the self-proclaimed friendliest mmo community let me say welcome to HoT.
Chill doing damage is possible since the expac: cleanse is now RNG. Necro/reaper can apply a lot of condis which actually makes it difficult to get the condi you want cleansed actually removed when you need it.
Yet another ad hominem.
Appreciate your contrived point.
cant argue the rest of your post. yes ranger cleanse is awesome… warriors can also remove condis when executing there adrenaline attacks… which is equally moot in my original point of chill stacking.
Chill doing damage is possible since the expac: cleanse is now RNG. Necro/reaper can apply a lot of condis which actually makes it difficult to get the condi you want cleansed actually removed when you need it.
Not entirely true. Condition to Boon conversion (and boon→condition) is now RNG. Condition cleansing and transfers have been unchanged since launch
And yes, Deathly Chill does let Reapers deal damage with Chill This doesn’t happen in Power builds (they take either Blighter’s Boon or Reaper’s Onslaught), and not even the case in all condition builds either. Keep in mind that if someone other than the Reaper applies Chill, the Reaper’s damage gets halted. The same thing happens with Terror, but Chill is much more common than Fear.
Chill doing damage is possible since the expac: cleanse is now RNG. Necro/reaper can apply a lot of condis which actually makes it difficult to get the condi you want cleansed actually removed when you need it.
Not entirely true. Condition to Boon conversion (and boon->condition) is now RNG. Condition cleansing and transfers have been unchanged since launch
And yes, Deathly Chill does let Reapers deal damage with Chill This doesn’t happen in Power builds (they take either Blighter’s Boon or Reaper’s Onslaught), and not even the case in all condition builds either. Keep in mind that if someone other than the Reaper applies Chill, the Reaper’s damage gets halted. The same thing happens with Terror, but Chill is much more common than Fear.
^ this is a Fair point.
less troll more rational.
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
- Deathly chill is the chill damage trait
- Bitter chill causes vulnerability when you cause chill
- Toxic chill….isnt even a thing?
- Chilling nova requires the target already be chilled and you to crit before it will work. Its hardly passive since you need to chill to continue chilling as well as either a trait, stat or sigil investment to crit.
- Shivers of dread means you have to fear your target, again unless you use a rune its all active play since all fear application is from active skills.
- Cold shoulder doesnt cause chill at makes it last longer, again you need to apply chill to see any benefit same as chilling nova.
- Chilling dark means you have to blind someone. Again all blinds come from active skills.
There is no “passive” application. You’re saying that because you can trait something else you do to cause chill the chill is passive but by definition thats not passive at all because you still have to do something to get the chill just more things cause it.
How very confusing. Passive is more like adaptive armour or guardian virtues passive effects, signets, etc etc
i never said all of those were passive…. yet ANOTHER straw man to misconstrue what was stated.
i said “they all cause chill” which, you’re right, some of those don’t but rather buff chill.
try to stay off the straw man please. this is a discussion of interest not hate.
Again im just pointing out where you are wrong in your argumrnt stating that a) skills cause chill when they dont and b) they are passive when they arent. Your point was they cause it passively, which has been proven wrong, but the more i read your posts its chill you have a problem with. Construct your argument better. i.e chill is strong etc etc.
(edited by Sigmoid.7082)
Deathly chill, bitter chill, toxic chill, chilling nova, shivers of dread, cold shoulder and chilling darkness all cause chill…. not sure why everyone is using strawman to misconstrue the slew of chill effects available to reaper.
What is Toxic Chill? I’ve been a Necro main since head start and haven’t seen this ability on the class.
And yes, Reapers have a lot of ways to apply chill. It’s their main schtick! ANet said right off the bat that Reapers were designed to keep high Chill uptime.
So, if we’re complaining about something working exactly as it was designed to…
oops mean Chilling sythe not toxic chill, good catch.
Chill up time renders any movement impairing duration reduction talents moot while increasing CD rate, reducing movement sped and causing a DOT.
i suppose i can see you’re point its not reaper… its chill that should be reviewed/balanced.Or you could L2P. Only significant source of chills in the game right now is Reaper, which has very well defined strengths (which can be avoided) and weaknesses (which can be exploited).
And it’s apparent you’ve been trying to beat them by simply trading blows. This doesn’t work so well, since that’s attacking them where they’re strongest.
“L2P” tells me you are really aren’t here to discuss, just troll.
ad hominem attacks aren’t legitimate points AT ALL. Learn to contribute.
The chill attacks are LOS (line of sight). i think only two could be considered skill shots. its not about skill when you’re just ensuring there is no obstruction. so dodge can counter the chill attacks but not all of them.
you’re making it sound like i can just spam dodge and win. that is wholly a misrepresentation unless you’ve never really played and just don’t know (ad hominem sorry)But your second point rings true. I’m not trying to remove the reapers abilities I’m interested in reviewing chill. maybe a new string is required.
It’s called “range.” Reapers don’t have good range ability and the majority of their abilities are 600 range or less. Of the “you should dodge this” skills they will have, you’re looking at only Grasping Darkness (if they run Greatsword, many don’t) or Ghastly Claws (if they run Axe) or Feast of Corruption (Scepter) that have longer than 600 range.
CCing them when they drop shroud is also a method of exploiting their weaknesses. Like all Necro builds, outside of shroud, defense is pretty close to non-existent.
If you know what to look for, beating Reapers is downright simple.
So, instead of coming here whining about how they’re good with Chill (like they were designed to be), try learning what they can’t do and use that information.
Wait, what are we complaining about here? The OP literally just posted something akin to Reaper OP pls delete without any reasons whatsoever. I am not even sure if this is a complain on power/condi or just reaper as a whole? Why are we entertaining threads like this anyway? This kind of thing is pretty much a hair above being spam.
The only thing happening here is someone on their troll acct because they don’t want a bad rep on their real acct is kittening about reapers and has a ton of completely false information which he is trying to spread in an attempt to get reaper nerfed.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
The only thing happening here is someone on their troll acct because they don’t want a bad rep on their real acct is kittening about reapers and has a ton of completely false information which he is trying to spread in an attempt to get reaper nerfed.
…but so far nobody agreed with OP?
The only thing happening here is someone on their troll acct because they don’t want a bad rep on their real acct is kittening about reapers and has a ton of completely false information which he is trying to spread in an attempt to get reaper nerfed.
…but so far nobody agreed with OP?
The troll has been. Not the delete part but he clearly thinks reaper is over powered.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
We shouldn’t just Delete Reapers… having said that though:
The point is that Reapers attacks, shroud and weapon swap cause poison and chill passively. if those were Active skills i wouldn’t mind but they are not.
Its not about skill at that point.
further more, the lack of CC affects on the class IS annoying. Maybe Anet should review CC mechanics in earnest instead of just making them superfluous towards a specific class to sell HOT.
An lastly i see A LOT of contrived points premised around primed language to elicit an emotional response instead of pursuing the conversation rationally. Name calling and trolling proves to me that the player base exploiting these effects are aware of their power and don’t want to surrender their one hit I WIN button.
Based on the OP, rational conversation was canned before anyone even said anything. Any actual conversation about Reaper balance is off-topic, because the OP is asking to delete Reapers from the game, which is exaggerated for the sake of dramatic effect.
However, if we are going to have a conversation, then we have to start by getting mechanics correct. No Man, unfortunately you have shown time and again that you don’t know hardly anything about Necromancers. When people point that out, you list of the names of fallacies as though people are missing your point. It’s difficult to find your point, though, when it’s buried under misinformation.
Not only did you try to list a trait that doesn’t exist as proof of some point (I don’t know what it is yet, that Chill is hard to fight against?), but you missed the single trait that you could actually say passively causes chill: Chill of Death.
Does Reaper apply too much Chill? I think that’s a complex question. Any condition-based strengths immediately have personal and team-based counter-play with cleanses.
Based on the Wiki, 6 abilities removed Chilled, specifically:
Warrior – Charge
Engineer – Overcharged Shot
Engineer – Rocket Boots
Thief – Withdraw
Thief – Roll for Initiative
Elementalist – Windborne Speed
6 traits, one in each of 6 classes, reduce the effect of Chilled:
Warrior – Dogged March
Engineer – Mecha Legs
Elementalist – Geomancer’s Training
Revenant – Lucid Singularity
Thief – Don’t Stop
Necromancer – Relentless Pursuit
Additionally, Elementalists can trait “Stop, Drop, and Roll”, which removes burning and chilled conditions from you and nearby allies every time you dodge.
All of those, combined with regularly being able to transfer/remove Chilled, and you have a situation where the class’s strength has all kinds of baked-in resistances and counters already. EDIT – Not to mention Hoelbrak and Melandru runes, both of which reduce the duration of all conditions.
It raises the question: how much chill is enough chill, for a spec that is designed around keeping foes chilled in order to survive? It would be nicer to have blocks, invuln, blind spam, boon spam, evasion spam, etc. to survive. Those don’t really rely on players and are often much more difficult to get around than a condition. Necros don’t get those toys though. We have to take hits, and as a melee spec, we have to be in the thick of fighting. Necros are very vulnerable the second they exit Shroud, as they no longer have a source of Stability. Unless they drop shroud and immediately heal with stability stacks from RS #3 (which would require foresight and good health management to ensure you get the most out of it), they are going to want to heal when they don’t have stab.
So, really. Is it just that you have to work to play against a Reaper that makes them irritating? I have to work against Mesmers, and Engis, and good Thieves, and Revenants, and the list goes on.
You mentioned us not wanting to give up our 1-hit I WIN button. Which button is that, exactly? Because if you’re talking about Gravedigger, then here’s a hint: that doesn’t apply Chill.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
You skipped Rangers -chill duration, yo.
You skipped Rangers -chill duration, yo.
Do they have it? I don’t see it on the Wiki, so I didn’t list it. I just mentioned the things I could find after a very quick search.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
You skipped Rangers -chill duration, yo.
Do they have it? I don’t see it on the Wiki, so I didn’t list it. I just mentioned the things I could find after a very quick search.
In Druid trait line.
All our times have come
Here,but now they’re gone.
Seasons don’t fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
(We can be like they are)
Come on baby
(Don’t fear the reaper)
Baby take my hand
(Don’t fear the reaper)
We’ll be able to fly
(Don’t fear the reaper)
Baby I’m your man
La, la la, la la
La, la la, la la
more cowbell!