Confused by PvP gear/rewards
Purely cosmetic, as it should be. This way everyone is on an even playing field. There is a spot for every PvP item in your locker. You can always right click and select deposit collectible to send any PvP Gear into your locker.
You can also break down items using PvP Salavge Kits and throw the materials into the mystic forge. Throw in a material + material + item token + level token. You can find specific recipes online.
The only real progression is experience and rank. But currently rank means absolutely nothing because it can easily be farmed by a pair of people or more trade capturing nodes. You shouldn’t be able to gain Glory in hot join or free tournaments, period. But that’s a completely different topic. The Mists and PvP servers are becoming less populated every single day. I would love to see the metrics on PvP server and tournament populations.
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)
Purely cosmetic, as it should be. This way everyone is on an even playing field. There is a spot for every PvP item in your locker. You can always right click and select deposit collectible to send any PvP Gear into your locker.
You can also break down items using PvP Salavge Kits and throw the materials into the mystic forge. Throw in a material + material + item token + level token. You can find specific recipes online.
The only real progression is experience and rank. But currently rank means absolutely nothing because it can easily be farmed by a pair of people or more trade capturing nodes. You shouldn’t be able to gain Glory in hot join or free tournaments, period. But that’s a completely different topic. The Mists and PvP servers are becoming less populated every single day. I would love to see the metrics on PvP server and tournament populations.
That seems fairly snobby. You should be able to gain glory through PAID tournaments? If you want to turn people off completely from PvP, that would be a good way to do it.
Purely cosmetic, as it should be. This way everyone is on an even playing field. There is a spot for every PvP item in your locker. You can always right click and select deposit collectible to send any PvP Gear into your locker.
You can also break down items using PvP Salavge Kits and throw the materials into the mystic forge. Throw in a material + material + item token + level token. You can find specific recipes online.
The only real progression is experience and rank. But currently rank means absolutely nothing because it can easily be farmed by a pair of people or more trade capturing nodes. You shouldn’t be able to gain Glory in hot join or free tournaments, period. But that’s a completely different topic. The Mists and PvP servers are becoming less populated every single day. I would love to see the metrics on PvP server and tournament populations.
That seems fairly snobby. You should be able to gain glory through PAID tournaments? If you want to turn people off completely from PvP, that would be a good way to do it.
Maybe it is a bit snobbish but I don’t think every nub cake that logs into PvP deserves the rank that they receive. Rank means absolutely nothing. Pairs of people log in to empty servers then then flip capture points back and forth and get 350+ every round. Does that seem right to you?
Hotjoin should be a warmup or a place where guilds go to play against their friends. Free tournaments should be used for practice and to earn Paid Tournament tickets. Paid Tournaments are the real deal. This game has many concept flaws. It also has an issue with the community because many Guild Wars 2 players feel that they are “entitled” to everything the game has to offer. People think that because they paid for the game they are literally “owed” everything in it. I believe some things you should have to earn. Look at the Clocktower achievement for example. Fail players from all over the globe cried endlessly about this stupid 5 point achievement.
The fact that people who have no clue how to play and never join an actual pre-made team and are currrently rank 30+ undermines the entire rank system. Again, rank means nothing. Paid Tournament teams that lose in the first receive a paid tournament chest. Chests are for winners, backhands across the face are for losers. That’s how life is.
In a my world here is how the system should work:
-Hotjoin does not give Glory
-Free Tournaments do not give Glory
-Winning a Free Tournament gives you 10 Paid Tournament Tickets
-Paid Tournaments cost 1 Ticket only per player
-Paid Tournament winners receive Paid Tournament Chests.
-Paid Tournament teams that lose in the first round receive nothing. No glory, no chests.
-Paid Tournament teams that win 1 or 2 matches receive Glory each match and a Chest applicable to their PvP Rank at the end.
-The price for each Glory rank should be reduced by 80% under this proposed system
-You cannot use Glory to buy anything other than Tokens and PvP Salvage Materials.
-The only way to win a chest is to win a tournament match
-The Paid Tournament chest should also include PvE items of value. Rare/Exotic/Ascended/Precursor Weapons, Dungeon Tokens, Globs of Ecto, etc….
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)
The way of thinking that any game should be a full time job is pretty played out.
Any game that wants to have broad base popularity is not going to be some strictly enforced meritocracy that lets people compare digital D sizes.
Games are only a job to professional gamers, and they get they rewards via sponsor paychecks, which imo is better than some numerical value in your rented data space on some server somewhere.
Well, as someone who’s come in to the game and played only a few hours of PvP, the discovery that rewards are purely cosmetic has pretty much killed that half of the game for me.
Cosmetic rewards may as well be no reward in GW2. My character is at level 25 at the moment and to be honest dosnt look that different than when she started at level 1. She is still wearing a variation of the same few styles of gear back and forth no matter what new gear I find. So, just about every other Necromancer I see looks pretty similar to me. Also, there dosnt seem to be an option to "inspect" another character that I see like there is in WoW. I teamed up with a lvl 80 Ranger the other day and he didn’t look like a max level mmo character. He just looked like an NPC or something.
So, if all I have to look forward to in PvP is some uninspiring minor cosmetic changes I’m left hoping that the PvP gameplay makes up for it. Unfortunately my first couple of hours isnt too encouraging on that front. I can hardly tell what profession anyone is as everyone looks similar on the game.
Years ago I played GW1 and left because it just wasn’t as good as WoW. It’s incredible that years later GW2, the next big "innovation" in MMOs is still unable to stand up to the original WoW. It’s not as if Arena Net are going head to head with project Titan, GW2 is struggling to look good against an eight year old game.
It’s probably just me, but I do wish PVP gave some items for PVE (even just gold) or experience for PVE. I find PVE boring and wish I could level up just by doing PVP all the time.
@SecondtoNone you can do that in WvWvW….gain gold, earn XP and PvP…
Regarding sPvP…i really don’t mind getting glory (ranks) via hot-joins, and I really like that rewards are only cosmetic, even I personally don’t care about cosmetic stuff. You said that rank doesn’t mean anything, but why it should mean something else than showing ppl how many time are you spending playing sPvP. When they are done with implementing ladder system that will cover you competitive players to show your skill and stuff.
I am casual PvPer and I play just to enjoy and to learn something new, to evolve, to learn how to counter different professions and different builds, and I’ve been very successful by doing it so far.
@SecondtoNone you can do that in WvWvW….gain gold, earn XP and PvP…
Regarding sPvP…i really don’t mind getting glory (ranks) via hot-joins, and I really like that rewards are only cosmetic, even I personally don’t care about cosmetic stuff. You said that rank doesn’t mean anything, but why it should mean something else than showing ppl how many time are you spending playing sPvP. When they are done with implementing ladder system that will cover you competitive players to show your skill and stuff.
I am casual PvPer and I play just to enjoy and to learn something new, to evolve, to learn how to counter different professions and different builds, and I’ve been very successful by doing it so far.
I actually don’t like WvWvW so much because I hate walking so much. Also, it’s an even bigger zergfest than PVP.
Pairs of people log in to empty servers then then flip capture points back and forth and get 350+ every round. Does that seem right to you?
Literally more than 99% of hot-join players do not participate in the thing you described and should be punished for the remaining fraction. Does that seem right to you?
As far as I can tell the only mechanic for the ranks other than new cosmetic gear is the ‘play now’ button in hotjoin and I’m not even sure how well that works. So….why not just use those qualifying points you only get from paid tourny to measure your kitten?
Well, perhaps your point is that hotjoin pvp is different than tpvp which is a legitimate concern, but the qualifying points generally takes care of that issue, unless you’re trying to ask for another ranking system for free tourneys only :P
Since the only reward is the different skins that may not even look good or be to your taste, I don’t see why people make such a big deal out of the ‘higher’ rank anyway.