DH in PvP (FIX THAT kitten)
Hi Prince!
I see that you are a bit upset, partly rightfully…
I want to share my experience with the DH since the expansion…
Guardian is my main so I was hyped in the BWE2 and 3. when HoT came out I started to play with 4 traps and either Shelter or Renewed Focus. In the first two weeks I was really happy to wreck random faces (not that a burn or a standard medi gua could not do the same, but you know: new and shiny…). Mesmers, Rangers and some Necroes with minions mopped the floor with my bottom a few times so I had to change my build…
After a few weeks I realised that I’m all right with 3 traps topmost… Heal (or not), one or two utilities (tof or pob) and the elite…
All the players got used to the DragonMaw and started to nuke me so I slotted the RenewedFocus back just to get a few more seconds in teamfights. I even changed my ammy to Barbarian because I dropped like a fly…
The healing trap was unpractical in teamfights so I slotted the Shelter back again…
What I have now: Shelter, ToF, JI, Purging Flames, and Dragon’sMaw…
I do not trait for daze… It just makes my life harder. Soaring Devastation gives me a nice immob what can be used to land a GS burst.
This is the ONLY build I can play with traps since a DH who only uses traps is handing his head on a silver plate to the enemy.
This is a L2P issue for both side…
Let me explain:
A DH who relies only on his traps is a bad player!
Someone who dies only for the traps is a bad player!
A DH who worths his salt won’t put every egg into the same basket. Sure you sometimes die for a shatter mes or a trap DH or a Vault Thief or a Gun warrior but it’s your job to learn these and act accordingly…
My two cents…
Happy Guardin’!
Balance patch tomorrow and it’s not getting fixed nerfed and neither is Coalesce of Ruin…. Fail.
Balance patch tomorrow and it’s not getting fixed nerfed and neither is Coalesce of Ruin…. Fail.
Bunker mesmers?
Balance patch tomorrow and it’s not getting fixed nerfed and neither is Coalesce of Ruin…. Fail.
Coalescence of Ruin is being patched to not hit more than 5 people.
Also i gotta laugh every time i hear someone complain about DH and if I’m not mistaken Prince is a REV. Seriously dude i used to main a guard and now i play rev and DH is a joke. So easy to fight.
I believe the consensus after dozens and dozens of QQ threads about DH traps is that DH is very effective against trash/low tier players and not against good players.
If you are having trouble against Dh….well…..
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "