Devs can u say something ..?

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: dzindzinier.6138


Can u say anything to us (pvp players) what ar u planning to do to ress this game?
couse it is almost in downstate now ….

or maybe u will just make pve game ,with spvp to play for fun by pvers?
why u wait with balancing for only 10 guys ???PAX

why u dont listen to pvp players ?

most important thing : why there is no information about the balance patch and what will happen after patch ? nothing ……

can u just give some infos ,when the balance patch will come , and will this patch bring….

and last thing ,stop balancing and making it esport by urself , u failed …..get some top players speak with them ,and listen to their ideas , couse they know better how to buff this game ……
cc , and condi spam , insane ress skills , game impossible to watch ,total chaos ,it really looks like small zoo with weird creatures…….and 1 comentator laughing at final match ,becouse it is fun for him that game is chaotic , and u cant see nothing couse there is like 15 units on point …..
stop doing what u do ,get top players to make this game ,a good balanced game , fun to watch on tourneys , and fun to play

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Living world, temporary content and cash shop. They may consider pvp after these things. Maybe.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: dzindzinier.6138


i really dont care about pve and WvW and any shops Anet ……
i know that u dont care about players like me that play only spvp ,but u shouldnt say anything about esport 1 year ago,u shoul say :this will be wvw and pve game , with spvp mode for fun only ……
u made really good game, best pvp game , and u are destroying it ……why?

i know what i miss after watching final tourney ,i miss the feelling which u could describe like :“i just have to play gw2 right now,i want to play like those guys ,it was so awesome”

(edited by dzindzinier.6138)

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

-PVE.. became stale and those temporary rush for achievements living story things are bandaids. it might keep people interested until they have their new legendary acended crap.. and then you need new gear ..again.. T8 mats maybe?

-The Kiel vs otherguy election looked promising to me for a bit as it raised my hopes of a kurzick vs luxon alliance battle.. but turned out to be (except for southsun) click 100 times to vote for nothing.

-WvW. Is stale and basicly turned into the Farm T8 mats SM/xp trading game.
Howlong has it been since they took away the orb now? (iow can’t do anything about hacks?)
I am missing progression in capturing stuff, take AB for example, win one map progress to a more difficult map untill you capped home.
WvW is just a pve playground imo where no incentive is given except xp/loot grinding.

WvW just became like any other living story event except here the npc’s (other players) fight back a bit if they don’t xp farm that is.

-Most fixes in this game were made to stop exploits (testing? concidering this the game probably still is in alpha)

-PvP.. well read the rest of the forum.


Wish Guildwars2 could live up to it’s predecessors reputation.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: dzindzinier.6138


i will start thinking that u want to spvp put in “down state” and keep it like this …….
it is possible couse pvp comunity is very small u dont even care ,it is waste of money ……
not a single post from u at spvp forum(i watched other topics 3 pages and 1 very old post from devs hmmmm) ! do u even read this forum ?

can u tell us what is the reason of your weird work on spvp ? is it your accountant that forbide u investing in spvp ,couse it will not bring money to Anet,couse the comunity is too small ?
i just wonder ,becouse i dont think ur stupid or crazy , couse u made great game (with great potential) ,but ur work on spvp is total failure , so the only reason i see is MONEY…

if u screw up next pvp patch ,there will be no players for spvp , allready some top players are quiting the game ,without them rest of top and good players will leave soon ,couse it pointless to play against new pvpers ,which cant even get 100 points in tourney…


Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


Labor Day weekend + anniversary bash, they’re on vacation bro. Chill. Patch incoming soon.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

Devs can u say something ..?

in PvP

Posted by: dzindzinier.6138


it is not about 1 weekend ,this game is 1 year old…

btw if my client would ask me by phone :"what is the state of my order "
and i would say to him :"im on vacation,cant speak now "

he wouldnt come to me ever again

and they sold 3 milion copies (or more) for like 60 $ each !

im writing this couse the pvp is in very bad state , and they ignore pvp players ….