Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Elementalists are bad enough and terribad players still wants elementalists to be nerfed.

Elementalist is in a bad spot, this doesn’t change how stupid a trait like diamond skin is however.

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


I dislike that Diamond Skin, but as has been said:

Fun fact: Pure Cond Damage Necros stand more chance against a D-Skin Ele then an Ele did before the patch against Necros.

They were almost impossible to take down as an ele pre-DS, due to the sheer number of conditions they can lay down, quickly and pretty spammily, combined with Ele’s lack of strong cleanse (which we’re getting back soon, meaning that there might be other ways to deal with such opponents).

Now, a Necro has to do up to 2k power damage, which really is very little (One well-timed flesh golem charge? Use your Death Shroud skills then fear them while below 90%? Go into Lich form if you really have to? You have plenty of choices!), and any conditions applied to the Ele after that 90% will stick pretty hard if you’ve gone full condi.

Alternatively... run away from the 1v1, come back with a power user, completely ignore Diamond Skin. Admit that you lost to an Ele that you could previously faceroll because wooo shifting meta.