Diamond Skin could use a rework

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


No other aspect in this game is like……….. insert what you want.

Wrong. This is in regards to trait performances, not mechanics. Grab any trait that’s suppose to have a certain function. DS goes above and beyond that function. It completely counters a build type. Not a class like.. a thief or guard or necro.. a build. All Condi.

“Have 2 or 3 condi classes 2v1 or 3v1 a DS Ele in the same way”
Why on earth do you have 2-3 condi classes on one team?

That right there, is a misconception that people have. Like it or not, this game has 3 build types: Power, Condi, and Sustains. They’re all equally viable. Mix and match them to suite your playstyle.

DS is a trait that counters condition builds.
There is no trait that counters power builds.
Signet Necro can potwntually soft counter heavy boon sustains. Still, not a hard counter.

You can’t justify Diamond Skin.

There is a trait that makes you immune to crit.

Change Stoneheart to immunity to direct damage when over 90% HP and witness the uproar. If condition builds were as effective or popular as power ones the same uproar would happen.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


No other aspect in this game is like……….. insert what you want.

Wrong. This is in regards to trait performances, not mechanics. Grab any trait that’s suppose to have a certain function. DS goes above and beyond that function. It completely counters a build type. Not a class like.. a thief or guard or necro.. a build. All Condi.

“Have 2 or 3 condi classes 2v1 or 3v1 a DS Ele in the same way”
Why on earth do you have 2-3 condi classes on one team?

That right there, is a misconception that people have. Like it or not, this game has 3 build types: Power, Condi, and Sustains. They’re all equally viable. Mix and match them to suite your playstyle.

DS is a trait that counters condition builds.
There is no trait that counters power builds.
Signet Necro can potwntually soft counter heavy boon sustains. Still, not a hard counter.

You can’t justify Diamond Skin.

There is a trait that makes you immune to crit.

Change Stoneheart to immunity to direct damage when over 90% HP and witness the uproar. If condition builds were as effective or popular as power ones the same uproar would happen.

Don’t forget to make it apply under all attunements! In fact if its current form applied to all attunements I bet people will be singing a different tune.

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

It’s a dps conjure elementalist with Diamond Skin.

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

It’s a dps conjure elementalist with Diamond Skin.

Settler dps conjure and Diamond Skin that’s sounds creative. I don’t get it though you can’t have settler and dps in the same build throw in “prepare a burst” that’s an attempt at mindfk.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

It’s a dps conjure elementalist with Diamond Skin.

Settler dps conjure and Diamond Skin that’s sounds creative. I don’t get it though you can’t have settler and dps in the same build throw in “prepare a burst” that’s an attempt at mindfk.

Frostbow 2 chained with Frostbow 3 followed with a Gust+Lightning Rod works.
Earth Shield pull (L-Rod) + Earth Shield daze (L-Rod) + Discard + Gust (L-Rod) works.

Damage dealt is around 300k to 700k in a game (30% pure 70% condi).

But hey, if you’re against a Diamond Skin D/D cantrip. Of course it’s going to be annoyingly hard. But you’re in luck: you’ll probably win the 2v2s skirmishes while the d/d is there OR you give more to the team in general.

Also, preparing a burst, especially with staff elementalist can be through a channeled meteor shower or eruption or ice spike. Then, add another physical damage spell. If you have Glyph of Elemental Power (that’s not the summon)imprinted to Fire, you can apply 2 stacks of burn on that last attack. You can also time attack with a summoned elemental or even a discarded FGS 3 (discard the fgs while spinning to cancel the animation and aftercast and immediately follow with an instant damaging skill.).

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

It’s a dps conjure elementalist with Diamond Skin.

Settler dps conjure and Diamond Skin that’s sounds creative. I don’t get it though you can’t have settler and dps in the same build throw in “prepare a burst” that’s an attempt at mindfk.

Ele burn build OP, 20+ AoE stacks of burn OP.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


What’s the issue guys? I can break a Diamond Skin with settler amulet. Just prepare a burst.

This hurt my brain…

Why is that?

How do you burst with Settler? What is the point of your build? Just wut..??!

Like I said before make Stoneheart the power version of Diamond Skin and give it a couple days for twice the complaints.

It’s a dps conjure elementalist with Diamond Skin.

Settler dps conjure and Diamond Skin that’s sounds creative. I don’t get it though you can’t have settler and dps in the same build throw in “prepare a burst” that’s an attempt at mindfk.

Ele burn build OP, 20+ AoE stacks of burn OP.

Nah, that’s not so good.

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin could use a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


i would say change it to either:

1) -66% incoming condition duration while attuned to earth

thats pretty nice but also not only passive since it is only active on earth attument
so if ele bunkers only on earth he wont be able to deal any dmg or be very useful
and if he switches attunements he can be attacked properly with conditions again

probem with this is, it is no use swapping to earth when you already have a lot of condis on you so it only works for preventing condition bursts… which are usually not as clear as direct dmg bursts…

so maybe another option would be

2) conditions deal 66% less damage while attuned to earth

that way it would not be so op vs movement impairing conditions like with the 1) option i mentioned.
since in the first option you would have 66% + 33% condi duration reduction on those sort of condis with Geomancer’s Training….
which equals pretty much 100% and thats a bit too op maybe
on the other hand … with the 2. option diamond skin would have ZERO effect on thise movement impairing conditions … but since ele already has Geomancer’s Training in that traitline and it is usually a must have trait when using earth line… i guess that would be fine

or maybe add 33% reduced duration for only cripple, chill and immobilize to the 2) option i mentioned when attuned to earth

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(edited by Orangensaft.7139)