Do Something About Turret Engis.
Have fun with all your turret engi days. 1/3 of the next month at least will be those days.
Glass staff elementalist player checking in. What is a turret engineer?…
Oh, that corpse down there? Those scattered bits of metal must have been their turrets.
Please, continue playing turret engineer and feeding me free wins.
All it takes is one thief to turn you into someone who spends more time waiting to respawn rather than being alive.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Henrik.7560)
this seems to have become more of a thing recently lol. I just had a game vs 4 turret engis and this is how it went >.<
I want to chime in about the nightmare that is bunker/turret engineer.
I’ve been running into 3 engi teams quite a bit. Usually with some kind of healer/damage class as the 4th and 5th spots.
One team in particular had 3 engineers, a thief and a ele. The quick mobility of the ele and thief allowed the teams to easily bounce between home, mid and far while the engineers just bunkered down and held the spots vs. several attackers waiting for the heals and DPS to show up.
And when there is no pressure on one point or you focus on taking one point one of the other engineers will go to mid or your home making the spot impossible to cap with 2 bunker engineers.
Turrets need to be balanced differently than the way they work right now.
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.
Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You’re bad. You think one Turret Engi can’t rotate? You L2P. What stops a Turret Engi giving another point a crate or elixir X to bait dodges and stun breaks with the team? The incentive to take an Engi’s point with Turrets on it is unfavorable either, if the Engi sees you coming back to the point where he has turrets, then he just takes it back. If you don’t gank or plus him, he will most likely win that 1v1.
Why do people think they know what they’re saying when all they do is play easy and effective and have absolutely no talent?
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
(edited by BlackTruth.6813)
Moa should destroy turrets like now do it to minions. That would be the first step to balance turrets. Additionally that will bring back mesmers to main rosters.
I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.
There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.
So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.
1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names
2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).
3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.
1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.
3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.
Exactly, I think the fact ESL and other e-sports facilities banning Turret Engis is more than enough proof.
Not trying to defend turret engineers. But I am pretty sure ESL tournies haven’t banned them. Afaik only ACG tournaments have restrictions on turret engineers. Which is only one is allowed per team.
ESL 2v2 banned. 3v3 banned. AspectGG 2v2 banned. There’s a reason why, not because the organizers “dont like them”
so i just played the build for a few matches, and you can often push far so hard you win. had a nice game with my guild where we won with the other team getting less than 100. people seem to suck at killing you. i kill turret engis all the time, especially in 2v1s (some of them were stupid long) but the general population seems to suck at it. nobody dodges overcharges (even tho the turrets glow and shake) and only a few people went for rocket turret first. i think the problem for the average player is you use a sentinel amulet and have a lot of cc. you take so long to kill for most players that you will almost always be able to sunchain them. most players end up getting ping ponged and die. that’s why the build makes them so mad, it’s just like decap but defensive. people hate being killed by cc.
i want to say most people are bad, but i have a lot of hours on cele engi and other classes. so there is a chance that i could be outplaying them. regardless people suck at fighting it, and there are like no condi builds so engi is super viable. engi seems strong because people are no running counters (condi) because of cele ele and shout warrior (double queue with two condi builds could acc be really strong, as you could outcondi spam even shout warriors and eles). you could nerf turret engi, but idk how- people are not trying to kill my turrets, so less hp wouldn’t be a big deal, and if you nerf damage then running sentinel with kits seems like a better option and that would be equally aggravating for the community. it’s never not going to be hard to kill because it goes into defensive trait lines and uses the sentinel amulet, and it’s that comboed with the cc that makes the build strong. you can achieve the same amount of cc without turrets tho, and that would be at least equally hard to deal with.
just try condi and realise that all your engi qq had a really easy solution. power builds suffer against the defensive stats much more, so the engi has more time to cc the attacker. more time means more time to screw up. the attacker is probably more glassy. the more glassy you are the worse it is when you make mistakes. abundant cc punishes mistakes really hard. so the attacker will most likely make mistakes and loose.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You really need to L2P and L2Read asap… I’m not talking about 1 turret engi.. And I’m not talking about ME. L2R
I’m talking about the biggest part of the community, which is where my focus is at. L2R
With your 100 games, I can’t even take you serious for your lack of insight. L2P
Shush, go away you Turret Engi, trying to defend your own lame spec.
FYI: see how annoying it is to read l2p thousand of times without making sense?
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Here is my take on the matter.
The build is powerful enough and easy enough that probably around 90% of the population could reroll into turret engi and perform better in pvp queues than they do on whatever their main currently is.
Professional players could even play turret engi over slight non-meta builds and perform better. Turret engi is just far too powerful in any situation in pvp that isn’t a very high level team match.
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You really need to L2P and L2Read asap… I’m not talking about 1 turret engi.. And I’m not talking about ME. L2R
I’m talking about the biggest part of the community, which is where my focus is at. L2R
With your 100 games, I can’t even take you serious for your lack of insight. L2PShush, go away you Turret Engi, trying to defend your own lame spec.
L2PFYI: see how annoying it is to read l2p thousand of times without making sense?
No trouble reading. I agree, vast majority has difficulty against the spec. That doesn’t mean get rid of the spec. Educate and teach them how to defeat it instead of crying about it. You kids give up too easy.
Btw, since it is SO important to you, I’ve been top 1000. I was 65% win ratio before last reset. I don’t think I’ve lost a match since reset and have played 1000s of pvp matches and never pve.
People just need to learn. They wanted lb ranger nerfed, but they learned. Early early people just couldn’t handle mesmers (still hard for nubs) but they learn. Turret engi is the same. Once you (not specifically YOU) see how immobile they are an how lockable/fragile it’s easy. Educate instead of calling for nerf. When I have played turret engi, I’ve taken people post game on a hot join server to even show them how to beat it. They usually appreciate the advice and help.
So yea, it’s all l2p. We have all been there and can help everyone get there instead of begging for nerfs.
I guess some people dont understand that bunker is not supposed to have load of damage and instead they throw l2p all around to make up for their lack of arguments. A bunker is supposed to tank not to deal damage like turrent engi. So far the most balanced bunker build belong to guardian – great survivability at the cost of low damage output.
I guess some people dont understand that bunker is not supposed to have load of damage and instead they throw l2p all around to make up for their lack of arguments. A bunker is supposed to tank not to deal damage like turrent engi. So far the most balanced bunker build belong to guardian – great survivability at the cost of low damage output.
people think it’s a ‘lot of damage’ because they are running glass. eat life blasts from a power necro, now that’s damage.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
I guess some people dont understand that bunker is not supposed to have load of damage and instead they throw l2p all around to make up for their lack of arguments. A bunker is supposed to tank not to deal damage like turrent engi. So far the most balanced bunker build belong to guardian – great survivability at the cost of low damage output.
people think it’s a ‘lot of damage’ because they are running glass. eat life blasts from a power necro, now that’s damage.
Yet when you 1v1 a bunker guardian as glass its doesnt hurt that much – not even close. Even when i pick up a knight amulet they still deal too high damage for their tankiness. Power necro is a bad example in this case as while they hit a lot you also hit them for quite a bit back. Thats the point. You have to choose between high damage output at the cost of being fragile or being a tank at the cost of hitting like a wet noodle. Which leads to the problem with cele classes and turret engi in general. Both have too high damage for their survivability. And thats a problem from balance perspective
(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)
1 turret engi, ok, OP, but stationary.
More and more teams are actually using 2 turret engi’s to make up for their bad rotational and mechanical aspect, which shouldn’t be rewarded at all.
Clips, streams, videos.. All show how even top players are trolling around with 4 turret engi’s and/or others with 2 turret engi’s and easily win a game.
Do something about this.
Quite obvious if u look at the leaderboard aswel.
The higher you go, the more turret engi’s. Fact.It makes also 0 sense how they can remain the same Turret Pressure while using more tank amulet (From Soldier/cleric to Sentinel’s).
Turret should scale with amulet; bunker amulet? = no turret damage.
FYI: Lazyness and lack of experience should NOT be rewarded
FYI2: fix the kitten “No Valid Path to Spot” bug where I still waste initiative aswel.
i can blind, stun, launch, immobilise, chill, daze, kockdown… opponents to keep up pressure and take them down whitout getting hurt too much. sure, power necro hurts a lot, but it’s also easy to lock down.
can you do that to turret engineers? no, that will not stop the AI from damaging and even cc-ing you.
i can blind, stun, launch, immobilise, chill, daze, kockdown… opponents to keep up pressure and take them down whitout getting hurt too much. sure, power necro hurts a lot, but it’s also easy to lock down.
can you do that to turret engineers? no, that will not stop the AI from damaging and even cc-ing you.
Kill rocket turret first. Then done. Easy.
i can blind, stun, launch, immobilise, chill, daze, kockdown… opponents to keep up pressure and take them down whitout getting hurt too much. sure, power necro hurts a lot, but it’s also easy to lock down.
can you do that to turret engineers? no, that will not stop the AI from damaging and even cc-ing you.
Kill rocket turret first. Then done. Easy.
yeah go tell helseth how easy it is xD
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You really need to L2P and L2Read asap… I’m not talking about 1 turret engi.. And I’m not talking about ME. L2R
I’m talking about the biggest part of the community, which is where my focus is at. L2R
With your 100 games, I can’t even take you serious for your lack of insight. L2PShush, go away you Turret Engi, trying to defend your own lame spec.
L2PFYI: see how annoying it is to read l2p thousand of times without making sense?
No trouble reading. I agree, vast majority has difficulty against the spec. That doesn’t mean get rid of the spec. Educate and teach them how to defeat it instead of crying about it. You kids give up too easy.
Btw, since it is SO important to you, I’ve been top 1000. I was 65% win ratio before last reset. I don’t think I’ve lost a match since reset and have played 1000s of pvp matches and never pve.
People just need to learn. They wanted lb ranger nerfed, but they learned. Early early people just couldn’t handle mesmers (still hard for nubs) but they learn. Turret engi is the same. Once you (not specifically YOU) see how immobile they are an how lockable/fragile it’s easy. Educate instead of calling for nerf. When I have played turret engi, I’ve taken people post game on a hot join server to even show them how to beat it. They usually appreciate the advice and help.
So yea, it’s all l2p. We have all been there and can help everyone get there instead of begging for nerfs.
It’s not a L2p issue at all.
It would be if I was talking only about full premades having trouble with Turret Engis only.
This is not the cause.
Caith and Phantaram just acknowledged turret engi’s are too powerfull and easy to play, that’s my point. If they already say how ridiculous it is, then I think it’s time to change something. Even if a handful can noscope it.
Few ppl are saying “take condis, take this, do that”. You can do all those stuff if u know upfront it’s a turret engi.
But you don’t. You never know what build they’re running. Once the match starts, you can’t change build.
So it’s not as easy as the handful of ppl are letting it shine through. You have to be lucky having the right member with the right build and knowledge to defeat those… Which with the current matchmaking and small pvp community.. Won’t happen when Solo Q’ing.
Sad sad day
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You really need to L2P and L2Read asap… I’m not talking about 1 turret engi.. And I’m not talking about ME. L2R
I’m talking about the biggest part of the community, which is where my focus is at. L2R
With your 100 games, I can’t even take you serious for your lack of insight. L2PShush, go away you Turret Engi, trying to defend your own lame spec.
L2PFYI: see how annoying it is to read l2p thousand of times without making sense?
No trouble reading. I agree, vast majority has difficulty against the spec. That doesn’t mean get rid of the spec. Educate and teach them how to defeat it instead of crying about it. You kids give up too easy.
Btw, since it is SO important to you, I’ve been top 1000. I was 65% win ratio before last reset. I don’t think I’ve lost a match since reset and have played 1000s of pvp matches and never pve.
People just need to learn. They wanted lb ranger nerfed, but they learned. Early early people just couldn’t handle mesmers (still hard for nubs) but they learn. Turret engi is the same. Once you (not specifically YOU) see how immobile they are an how lockable/fragile it’s easy. Educate instead of calling for nerf. When I have played turret engi, I’ve taken people post game on a hot join server to even show them how to beat it. They usually appreciate the advice and help.
So yea, it’s all l2p. We have all been there and can help everyone get there instead of begging for nerfs.
It’s not a L2p issue at all.
It would be if I was talking only about full premades having trouble with Turret Engis only.This is not the cause.
Caith and Phantaram just acknowledged turret engi’s are too powerfull and easy to play, that’s my point. If they already say how ridiculous it is, then I think it’s time to change something. Even if a handful can noscope it.
Few ppl are saying “take condis, take this, do that”. You can do all those stuff if u know upfront it’s a turret engi.
But you don’t. You never know what build they’re running. Once the match starts, you can’t change build.So it’s not as easy as the handful of ppl are letting it shine through. You have to be lucky having the right member with the right build and knowledge to defeat those… Which with the current matchmaking and small pvp community.. Won’t happen when Solo Q’ing.
Sad sad day
Well, I guess I’ll just look forward to winning against them (turret engis). Hope it works out for you somehow.
I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.
I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.
Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..
What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.
Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.
So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.
You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.
FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.Conquest makes it even easier!!! Quit your crying already. Turret engi on point is stranded. Go 5v4 the rest.
Also, your what if the enemy team +1s argument is ridiculous. That could happen in Amy situation. So you leave the 2v1 or ask for help. Duh.
I don’t need a ton of pvp games to tell you this:
L2P bro.
You really need to L2P and L2Read asap… I’m not talking about 1 turret engi.. And I’m not talking about ME. L2R
I’m talking about the biggest part of the community, which is where my focus is at. L2R
With your 100 games, I can’t even take you serious for your lack of insight. L2PShush, go away you Turret Engi, trying to defend your own lame spec.
L2PFYI: see how annoying it is to read l2p thousand of times without making sense?
No trouble reading. I agree, vast majority has difficulty against the spec. That doesn’t mean get rid of the spec. Educate and teach them how to defeat it instead of crying about it. You kids give up too easy.
Btw, since it is SO important to you, I’ve been top 1000. I was 65% win ratio before last reset. I don’t think I’ve lost a match since reset and have played 1000s of pvp matches and never pve.
People just need to learn. They wanted lb ranger nerfed, but they learned. Early early people just couldn’t handle mesmers (still hard for nubs) but they learn. Turret engi is the same. Once you (not specifically YOU) see how immobile they are an how lockable/fragile it’s easy. Educate instead of calling for nerf. When I have played turret engi, I’ve taken people post game on a hot join server to even show them how to beat it. They usually appreciate the advice and help.
So yea, it’s all l2p. We have all been there and can help everyone get there instead of begging for nerfs.
It’s not a L2p issue at all.
It would be if I was talking only about full premades having trouble with Turret Engis only.This is not the cause.
Caith and Phantaram just acknowledged turret engi’s are too powerfull and easy to play, that’s my point. If they already say how ridiculous it is, then I think it’s time to change something. Even if a handful can noscope it.
Few ppl are saying “take condis, take this, do that”. You can do all those stuff if u know upfront it’s a turret engi.
But you don’t. You never know what build they’re running. Once the match starts, you can’t change build.So it’s not as easy as the handful of ppl are letting it shine through. You have to be lucky having the right member with the right build and knowledge to defeat those… Which with the current matchmaking and small pvp community.. Won’t happen when Solo Q’ing.
Sad sad day
Well, I guess I’ll just look forward to winning against them (turret engis). Hope it works out for you somehow.
I’ll play turet engi today or 2morrow and make a party of 3 and I hope I’ll face u :>
Some days I think everyone should just play turret engis, even the top tier players…. every game… make whole teams of turret engis => cause so much rage and frustration anet will eventually wake up
With all due respect but….currently turret engi of all engi build, it is the easier to fight and win against, so much easier that I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engi in enemy team than a single rabid or cele rifle engi spamming grenades/bombs + slick shoes
With all due respect but….currently turret engi of all engi build, it is the easier to fight and win against, so much easier that I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engi in enemy team than a single rabid or cele rifle engi spamming grenades/bombs + slick shoes
While SoloQ’ing? Are you sure?
Its funny because the real pet/ai master – ranger- has some really kittenty class mechanic with working with pets and most people just avoid them with little to no pressure from the pet, outside few nasty CCs that last whole 2 seconds lulz, while the engi can just sit at the middle of a point a tank the crap out of any other build xD
Wells necro? pls … here have some flying turrets.
I think the HoT engi will be a step down. Those flying drones surely can’t match the flying rocket launcher!
Random build matching happens in every match, that’s why tournaments don’t allow some specs they are not saying it doesn’t have counters they are saying no one wants to play them. Nerfing turrets just because of conquest which is their only purpose seems wrong, I rather fight them than a condi,SD or cele engi. It really looks like a player issue some comps could faceroll turrets but do mediocre vs others, it’s like balancing around what’s mostly played which is not good.
All meta specs have hard counters you can build specifically to own them but will you fight them every time? If you are talking skill and player input that’s a different thing but you should understand that GW2 is messy in PvP that’s why you say conquest meta those specs play the mode to win they don’t play to showcase skill. WTS have less issues because they know what other team runs but we don’t. Why complain about it now??
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
With all due respect but….currently turret engi of all engi build, it is the easier to fight and win against, so much easier that I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engi in enemy team than a single rabid or cele rifle engi spamming grenades/bombs + slick shoes
While SoloQ’ing? Are you sure?
Absolutely my friend…I swear that this is what I really wish and I repeat it : “I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engies than a single rabid slick shoes grenade/bombs spammer”
I personally experienced games where a single average rabid condi spammer was able to changes the tides of battles way faster and efficiently than any turret engi you may have ever faced…the slick shoes+grenades combo is enough to down instantly your average pug
With all due respect but….currently turret engi of all engi build, it is the easier to fight and win against, so much easier that I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engi in enemy team than a single rabid or cele rifle engi spamming grenades/bombs + slick shoes
While SoloQ’ing? Are you sure?
Absolutely my friend…I swear that this is what I really wish and I repeat it : “I’d rather fight 2-3 turret engies than a single rabid slick shoes grenade/bombs spammer”
I personally experienced games where a single average rabid condi spammer was able to changes the tides of battles way faster and efficiently than any turret engi you may have ever faced…the slick shoes+grenades combo is enough to down instantly your average pug
Weird, 70% of the rabid p/s or cele engi’s actually rotate bad and costsus the game + being mechanically quite bad, thinking cele will carry them..
Gonna run turret engi tonght and will let you know how it went
why they dont fix op classes ? technical issues?
After a thourough testing by myself for the first time playing Turret Engi, I can really say its brainless, OP and too rewarding. 3v1 – 4v2 (with my ele on me) owns.
So far played 5 games with it and won all, even those we shouldve lost.
Everyone claiming its not OP for the COmmunity and SoloQ, is wrong.
FYI: I have lots of experience on engi as Rabid p/s and cele rifle, with knowledge of kiting. This makes it even more OP.
Lol, I even skyrocketed on the LB, proofs how broken it is. Moved up 100 places. Won 8 out of 9 games
FYI; Im just farming dem condi-specs 1v1.. Its amazing lol
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Lol, I even skyrocketed on the LB, proofs how broken it is. Moved up 100 places. Won 8 out of 9 games
FYI; Im just farming dem condi-specs 1v1.. Its amazing lol
You’re all tease with those bones where is the meat at?
The Dhuumfire thread
Lol, I even skyrocketed on the LB, proofs how broken it is. Moved up 100 places. Won 8 out of 9 games
FYI; Im just farming dem condi-specs 1v1.. Its amazing lol
You’re all tease with those bones where is the meat at?
Watch my LB history Jumped 120 spots now.
EDIT: screenshot. We lost but was close.
This is vs ESL team with TS
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Played a couple matches as turrent engi. Pretty funny that I can leave a point with my turrets up, and come back to a half health enemy who still hasn’t taken down my turrets. Half health and I wasn’t even there – this happened more than once and I only played a few matches. Also kiting around is so easy with rifle control and how many knockdowns turrets have.
Helps that they only take damage like structures, pretty sure they can’t be crit or take condi damage. Plus they self repair and give group buffs.
Crate on top of that and the heal resetting at low health is just bananas.
Lol, I even skyrocketed on the LB, proofs how broken it is. Moved up 100 places. Won 8 out of 9 games
FYI; Im just farming dem condi-specs 1v1.. Its amazing lol
You’re all tease with those bones where is the meat at?
Watch my LB history
Jumped 120 spots now.
EDIT: screenshot. We lost but was close.
This is vs ESL team with TS
We need footage man…of what not to do so we can teach players what to do. I’m not sure if there is a PvP tutorial but players are going to need combat tutorial about this spec. Were they running turrets also? Keep in mind meta is what is easily picked up.
Since they were using TS I have a strong feeling they were no condi,cc or ranged burst spec.
The Dhuumfire thread
Lol, I even skyrocketed on the LB, proofs how broken it is. Moved up 100 places. Won 8 out of 9 games
FYI; Im just farming dem condi-specs 1v1.. Its amazing lol
You’re all tease with those bones where is the meat at?
Watch my LB history
Jumped 120 spots now.
EDIT: screenshot. We lost but was close.
This is vs ESL team with TSWe need footage man…of what not to do so we can teach players what to do. I’m not sure if there is a PvP tutorial but players are going to need combat tutorial about this spec. Were they running turrets also? Keep in mind meta is what is easily picked up.
Since they were using TS I have a strong feeling they were no condi,cc or ranged burst spec.
They were:
Thief/mes/Turret Engi/cele engi/shoutbow
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
I think these thread wouldn’t come up quite so often if engineer wasn’t on rotation for the daily more often that the average per 30 days. But then again has there been any statements about how the profession dailies were decided?
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
I think these thread wouldn’t come up quite so often if engineer wasn’t on rotation for the daily more often that the average per 30 days. But then again has there been any statements about how the profession dailies were decided?
It depends, very few run counters or even know what to do vs them so ranked farmers would take advantage of it. Some nerf will eventually happen but not the one some expect AKA to the ground.
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
The only reason I mention it is that once it is a ranger day again you will see a couple of complaint threads about ranger (or you might if catch them before they get sectioned off to the ranger subforum).
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
this type of response leads to a silly, circular argument. basically, my response will be that these turret engies knew what they were doing, and they got wrecked by counterplay. and now your turn.
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
this type of response leads to a silly, circular argument. basically, my response will be that these turret engies knew what they were doing, and they got wrecked by counterplay. and now your turn.
I defeated a condi team, with survival and trap rangers even terrormancers. We kept winning. So he must they mustve been in a bad team then
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
this type of response leads to a silly, circular argument. basically, my response will be that these turret engies knew what they were doing, and they got wrecked by counterplay. and now your turn.
I defeated a condi team, with survival and trap rangers even terrormancers. We kept winning. So he must they mustve been in a bad team then
GW2 is casual focused don’t expect everyone to play at your level especially with this MMR. Not an excuse but I am using personal experience you could set up a private arena and give it a roll.
The Dhuumfire thread
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
this type of response leads to a silly, circular argument. basically, my response will be that these turret engies knew what they were doing, and they got wrecked by counterplay. and now your turn.
I defeated a condi team, with survival and trap rangers even terrormancers. We kept winning. So he must they mustve been in a bad team then
GW2 is casual focused don’t expect everyone to play at your level especially with this MMR. Not an excuse but I am using personal experience you could set up a private arena and give it a roll.
You mean for 1v1 on point?
what’s wrong with turret engies? my condi bunker ranger eats them for breakfast. just the other night myself and 2 friends annihilated a full premade with 2 turret engies, well-played too. turret engies just need to be counterplayed, they have no condi cleanse.
Ive been facing many turret engis this evening while I was testing Turret myself. I rekt them all 1v1 with +90% hp. That means they have no knowledge what they’re running and don’t read/know what the utilties actually do and their cast-to-action time.
If you would face a turret engi will full knowledge about engi and its build, I think the story could be otherwise.
Ofc, this also depends on the team he was on
this type of response leads to a silly, circular argument. basically, my response will be that these turret engies knew what they were doing, and they got wrecked by counterplay. and now your turn.
I defeated a condi team, with survival and trap rangers even terrormancers. We kept winning. So he must they mustve been in a bad team then
GW2 is casual focused don’t expect everyone to play at your level especially with this MMR. Not an excuse but I am using personal experience you could set up a private arena and give it a roll.
You mean for 1v1 on point?
No so you can roleplay a match to actually value out counters or simply use an empty hotjoin server to get the full match experience. A couple times for variables of course using two premade teams.
The Dhuumfire thread
The nerf is absolutely coming. At this point it’s just gotten to be a joke. But don’t blame people for playing it when they want to win and get the track rewards/daily rewards. If they start comparing the AI to actual skill? Yeah, blame them haha.
I hope the nerf is coming but I’m not sure if the devs play a lot of pvp. Look how long it took for the skyhammer changes.
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry
Some comments from playing my turret engineer tonight:
" GG rangers cannot beat a turret engineer 2v1
lol get some real skill and quit having your turrets fight for you
i died against engineer and he had 40% health how much do these turrets heal for
Do you have a build I can run? "
I was not feeling good, but really had a great time playing my turret engineer tonight.
(edited by Rage.9723)
The problem isn’t turret engis; the problem is people are spamming them because “easy,” and because they value wins more than their dignity. One turret engi? They’re just another slot in the team just like anyone else. Two turret engis? Now things quickly become unbalanced…why?
Consider some things. First of all, a team with 2 of the same classes running the exact same build is a problem no matter what class it is, especially if that team is actually coordinated — and even if they aren’t coordinated, if they’re all zerk, all they need to know is how to focus targets.
Second of all, if these two same classes aren’t zerk, but in fact full bunker, that’s another problem. I’ve fought teams with 2 shoutbows on one point while 3 zerkers were zerging around killing everyone. Yes, part of that problem would lie on the other team in question because they don’t know how to rotate, but it still doesn’t change the fact that two classes spamming the same build for double the effects is a bit unfair unless your team is perfectly organized with solutions for every enemy team (which is hardly ever the case when you’re solo-qing and half the time when you’re even in a premade team).
Now add 2+ turret engis to that one team and the effects are amplified. Not only can they hold the point for 3 years, but they also have the survivability to sustain 2, 3 and sometimes even 4 vs 1 until their team of zerkers comes and nukes everyone. I can guarantee that the team of turret engis are holding 2 points at all times (unless of course they’re just bad players, but that’s beside the point).
Picture this, one turret engi on point A soloing against 3 people. Another turret on point B soloing against 2 people. That means the turret engis’ team of 3 zerkers zerging around will always be equally matched and nuking everyone while they’re going between points.
Everyone saying they can “solo turret engis easily” are just fine. Congratulations, your build is suited specifically to kill turret engis. Now what about everyone else? As has been said, 1 turret engi is just another slot, but it seems you’re missing the point
How long does it take you to kill a turret engi? While you’re fighting them, are they on the point while you’re off it? If your team is ahead in points, then you have the leisure of just picking the turret engis off by spamming condis or ranged weps, but if your team is losing, you’re not helping. All you’re doing is standing around attacking a literal bot while they are getting pips of points. Most of the time while you’re spending your years killing that engi, you will soon be zerged by the rest of their team. Turret engis can 1 vs 1, but their most important utility it to stay on the point until their team comes.
If you have 2 of these “utilities” on one team, where is the balance? How is it fair for 2 points to be held while the other team members are just zerging around? If your team can kill the turret engis, that’s great; I’ve had teams able to kill them and make them look stupid.
If oone turret engi can sustain 2+ vs 1 at any given time, add the other 3 of their team members in. Even if you’re 5 vs 4, your chances of actually winning aren’t any greater.
I’ll say again, the problem isn’t any one turret engi, it’s that more and more (and I seriously mean more and more) turret engis are appearing each day; whether they’re lifeless thralls that don’t know how to pvp, so they take the easy way out; trolls playing them for the sake of making people angry; or people that generally like to play turret engi, it doesn’t change the fact that the utility they bring to the team is on a high level, and it shouldn’t be fair for it to be duplicated just because they want to take the shameful way out. I literally started a match against 2 turret engis, and then watched as one of their other team members swapped to a 3rd turret engi.
Like others have said, if their turrets actually gained the users’ stats, things would be simple. You want to be a bunker? Ok. You want to spam CCs? Ok, guess what, you won’t deal any damage. You want to be zerk so your turrets can hit hard? Well then you’ll be glass along with them. As it stands, there is no compromise in a turret engi’s build. They lose utility slots, big whoop. When all they have to do is run around in a circle until their enemies die, I wouldn’t say that’s a loss. Engis by nature have high survivability, but a bunker one is ridiculous considering they are still killing people in 1v1+ while retaining all aspects of a bunker.
I’ve been pvping more and enjoying it more, but the entire experience is ruined when I go up against teams of 2+ turret engis more than 4 times a day. Sometimes I get teams that can handle them; more often than not, I get teams that can’t. I play engi a lot and never once have I used turret, because it’s a horrible build that ultimately ruins PvP because so many people flock to it just because they think they’ll win with it.