Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


total garbage… they 4/5 games someone on one team or another leaves midway through – why don’t you have something that makes them unable to play in tournament matches for 24 hours after they leave?

how is this supposed to be fun?

please fix this aspect of your game and reset the leaderboards to solo queue and team so maybe people will want to play again

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


We hear you guys loud and clear! We definitely plan on mitigating the leaver issue with a form of punishment. I wont give details about what the punishment will be, but it should be enough to deter this form of behavior. Anything we add will be in addition to what happens now (loss and rating hit).

And how will it ‘punish’ people who get DCed and try to come back? I DCed from a match once came back just after it had ended and received a chest for winning however got to take a lovely hit to my ranking and a loss… Thanks for that…

D/C rarely happen if you have a stable connection and if you don’t I wouldn’t suggest playing pvp because you would be a liability to your team if you have to keep reconnecting…

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Sometimes you enter in a fight where people are wining 350 to 65, then are we supposed to not leave and just go and let ourselves killed, nah.

Sometimes yo enter a gruop with ranks 1 to 10, than check the others rank and they are 25-40, so do you expect a lot of that match?,no, its better to leave.

Match making its the thing that needs to be fixed, putting penalties its only going for the symptoms, like they did on the warrior class and guess who is the worst pvp class.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Sometimes you enter in a fight where people are wining 350 to 65, then are we supposed to not leave and just go and let ourselves killed, nah.

Sometimes yo enter a gruop with ranks 1 to 10, than check the others rank and they are 25-40, so do you expect a lot of that match?,no, its better to leave.

Match making its the thing that needs to be fixed, putting penalties its only going for the symptoms, like they did on the warrior class and guess who is the worst pvp class.

If you don’t have the guts to play at random circumstances, and aren’t ready to deal with poor matchmaking, don’t play solo hotjoin, find a team if it drives you so mad. No excuses, grow a pair.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


We hear you guys loud and clear! We definitely plan on mitigating the leaver issue with a form of punishment. I wont give details about what the punishment will be, but it should be enough to deter this form of behavior. Anything we add will be in addition to what happens now (loss and rating hit).

And how will it ‘punish’ people who get DCed and try to come back? I DCed from a match once came back just after it had ended and received a chest for winning however got to take a lovely hit to my ranking and a loss… Thanks for that…

D/C rarely happen if you have a stable connection and if you don’t I wouldn’t suggest playing pvp because you would be a liability to your team if you have to keep reconnecting…

How dare I suffer a power surge due to a storm! I should not be allowed to pvp!

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


We hear you guys loud and clear! We definitely plan on mitigating the leaver issue with a form of punishment. I wont give details about what the punishment will be, but it should be enough to deter this form of behavior. Anything we add will be in addition to what happens now (loss and rating hit).

And how will it ‘punish’ people who get DCed and try to come back? I DCed from a match once came back just after it had ended and received a chest for winning however got to take a lovely hit to my ranking and a loss… Thanks for that…

D/C rarely happen if you have a stable connection and if you don’t I wouldn’t suggest playing pvp because you would be a liability to your team if you have to keep reconnecting…

How dare I suffer a power surge due to a storm! I should not be allowed to pvp!

Because this happens every day…

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: FlamingForce.6389


There should be no punishment without some sort of fair way to end the game, like the option to have your team vote to surrender. Don’t make people sit through a whole game they can’t possibly win, they’ll just go idle instead.

Honestly, I don’t get why people get so worked up over this, soloing tournaments is pure RNG with the current matchmaking system.

(edited by FlamingForce.6389)