ArenaNet please read. This is not just a rant, I have ideas to help:
It has taken sPvP in GW2 a long time to stabilize By “stabilize” I mean being able to depend on the matchmaking to do a half way decent job at putting us in teams with players of similar skill running proven builds. Similar skill + proven build for all players put’s both teams on a even playing field. This is required for small team, tactical PvP. When the balance is greatly upset the games become pointless and people walk away. Many forever. That’s not their poor attitude, that’s the reality that they are wasting their time because matches are no longer about skill.
So what’s the problem?
If what we’re seeing in PvP in BWE#3 is any indicator of what we’ll get at launch, the problem is the Elite Specs. There are two dangers with elite specs that could destroy sPvP in GW2.
1.) You have people testing out new builds. So the players we are getting grouped with in pug matches may be testing out new builds. Of course this is a problem because the player testing the new build is not proficient with what they are testing and they have chosen to make their test happen at a unranked pug teams expensive. This dynamic completely negatives the benefit of the new matchmaking routine. The last news from ANet regarding how many times a player has played on a specific class being used in matchmaking process was that it’s not used anymore at all. Even if it is on, it’s critical that the “times played on class” protion of matchmaking considers the Elite Specs separate from the base class they came from.
2) Some classes are OP to the point that there is no fun to be had. While I’m not sure what new classes are doing this, in every game I played today I had Chronomancers stacking interrupts as necro/reaper stacked conditions. This was not a zerg group, just two on two scenario in Conquest. I tag target, teleport in and IMMEDIATElY find myself immobilized, interrupted so I can pop no skills as the stack of conditions hills me within 5 seconds (as I’m still being interrupted of course).
Ok, so the condition stacking + interrupt mechanic works. The problem with this is it doesn’t appear very difficult to make this happen in a pug team however the counter for it would require coordinated effort beyond pug. Think about the consequences of that. You’re going to turned unranked into being all about who can pop interrupts and stack conditions first and that’s going to be what every game is about. You’ll have 2-3 classes in PvP and that’s it. That will happen because those of us willing to pick up a pug want to win enough we’ll swap off to whatever is going to make the game fair. Well players shouldn’t have to sacrifice all but two or three classes in order to stand a chance of winning a PvP game in a PUG.
Some suggestions:
1. Not only revamp pre-made / pug matchmaking, but also make it incorporate how many times a player has played on a class. Treat elite specs as new classes for matchmaking purposes.
2. Lock Elite specs out of all Ranked matches for several weeks after HoT’s release. This games some time for balancing which statistically will happen, it keeps ranked games clean and competitive
3. Provide checkbox option for players when queuing for Unranked PvP to have “don’t match with elite specializations” checkbox. that prevents us from having to deal with these scenarios. Within a few months after the Elite Specs have had some time to settle and meta builds for them have risen up you can remove the “don’t match with elite specs” option.