Engineer self-rez

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


Ok so i’m playing a tournament, 1v1-ing an engi on point which i’m trying to neutralize, i kill him, try to stomp, he pulls me down, i start it up again, he self-rezes.

This was the first time i’d seen this skill so it was a bit of a surprise, but i thought hey, rangers have this skill too, assuming they cast it perfectly a few seconds before they go down, and use up an elite slot to do so.

So i whittle him down again, he goes down, i try a quickness stomp – apparently the pull wire is instantly available so it makes no difference, i’m interrupted then low and behold he gets back up again!!!

This is a 1v1 fight! Is it fair that he’s playing mario and has 3 lives?? that he has 2 do-overs in case he makes mistakes? This is absurd, it must have been like mario for him but i felt like i was playing whack-a-mole! Fix please.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: luxen.8376


Should just have damaged him instead of stomping if you saw the elixir laying on the floor.. Pulling him away from the elixir area would also work

Luxen – Engineer, Elementalist & Warrior

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Don’t kill him inside the healing circle, or knock him out of it when he dies. Oh, but this is the sPvP forum. Let’s just nerf it instead.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Davinci.8027


This is so easily countered on so many levels. It’s a l2p issue.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


haste stomp.


Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Penguin.5197


That’s the engie’s life for ya, coming back over and over just to get knocked downed again.


Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: waka.9826


haste stomp.



Why don’t you use poison + damage or just simple knock him out of it lol.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


elixir R on reset.

Lay a poison field, knock him out of it, deal damage until it wears out. If you’re fighting 1v1 and he lays it down make sure you don’t kill him or knock him out of it before you do. Once he gets his 2 off he’ll get up basically. Look for it and listen for it, it’s extremely distinct but if you don’t know what it is you’ll get kittened. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


haste stomp.



Why don’t you use poison + damage or just simple knock him out of it lol.


plz aNet, nerf engies, slick shoes too OP.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: MrForz.1953



plz aNet, nerf engies, slick shoes too OP.

I already feel that this ‘wonderful kit review’ we’ll get will be nothing but a big bad nerf that will pigeonhole us into a situation that is similar to Elementalist, stuck with one build, but with a much lower performance.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


What’s the problem with an engi getting up again? He’s an engi..just make an ele and down him again, and again and again…

Let engis rez up, they’re already screwed in pvp right now, never rolled engi but if you play a mesmer you can clearly see how bad that class is, from an outside view you can actually feel their effort while dropping bombs, dodging, turret here, a net there…and they eventually go down pretty much every time….engis are really UP right now, getting up or not doesn’t matter that much imo…buff them first and then fix self-rez, and i’m saying this as someone who never used an engi in pvp, not my class for sure but, oh god, you feel bad for them even if you don’t play it..

Yesterday a guildmate joined us in paids (He mains engi and he also plays bunker guard)…

Ark can you please take thief or mez?
Because, you know, if you stay guardian i have to take the engi ç_ç

Just an example…

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Don’t feel bad. Condi Engis are as OP as d/d valk eles IMO. People just need to L2P. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


You can wait out the field b4 kiling him also, it lasts 6 seconds, but if u put him down poison is ur friend and dps the body instead of trying 4 a stomp.
Or if u have stability or stealth, stomp w that.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Don’t feel bad. Condi Engis are as OP as d/d valk eles IMO. People just need to L2P.

Think i already met condition engis and they’re not stronger than condition necros imo…at last 1vs1 from a bunker guardian’s point of view, with other classes maybe i faced some in mid team fights but inside the mess you can’t really notice how strong a single one is expec if there’s also a necro spamming wells around….so dunno, but well i have to tell our engi he must give it a try..

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Don’t feel bad. Condi Engis are as OP as d/d valk eles IMO. People just need to L2P.

I’m sorry for you.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I remember when Condi Engis were brought up a bit ago as well and no one believed it.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Engineer has a steep learning curve compared to other classes :/
Maybe due to the fact that I haven’t seen many good engi streams.
but with lots of potential..
I played around with condi engi in 1v1s and my necro just seems to do the same job but better.. till I figured out I needed to take back my healing turret to get my heal back I just kept dieing.. not the easiest class to get into for sure..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


Some people are telling me to l2p (this happens on every thread so I’m not taking it personally) but I’m getting conflicting info

- Im being told to stomp him with stealth or stability
- I’m being told don’t stomp just dps him
- I’m being told knock him out of the field

First of all I was on my ranger so I don’t have stealth, to have stability I’d pretty much need to choose a certain elite skill on the off chance that I’ll come across an engi – that’s not much of a solution.

As a ranger I was constantly dps-ing him anyway whilst stomping with a cat pet – so v.high dps vs stationary target and that didn’t work. His health wasn’t increasing! he just got up after a few seconds. I never got a stomp off either so this didn’t cause him to res. So either the skill was bugged or his visible downed healthbar was bugged. Either way, not a L2P issue!

As a ranger I have no skills to move a downed player, except possibly longbow 4, and if you ever read the ranger forums you’d know longbow is practically useless in pvp, and even if it wasn’t – again I have to carry a specific weapon now in case I meet an engi?? Not a solution.

So of the 3 pieces of advice, 2 conflict. 1 I did. 1 is likely literally impossible for my class, may be possible with LB but at least not possible in practice. And 1 would work but requires me to choose and use an elite skill for the sole purpose of stomping engis?

I totally agree that engineers need a buff, but that is a separate issue. This gimmick is broken – so stop defending it.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


…..ranger really?
What ranger doesn’t take zephyr’s speed? Just quickness stomp him. If it’s on cooldown then just throw poison on him and wait out the elixir.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Don’t stomp him with stealth or stability, that’s terrible advice. You need to either quickness stomp, DPS the corpse, or make sure they aren’t in the field when they die.

From a rough survey of builds on the Engi forums, most of us don’t even take the skill, so I’m not sure how broken the gimmick is if many Engineers don’t even see it as better then Elixir S. It’s useful yes, but it relies on someone being uninformed about the skill. I haven’t used it in forever, and it’s the only reason Elixir R has any sort of advantage over Elixir S.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

use normal stomp first,he will be forced to use his downed skill to pull u,then u use quickness and stomp him.This apply to all other profession as well.

Unless you burst him down with quickness and press f quickly the moment he is downed, whilst quickness is still active,which will make u finish the stomp animation very fast,followed by a time lag and then the actual death takes place.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Some people are telling me to l2p (this happens on every thread so I’m not taking it personally) but I’m getting conflicting info

- Im being told to stomp him with stealth or stability
- I’m being told don’t stomp just dps him
- I’m being told knock him out of the field

First of all I was on my ranger so I don’t have stealth, to have stability I’d pretty much need to choose a certain elite skill on the off chance that I’ll come across an engi – that’s not much of a solution.

As a ranger I was constantly dps-ing him anyway whilst stomping with a cat pet – so v.high dps vs stationary target and that didn’t work. His health wasn’t increasing! he just got up after a few seconds. I never got a stomp off either so this didn’t cause him to res. So either the skill was bugged or his visible downed healthbar was bugged. Either way, not a L2P issue!

As a ranger I have no skills to move a downed player, except possibly longbow 4, and if you ever read the ranger forums you’d know longbow is practically useless in pvp, and even if it wasn’t – again I have to carry a specific weapon now in case I meet an engi?? Not a solution.

So of the 3 pieces of advice, 2 conflict. 1 I did. 1 is likely literally impossible for my class, may be possible with LB but at least not possible in practice. And 1 would work but requires me to choose and use an elite skill for the sole purpose of stomping engis?

I totally agree that engineers need a buff, but that is a separate issue. This gimmick is broken – so stop defending it.

1) Don’t listen to the ranger forums, they’re filled with idiots that despite the sudden surge of people thinking trap ranger is “OP” the class is still utter kitten… Just save yourself the headache and stay far away from there.

2) Do you have points in your BM tree? If so that cat should’ve shredded through his healthbar fast enough that he couldn’t rez, but seeing as how the cat didn’t you probably only have the 5pts in there for the QZ on swap, which makes your pet just a cannonless glass cannon.

3) Seeing as how you are listening to the ranger forums you likely are using a shortbow which means you have immediate access to a large amount of poison, as such you should be using that + going behind the engi for the bleeds and just spamming away, if you’re using Axe + torch you should drop bonefire + shotgunning splitblades into him, followed by the chill (to make sure his 3 doesn’t come up anytime soon) and dps him down that way. If you’re using a Sword + w/e you have another immediate access to poison and could continue to DPS him down that way, if you have an off hand dagger, OH LOOK!! more poison!!

You have endless possibilities to apply poison as a ranger and then proceed to just curb stomp the poor little engies teeth into the back of his throat. And Idk about you, but i personally LOVE the longbow in PvP because dat 4 is really good at getting people off of my points, not to mention 10 vuln, barrage, and rapid fire are all really nice for supporting my pets blood lust.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


1) Don’t listen to the ranger forums, they’re filled with idiots that despite the sudden surge of people thinking trap ranger is “OP” the class is still utter kitten… Just save yourself the headache and stay far away from there.

2) Do you have points in your BM tree? If so that cat should’ve shredded through his healthbar fast enough that he couldn’t rez, but seeing as how the cat didn’t you probably only have the 5pts in there for the QZ on swap, which makes your pet just a cannonless glass cannon.

3) Seeing as how you are listening to the ranger forums you likely are using a shortbow which means you have immediate access to a large amount of poison, as such you should be using that + going behind the engi for the bleeds and just spamming away, if you’re using Axe + torch you should drop bonefire + shotgunning splitblades into him, followed by the chill (to make sure his 3 doesn’t come up anytime soon) and dps him down that way. If you’re using a Sword + w/e you have another immediate access to poison and could continue to DPS him down that way, if you have an off hand dagger, OH LOOK!! more poison!!

You have endless possibilities to apply poison as a ranger and then proceed to just curb stomp the poor little engies teeth into the back of his throat. And Idk about you, but i personally LOVE the longbow in PvP because dat 4 is really good at getting people off of my points, not to mention 10 vuln, barrage, and rapid fire are all really nice for supporting my pets blood lust.

Where to start..

1. There is some great advice on the ranger forums along with all the rest.
2. Wrong, i have 15 points in BM my cat does the same dps as ppl with 20 points because of 5% dmg buff from 25 NM.
3.Wrong, i’m not using a shortbow.
4. whether you like longbow or not is irrelevant – carrying it should not be a requirement.

As for the new suggestions others have made – quickness – tried that, didn’t work. The wire has no delay before cast, he rezzes before getting it off after being pulled down.

But thanks for the poison tip will try that. So basically i have to make sure i have poison off cooldown when he’s low health – fair enough, though that’s usually when i use it in case he heals back up.

As for knowing when the rez is being used, as i said his health bar wasn’t increasing. Can you see the circle of this rez area? Ppl are talking as if you can, but i was under the impression that only offensive enemy spell area circles were visible. I will however listen for the sound effect in future.

So yeah admittedly somewhat a L2P issue, but i also think his healthbar should increase 20% every tic to reflect the fact that he’s being rezzed that much, not have him suddenly get up from near-death with no visual indication, only a sound effect – i like to listen to podcasts when i play darn it! So also a BUG that needs fixing, i just need to learn to work around the bug, yippee i didn’t do enough of that already playing a ranger.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Put poison field, knock him back, use haste, and just to make sure the stomp is secured, use stability.

Signed, level 1 alt

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


omg, still arguing about it ?



Sigh – learn to read. Quickness stomping is not an option – using it immediately you get interrupted by the wire. By the time you recover from wire pull, he rezzes before you can execute a quickness stomp. Test it for yourself.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



If you can’t keep the engineer out of their rez circle.

Hide behind your pet to quickness stomp.

Engineer Hook shot will hit the pet, and you will stomp.

It’s a thing every ranger should know when fighting an engineer. Our downed state sucks.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


20 bucks says the engineer just rallied off of someone else dieng. Perhaps a turret he had somewhere else. lawl.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Wanderer.5471



If you can’t keep the engineer out of their rez circle.

Hide behind your pet to quickness stomp.

Engineer Hook shot will hit the pet, and you will stomp.

It’s a thing every ranger should know when fighting an engineer. Our downed state sucks.

Nice tip, thanks! This is the difference between L2P trolls and peope who actually know how to play ^

I still think the healthbar should increase to reflect the rezzing though, for the sake of other classes lol

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


omg, still arguing about it ?



Sigh – learn to read. Quickness stomping is not an option – using it immediately you get interrupted by the wire. By the time you recover from wire pull, he rezzes before you can execute a quickness stomp. Test it for yourself.

I’m sorry but it’s your fault.

Even if he’s spamming 2 as soon as he dies, wire animation is pretty clear and you have not only enough time to dodge it ( dodge will be faster due to quickness) but you’ll have still enough time ( since zephyr quickness lasts 2 secs) to start the haste stomp before quickness expires, so that you’ll be able to continue your haste stompe even without quickness ( dunno if it’s a glitch, but it’s working this way).

One of my mains is an hybrid BM ranger, i’m 100 % sure it’s doable, you simply need to dodge the wire and haste stomp. If the engi is not spamming 2 on death, you’ll haste stomp him before he’ll be able to end the cast.

It’s a l2p issue, nothing more, nothing less: the ranger is one of those classes able to handle easily elixir R self rezz, you really shouldn’t complain.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


So engis are the only class that we need to use a special skill in order to finish them? Else they should just go back up over and over? Thats dumb.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: MrForz.1953


20 bucks says the engineer just rallied off of someone else dieng. Perhaps a turret he had somewhere else. lawl.

I think so too.

And all of this is if the Engineer uses the Elixir R. I’d like to remind people that it doesn’t have much pulses, a bit of damage will screw his ability to rez himself, getting him out of the circle will obviously work aswell.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Disparity.7814


20 bucks says the engineer just rallied off of someone else dieng. Perhaps a turret he had somewhere else. lawl.

I think so too.

And all of this is if the Engineer uses the Elixir R. I’d like to remind people that it doesn’t have much pulses, a bit of damage will screw his ability to rez himself, getting him out of the circle will obviously work aswell.

Literally if you damage an engineer for even 2 seconds, he won’t get the rez off. It’s not that hard, and I lol at anyone who complains about elixir R


Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


So engis are the only class that we need to use a special skill in order to finish them? Else they should just go back up over and over? Thats dumb.

Each time I see you post, I fail to see any logic.

Downed engineer are a free kills. For the amount that use elixir R (Very few to be honest), attack them for 2 sec and they won’t be able to rez. Use a poison, what ever.

If they don’t have it, they have the worse downed state in the game.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: XIII.9615


The tool belt elixir R is on a 120 seconds cooldown. With inertial inverter the engineer will be able to use it two times. Without inertial inverter elixir R is actually not worth it, not only because of the very long cooldown, but also because simple auto attacking does more damage than one elixir R can heal, so the engineer will try to use two elixirs at the same time. One before he gets to 25% health and one when he gets to 25% health. That is actually quite tricky to do, you should try it yourself.
If elixir R is on cooldown, which is very likely, the engineer is better off using it at 25% health to cleanse his conditions, given this is the only effective way for an engineer to cleanse conditions.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Infectious.4836


haste stomp.


Because no haste stomp randomly failed ever?

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: MrForz.1953


As a ranger in 1v1s your pet is constantly dps-ing downed players so you are WRONG. You’d know this if you actually read the previous posts, instead of chiming in with OPINIONS that have already been proved wrong. Maybe learn what “literally” means?

Then your Engineer was rallied on some kill somewhere else.


Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


the problem with these skills is not that are unbalanced but that thye give the impression to new players that something is unfair and they lost while they were winning.If an engie fought you 1vs1 and managed to self rez and beat you afterwards you were never really winning in first place.Just like you fight a thief early on and you both go at 25 % hp thinking you are equal while he is just 1 hs away from defeating you

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


They are unbalanced though. Look at the guardian down state they get a push back whoowee. The fact of the matter is some classes have better downed states then others and there is really no legitimate case why it should be so. Why should class x have a better downded state then class z. It is unbalanced. That doesn’t mean you can’t deal with it and overcome it most of the time with smart play but just by simple logic it is unbalanced.

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Elixir R isn’t a downed state, it’s an utility.

Our downedstate ability are prolly the worse in the game. I would take your AoE push anytime over my single target “Pull”.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


You can kind of think of it as a 120s cooldown 25% heal and condi removal, that has a chance at failing, and a variable time delay. If it’s used in this manner exclusively anyway.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper