Every time I get a bad team
70% of my games i got AFK or leaver when we start lose.
Should’ve rushed B man.
1 DC 1 afk and rush 1v5?? lol man.
People are bailing in the first minutes of the game when it’s apparent that they are going to lose. Almost all my matches have ben one-sides matches
You guys in low bronze? Not had this problem in high bronze and low silver.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
inb4 this thread gets shut down for threats on animal abuse…
inb4 this thread gets shut down for threats on animal abuse…
It’s not a threat.
70% of my games i got AFK or leaver when we start lose.
7 reports for on dc?you’re some report bot?
Everytime I got a bad team I wanted to kill myself. Instead I uninstalled this garbage game. I don’t have to kill myself anymore. I think I won.
You are still posting on forums you will come back. So grats on wasting time uninstalling the game and having to reinstall update etc.
Down the river and across the road buddy. We’re all rooting for you. Make the world a better place.