GW2 is Now E-Sport? =D

GW2 is Now E-Sport? =D

in PvP

Posted by: NeMeSiS.9154


i hope that you are trolling with this topic right?

Goddess Athena El is here since beta..
played over 10k tourneys..
has being top 25 on soloq and teamq countless times..

GW2 is Now E-Sport? =D

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


After WTS, I can pretty much guarantee it’ll be the end for GW2 PvP. I will even go as far to say that ArenaNet may remove sPvP altogether in the near future.

I have to agree with you.
Watching the PAX tournament, they got 2k viewers on twitch.
Watching the WTS tournament, again 2k viewers.

Isn’t going anywhere.
I’m not sure who the developers are listening too, but my guess would be they listening to wrong people, and looking at adopt a dev thread on WvW forums (claims about dev’s only listening to big guilds, high tier worlds), I’d wager these dev’s only talk to the high popularity PvP’ers. Those players consist of 1% of the population, they need to listen to the rest of the population if they want to go anywhere near eSports.

Couple things the developers should be working on to make this game more eSports is:
1. Make the friends list SHOW PvP rank. PvP leaderboard rank. WvW rank etc.
Like your name, (in blue rank 80, if rank 80), (in red 91% if that’s where your at on leaderboards), (in purple 500 if your a level 500 in WvW).
This game needs to promote self-interest, competition with others, rivalries, etc. This is a small step towards that goal. ***As Mr.Mcmahon says, “Controversy creates cash”, this game needs mores controversy, competition. There use to be a lot in WvW, but they got rid of those types of threads (Jade Quarry vs SoS vs SoR, who gonna win, flame everyone type threads…. hype it up type threads).
2. Needs more maps like Original Skyhammer, need more fun type maps, oh kitten type maps. Needs map modes like ‘lights out’, ‘thunderstorm’. The mode right now is stale if you want to be innovate you got to be creative.
3. Spectating the tournaments through the game. They promised us through SotG which Grouch was hosting…. He’s part of the anet team now, and all that talk and now he can do changes, still nothing, still no walk. I remember in one of them ANOTHER thing, the PvP TEMPLATES was brought up by a dev a year ago….. Dev talked the talk but STILL no PvP TEMPLATES, still no walk. No templates is why Skyhammer is not seen as good, because people DO NOT like having to change up there build because they use someone elses build and therefore are crap on Skyhammer because they using a non-Skyhammer type build. If there was PvP templates there would be more good games on Skyhammer, Skyhammer would be received better because they have a build all set up for it, so theres no excuse to losing to someone who is a Skyhammer build when your not one, the only excuse now is that you suck because you have all the opportunities as the other person, its just that he beat you, which means hes better, just like if he beat you up pounding you instead, theres no excuse you just suck, quit hating Skyhammer because you got owned in 2 seconds, you got owned in 2 seconds because you suck, not because Skyhammer sucks, its because you suck.
4. This game needs some PvP function with guilds. All I hear is all these guys rambling, the popularity contest people, that they ramble there’s no teams out there. Well, that’s a large fact due to anet fault at not implementing incentives for people to create PvP guilds. Being in a guild does you nothing in terms of PvP. Being in a guild in WvW you have benefits, being in a guild in PvE you have benefits…. But PvP, ZERO benefits.
They should make incentives for people to be in guilds for PvP and the only way to unlock those benefits is by winning matches via PvP (NO, wvw or pve stuff to get pvp guild benefits, because then the wvw or pve big guilds would take all the players and no small or large pvp guilds would get any because all those mega boss pve guilds and wvw guilds have so much surplus they don’t even do pvp and have all the pvp benefits which is unfair, people that pvp should have pvp benefits not pve and wvw). Incentives for PvP guilds are stuff like better magic find, chance for more loot on reward tracks, faster reward track progression, more money from wins, better chances at pvp skins, etc.
5. Real tournament system, real ranking system.
6. Player customized guild hall (PvP) battles, let high ranked PvP teams be able to customized there own guild hall and have objective to take it out to take there spot on the ranking system. It’s team defending having all these traps and however they make there guild hall defendable vs people outside of it trying to take it. Give the high ranking teams some pride and feel of accomplishment, give other people that envy them a reason to try and take from them.
I have so many ideas, things I can talk about what GW2 is doing wrong it aint funny.
BTW, WvW community isn’t happy where they are at either so don’t feel too bad GW2 isn’t esports in PvP.
I saw this video on WvW threads, its really good so I’d like to share it here as well.

GW2 is Now E-Sport? =D

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Summary of what I’d like to see
-Better friends list (shows pvp rank, pvp leaderboard, etc)
-More maps like Skyhammer
-More game modes on current maps
-Spectating live tournaments in game (unlimited amount of spectators, not capped 20 people)
-Incentives for people to join PvP guilds (currently its only something stupid like 5% influence for guild doing pvp events, theres nothing else guildwise to be of an incentive for people to create guilds, team together, play together…. You get more guild influence but than what? For WvW you can claim territory and PvE spawn megabosses, PvP… NOTHING)
-REAL TOURNAMENT (ingame ones)
-REAL RANKING (If people say ranking doesn’t mean anything…. Than I got some words for you developers, you failed because rank SHOULD mean something(talking about primarily about leaderboard rank, but ingame rank as well). If leaderboards means nothing, pvp ingame rank means nothing, than that means pretty much all those hardcore pvp’ers don’t mean nothing as well because they have nothing to show for.
-Player guild(team/party of 5) limited customized maps by them (they construct there guild hall, defense, interior defense etc. and outside is normal and 20 min battle ensues), this kind of like WvW, but I’m just trying to think of something that the people who commit time to PvP can be proud of, or something that really makes people stand out. Having a custom arena doesn’t really make you that cool and awesome. But something like this would, something that you can create would. Would be the only housing, guild type thing in game… Things like this would make a lot of PvE’ers WvW’ers PvP’ers jealous and want to be better than the best. Competition. Controversy creates cash. Mr. Mcmahon. Billionaire.

Edit: Can’t remember which sotg it was but I think its this one that a developer himself mentions creating a pvp build template, so that people would enjoy spirit watch more because people whining about it…. Well the same story goes for Skyhammer and because that developer lack of initiative of creating a real PvP build (not a pvp build tab, lazy way of tricking community you doing work, because theres really no changes at all, just some way to make pvp easier for you developers because players are no longer able to mix runes together and have to stick with one rune for the armor and not have to worry about going with a mix of 2 or whatever runes, if anything made pvp customization smaller) Anyways back to my take, is that the pvp build they implemented (lazy, cheap way to show your boss you did work), is not the pvp build (TEMPLATE***) that you brought up in SotG. That PvP build (***TEMPLATE) was one where you could you switch from hambow, to banner, to 100blades, to skyhammer build, to spirit watch build, to raid of Capricorn build, to courtyard build, to whatever build you wanted with a click of a button and it does all that weapon switching, sigil switching, rune switching, utility switching, trait switching, all in one button. But nope, you guys seem to have taken the lazy way instead. Theres nothing special about PvP build button, just another way to change out runes and stuff, was totally not needed, and just made pvp customization less complicated because you cant go 4 of one rune and 2 of another and stuff like that.
This may seem like a little non priority issue, but it is a major issue in making more complicated and fun maps like skyhammer and spirit watch because EVERYONE is running premade builds, and a lot of people don’t even know how to make there own build. So them running a static build for static boring maps does them no good when a spirit watch or skyhammer pops up because they too scared to switch anything of there premade build, which leads to them getting owned by good people and them coming to complain about it on forums, and results in you guys making skyhammer and spirit watch less fun. Snowball effect because you guys cant do a single easy little thing.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)