GW2's pvp

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Therapist.7095


All right, quick disclaimer before the bashing comes: what I’m about to say(or type, w/e) IS going to be personal, albeit I’m pretty sure loads of people feel the same way.
GW2’s pvp can pretty much be summed up by mindless skill(as in class skills, like Zealot’s Embrace) spamming, with next to 0 actual skill(As in amount of knowledge/train needed) requirement; yea sure there is some, but it’s something you can “master” in less than an hour, unless you’re braindead.
Secondly, the builds: There’s, again, almost NO different DECENT builds for pvp in here. With every nerf patch, a new master build for the class comes, again, there are some exceptions here and there, but face it, the battlefields feels like a bunch of bots with different skins. Here’s an example for, let’s say, thief: Crit build. Just go full crit, not reaally sure about the weps, probably dagger/pistol, not much to think. Wanna go condi build? HAH, try to get past the infinite condi removal skills + builds that does 11k dmg in 2s.
Thirdly, too much focus on DPS, no focus on defense: Most skills are pretty much just DPS focused; there isn’t a skill for thiefs that makes them dodge a few attacks, or a skill for guardians that raises their %chance of resisting something. It’s pretty much go big or go home, whoever has the must burst and uses the healing in the right time wins.
Again, that’s very personal, I know people that love GW’s pvp, some people that hate it, thus leading to them quitting the game. I personally LOVE the pve and the effort the staff puts into mega events, but the pvp is just off putting.

(edited by Therapist.7095)

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


wrong subforum, also dont like it, dont play it. you will be happy if you make it so

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Therapist.7095


Actually, no, it’s not the wrong subforum, it’s on the DISCUSSIONS subforum, if you take a good look at it, and yea, I’m trying to DISCUSS the PVP aspect of the game.

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Immensus.9732


Fellow player, i must disagree with you on the part that is about mindless playing in pvp. on the contrary people “using their brains” to find good builds and learn how to play them, which most of the times are DPS focused but thats because there is not any full support or healing or tank class in gw2 , also in tPvP coordination is required. Yes gw2 pvp needs more game modes for many reasons but the Devs said there are more coming soon.

My personal comment here is, i dont know what class you play but usually warriors and guardians can get a bit boring in PvP for many reasons, most interesting classes in my opinion are mesmer, thief, engineer and ele can be nice as well, i definitely suggest you to try them out if you havent.

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Actually, no, it’s not the wrong subforum, it’s on the DISCUSSIONS subforum, if you take a good look at it, and yea, I’m trying to DISCUSS the PVP aspect of the game.

Its the wrong subforum, there are specific subforums in order to keep the forum organized, you may try to save face, but a mod will likely move this topic to the appropriate subforum if it gets enough traffic

GW2's pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


The post was poorly constructed and also you didn’t really discuss things for improvements etc. Also, have you tried many other MMO’s? Flavor of the Month classes and meta builds have always existed, even when 2 seperate builds for one profession exist, see condi and power based mesmers, whichever fits best within more common composition of team takes precedence.

Happens with most if not all MMO’s my recommendation is embrace it and try new professions builds as they become strong, or defy it by sticking with what you know and love and doing everything in your power to make it work. Don’t expect to be the best all the time, just like you shouldn’t expect to win all the time.