Game modes.

Game modes.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

I remember being told ‘’were working on new game modes’’ now its up to us to come up with them?
Game Modes
2 versus 2 arena.
Daily automated tournaments (used to be 3 a day in gw1)
Bring back 3 map tournaments.
Guild versus Guild/ guild halls status update?

Get people playing again.
Permanent decay on leader-boards dont reward people who arent playing.

Skill Change
Torment skill change ‘’Inflict damage over time and double damage while standing still’’ (at the moment people have to just ignore this condition because you cant ever just stand still)

Game modes.

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I second 2v2 arena. 1v1 is unbalanced and build dependent. 2v2 is a lot better and more skill/synergy dependent. I’ve been in guilds that used to run regular 2v2 tournaments and they were very fun.

One thing though: stealth should have a limited pool of 20 seconds for both sides, otherwise thieves with 30 shadow arts and prismatic mesmers will be literally unstoppable. It’s still a strategic thing that can be used to help you but I don’t want it to be “stealthvstealth”.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Game modes.

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


When GW2 came out of beta, ANet already said, that they are working on different game times, but at the moment (when it came out), they had the oppinion, that Conquest was the one, making most fun.