what should be changed imo in general:
first remove all ress skills from game,ressing should be team skill not skill on toolbar ….
give immunity ( 5 seconds ) for disables after u are disabled :chain fearing nekro , or chain stuning warrior , or chain knockback engi is not skill it is just pushing few buttons and giving no chance to defend urself to a foe…..
no disable should be longer than 2 secs
or 4 seconds is realy a lot in team fights
remove skills like moa from game :why there is skill that u cant do nothing for such long time ,if u keep moa in game give invalnurable to player that is moa,make it tactic skill not stupid brainless skill
make this game more simple more tactical ,not spam ,spam, spam ……than if didnt work ,2 are in downstate so ress spirit and they up again :/ there is so much skill to push elite skill button twice and ress everything …hmmmmmm
if u make builds like perma evade thief why u give him so much dmg ?if u make nekro with deathshroud that u have to put tons of dmg to kill it why u give him milions of fears and condis + epidemic …..it is insane ,or ranger with pet + 4 spirits ? u cant even see what is going on
make this game simple to watch , more tactical not spam,spam game ,will be easier to watch ,now it is not fun to watch ,and u need viewers for any stream
and start listening to players ,couse after year this game is up ,u didnt proved that u can balance this game , u proved only that ur plan is bad ,i know that u created this game but we play this game and we dont like it how u deal with balance and make it e sport, this game is for us not for u :p
why u do so much for pve not for pvp ? with good pvp scene ,with big pvp comunity u can make this game famous , it is free advertisment for game and ur company ,
look at those famous pvp games , GW2 have much more potential than those games
and last thing make pvp in this game free to play for everyone ,maybe the comunity will grow enough to make e sport from it , but first make this game simpler ,and more tactical …
that is my opinion