Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
10k Base hp is just a no go for Guardians, it makes the paladin GW equivalent just as squishy as thief and Eles.
The fact that you put a trait that gives you 300 vit, should be telling how bad the class needs the HP.
It is simply too stats restrictive.
Does not need be 18k like the warrior, but it should at the very least be 15k. As it stands every class in the game is tougher than a Guardian, save Eles and Thiefs.
Give more base HP and I’ll be so OP with all my aegis, regen, protection, dodge, blind, blocks and invulnerability. If you can’t survive with all that, you playing it wrong.
(edited by kirito.4138)
Main reason I say no way is if they did that the qq over bunker guards would reach epic proportions.
That and dps guard would wreck even harder than it does (in the right hands).
You must play a completely dps focused guard. There is no way a guard will get a HP buff. It is currently the ONLY must have class of tournament teams.
Give aegis/blind/blocks/invul to other classes .
They dont need them, they already are tougher than guardians.
Give aegis/blind/blocks/invul to other classes .
They dont need them, they already are tougher than guardians.
Man what game are you playing? It’s not GW2…
Give aegis/blind/blocks/invul to other classes .
They dont need them, they already are tougher than guardians.
Man what game are you playing? It’s not GW2…
Some how, you apparently think that regardless of the soulless void that is PVP in a game that is a successor to a pvp focused game, this kind of pvp design/balancing is something desirable or even that people want. Despite pvp being dead 4 months into the release of the game.
Give more base HP and I’ll be so OP with all my aegis, regen, protection, dodge, blind, blocks and invulnerability. If you can’t survive with all that, you playing it wrong.
Pro tip, every class has access to the same thing. And blocking 2 hits in an engagement through aegis, is not going to make up for 5k hp i am missing.
There needs to be other viable builds than full healer/full bunker with out this class being and feeling as squishy as playing a thief.
Give more base HP and I’ll be so OP with all my aegis, regen, protection, dodge, blind, blocks and invulnerability. If you can’t survive with all that, you playing it wrong.
Pro tip, every class has access to the same thing. And blocking 2 hits in an engagement through aegis, is not going to make up for 5k hp i am missing.
There needs to be other viable builds than full healer/full bunker with out this class being and feeling as squishy as playing a thief.
From what you just said….
Yea you’re playing it wrong Mr. Pro
Some how, you apparently think that regardless of the soulless void that is PVP in a game that is a successor to a pvp focused game, this kind of pvp design/balancing is something desirable or even that people want. Despite pvp being dead 4 months into the release of the game.
You want to try that again with shoving words into my mouth? Or is lying and being outright dishonest about what I said or implied the only response you have?
No, Guardian HP is just fine given their massive amounts of sustain, boons, and support. Just because you lack the ability to use them properly doesn’t make Guardian’s squishy.
If your AH bunk Guard is dying like a squishy thief…
Dodge roll more. Spam your boons (within reason) around your teammates and LoS and empower. You’ll find that in the heat of things it’s nearly impossible to die with symbol, dodge heal, and AH ticking all over. Aegis, blind and other blocks and RF are there to improve your sustain. You should also feel like a god with aegis blocks for teammates, instant healing, on-demand protection, and mite stax.
Maybe go watch some Kensuda/Tage?
If you don’t like/can’t play bunker (Guard bunk so guud) you can try Triple Meditation Burst Guard. If you’re doing it right with Trip Med, people should be reeling from ridiculous front-loaded damage, and you should be able to chase with ports and hydromancy and hopefully win. By the way, you either are good/lucky and you win, or you fail hard while getting focussed and die.
If your AH bunk Guard is dying like a squishy thief…
Dodge roll more. Spam your boons (within reason) around your teammates and LoS and empower. You’ll find that in the heat of things it’s nearly impossible to die with symbol, dodge heal, and AH ticking all over. Aegis, blind and other blocks and RF are there to improve your sustain. You should also feel like a god with aegis blocks for teammates, instant healing, on-demand protection, and mite stax.
Bunker is fine, never said it wasnt, but it is not the only thing it should be viable.
If you don’t like/can’t play bunker (Guard bunk so guud) you can try Triple Meditation Burst Guard. If you’re doing it right with Trip Med, people should be reeling from ridiculous front-loaded damage, and you should be able to chase with ports and hydromancy and hopefully win. By the way, you either are good/lucky and you win, or you fail hard while getting focussed and die.
Ah yes, full front load, blinks to target, squishy, heals here and there, what does that remind me of? Oh yeah right the rogues in like every RPG known to man… including GW1.
Offensive guardian plays more like a thief than like a warrior, which sucks, that is not what i picked a full metal clad avatar for.
As a bunker/ support guardian I rely mainly on high healing power, boons and good timing of all my blocks and dodges. So no, I don’t think we need more HP.
I’d love to have higher healing power, but i know I want too much
guards are perfectly fine
The fact that you put a trait that gives you 300 vit, should be telling how bad the class needs the HP.
Every class can put +300 vitality from traits.
Having that low base hps blocks alot of specs, I have such freedom of speccing on every other class I tried, but not on my guardian, one or 2 trees have to max to get hps up. That is just stupid.
man everyone has their opinions but…
you’re the only one that seems to think guardians only have 1 build available, or that they are squishy. sure, full dps guard is squishy-ish, but compare to full dps thief? that’s ridicolous, thieves have stealth and that’s it, dps guards have a mix of (depending on exact build) aegis, blocks, stability, really nasty cc, blind spam, teleports, invulnerability on elite, high boon uptime, some of the best pvp healing skills ever, great condi removal, you name it… i mean just take medi guards as an example, healing 2k hp everytime they use an utility? in a mid-lenght fight you’ll more than make up for you lower base hp.
you don’t NEED max hp, warriors have high hp because 9 time out of 10 the only defensive mechanism they have is a large hp pool and endure pain/zerker stance.
Guardian doesn’t need any more than 15 k HP. You have plenty of ways to sustain your health and if you get bursted from 15k hp down to nothing, then you’re doing it wrong.
It might seem like the guardian has low HP but effectively he has more HP than anybody.
Even zerk medi guard has an extra 6+ k from meditations, 5-6k from heal, 4 k from virtues, so you will be able to fill your HP bar from 1% to full.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
10k Base hp is just a no go for Guardians, it makes the paladin GW equivalent just as squishy as thief and Eles.
The fact that you put a trait that gives you 300 vit, should be telling how bad the class needs the HP.
It is simply too stats restrictive.
Does not need be 18k like the warrior, but it should at the very least be 15k. As it stands every class in the game is tougher than a Guardian, save Eles and Thiefs.
Then by your logic, elementalists should also get a major heath point boost too. Actually why stop there…..why not buff thieves hp aswell.
As a Necromancer, I say no health buff for you. Only Necromancers and Warriors deserve the gift of health.
On a serious note, Guardians would become broken and borderline OP if they had an HP buff. But don’t take my word for it, just listen to all these guys here that do play guardian and disagree with you.
I just wish guardian had a bunch of healing skills that made their effective health equal to if not better than a warrior.
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