Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Again I say thank you for everyone who has helped me make this list, this video would not be possible without you guys. So on that note I hope you enjoy the video, and please leave your comments below, and please spread this around so others can see it by giving the video a like. Thanks again.



Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Higher George Lucas, so GW2 can reach truly epic levels of sequel let down.

Diablo 3 has more viewers on twitch…

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Higher George Lucas

What does it mean!?1

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


I didn’t hear any suggestions I didn’t disagree with while I do agree with most of them.

However, some Staff buffs for Ele would be welcomed. More then what is currently being done just because of how easy it is to avoid being hit by most of its attacks, and I think they’re going the wrong direction with buffing Water Blast.

However however, I like idea about the Lyssa runes having a much longer cooldown.

HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER, I agree with the change about flanking strike and larcenous strike. As well as the Shadow Trap change.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


Diablo 3 has more viewers on twitch…

Yep. Sad but true.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Bumping thread.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I didn’t hear any suggestions I didn’t disagree with while I do agree with most of them.

However, some Staff buffs for Ele would be welcomed. More then what is currently being done just because of how easy it is to avoid being hit by most of its attacks, and I think they’re going the wrong direction with buffing Water Blast.

However however, I like idea about the Lyssa runes having a much longer cooldown.

HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER, I agree with the change about flanking strike and larcenous strike. As well as the Shadow Trap change.

I didn’t (-) hear any suggestions I didnt (-) disagree (-) with. While I do agree with most of them…

so a triple negative makes a negative I think, but then we conclude on a positive, and then go on…

HOWEVER… and then comment in agreeance.

so I guess you disagreed with most of it.

Forget GL just hire this guy. He’ll sort things out!

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


GW countbro. It all checks out in my opinion.

I wrote a transcript as I listened/waited for queue (No offense meant, not everyone has as much time as you and I, and this needs to be out there):

-All ideas/suggestions suggested by a player were run past 6 other experienced players in the class.
-Pet/AI bars should be hidden, only player health bars should display in the intrest of clarity.
-Free camera
-Tab functionality between players
-Colour coding for player/pets
-Conditions and buffs should have a timer for spectators.
-Add a queue join so you can play on the same team as your friends.
-New modes for hotjoins
-Alterac Valley equivalent from WoW
Game wide changes:
-More descriptive tooltips.
-Stealth cap for all classes: 8 seconds (No permastealth thief, prismatic mesmers)
-Lyssa rune internal cooldown to 60-80 seconds
-Improve leaderboards with team whole ratings/team leaderboards, alternate accounts/decay fix.
-Reverse the greatsword damage mechanic – more damage closer, less further away, risk/reward
-Speed up scepter 1 autoattack
-Scepter autoattack should apply a bleed on third auto chain
-Scepter 2 should always hit the target only if the target you have selected hit you
-More access to swiftness
-Unscathed contender – aegis should be moved to lower priority on block order (IE shield block, focus 5 block) so that aegis can be kept up for unscathed contender.
-Signet of mercy’s cast time is too long.
-Healing Breeze should be a 1.5 second cast, 35 second recharge.
-Kindled Seal – effects should be stronger, moved to a lower tier, or reworked into a different viable trait.
-Colour coded staff mark aoe (In order to differentiate between mark types)
-1/4th second activation time on marks, if you trigger the area of effect of the mark and dodge immediately
-Spectral armour should be reduced to ~6-7% life force gain.
-Revert DS fear back to 1 second.
-Signet of spite weakness reduced.
-Scale minions to player stats, improve AI
-Bone minion should move to target before exploding (akin mesmer shatters)
-Well of power/darkness CD’s reduced by 5 seconds
-Revert putrid mark change
-Get an extra ability in the spirit chain: “hold” ability that pauses the spirit. This unlocks the active (after a CD of roughly 5 seconds) and after the active is used the spirit follows the ranger again (Really good suggestion imo)
-Sword 1 attack chain should be cancelable
-Spirit procs should no longer proc from the spirit’s active effects
-Ranger pets should scale from ranger stats
-Axe 5 offhand should be brought down in duration and cooldown, no retal
-All pet actives should be controllable to the ranger, with autocast toggelable. Cost to manual usage of skills. (Radical change).
-First stun to go to your pet (via that one trait) doesn’t work with basi venom, fix this
-Reduce the hitbox of small spirits, increase the renewal spirit’kittenbox.
-Buff conjures.
-Armour of earth CD to 60 seconds
-Lower damage of lightning strike and electric discharge by 10%
-Dust devil instant cast
-Reduce arcane wave/blast damage by 20%, then give them the benefits of elemental surge, while giving elemental surge a cooldown reduction trait instead.
-Reduce attunement CD by 1 second.
-More telegraphed skull crack
-Fix para sigil
-Lower the amount of signet of healing by some degree.
PERSONAL OPINION ON THAT ISSUE: Make it more active, it’s so passive and boring right now but so good. Slash it’s base healing to half, but then make it heal more over time temporarily if you successfully use adrenalin via skills on a target.
-Fix zerker stance to reflect tooltip (-100% condi reduction)
-Can double use the same adrenalin pool (mainly longbow)
-Pistol auto damage boost
-Pistol 2 rehaul (gets imob according to leak)
-CnD aftercast reduced, damage lsightly buffed.
-Flanking/larcenous 10-15% damage reduction, flanking required to get larcenous
-Shadow trap active removed
-Initiative price increase for infiltrator’s return, reduce range to 900
-Infiltrator’s strike should require LOS
-Elixir R res amount lowered, make insta cast
-fix automated response
-Shorter cast time on tool kit (Do you mean magnet?)
-Slick shoes slower cast time, fix speed
-Incentive for people to not use 2 kits
-Change elixir U completely
-Make turrets last a short amount of time and explode after duration
-Increase damage on auto attacks
-Give melee first weapon (I’ve seen leaks of an engineer hammer in the alpha client, so good news there).

All in all, great list, please take note developers.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


GW countbro. It all checks out in my opinion.

I wrote a transcript as I listened/waited for queue (No offense meant, not everyone has as much time as you and I, and this needs to be out there):

-All ideas/suggestions suggested by a player were run past 6 other experienced players in the class.
-Pet/AI bars should be hidden, only player health bars should display in the intrest of clarity.
-Free camera
-Tab functionality between players
-Colour coding for player/pets
-Conditions and buffs should have a timer for spectators.
-Add a queue join so you can play on the same team as your friends.
-New modes for hotjoins
-Alterac Valley equivalent from WoW
Game wide changes:
-More descriptive tooltips.
-Stealth cap for all classes: 8 seconds (No permastealth thief, prismatic mesmers)
-Lyssa rune internal cooldown to 60-80 seconds
-Improve leaderboards with team whole ratings/team leaderboards, alternate accounts/decay fix.
-Reverse the greatsword damage mechanic – more damage closer, less further away, risk/reward
-Speed up scepter 1 autoattack
-Scepter autoattack should apply a bleed on third auto chain
-Scepter 2 should always hit the target only if the target you have selected hit you
-More access to swiftness
-Unscathed contender – aegis should be moved to lower priority on block order (IE shield block, focus 5 block) so that aegis can be kept up for unscathed contender.
-Signet of mercy’s cast time is too long.
-Healing Breeze should be a 1.5 second cast, 35 second recharge.
-Kindled Seal – effects should be stronger, moved to a lower tier, or reworked into a different viable trait.
-Colour coded staff mark aoe (In order to differentiate between mark types)
-1/4th second activation time on marks, if you trigger the area of effect of the mark and dodge immediately
-Spectral armour should be reduced to ~6-7% life force gain.
-Revert DS fear back to 1 second.
-Signet of spite weakness reduced.
-Scale minions to player stats, improve AI
-Bone minion should move to target before exploding (akin mesmer shatters)
-Well of power/darkness CD’s reduced by 5 seconds
-Revert putrid mark change
-Get an extra ability in the spirit chain: “hold” ability that pauses the spirit. This unlocks the active (after a CD of roughly 5 seconds) and after the active is used the spirit follows the ranger again (Really good suggestion imo)
-Sword 1 attack chain should be cancelable
-Spirit procs should no longer proc from the spirit’s active effects
-Ranger pets should scale from ranger stats
-Axe 5 offhand should be brought down in duration and cooldown, no retal
-All pet actives should be controllable to the ranger, with autocast toggelable. Cost to manual usage of skills. (Radical change).
-First stun to go to your pet (via that one trait) doesn’t work with basi venom, fix this
-Reduce the hitbox of small spirits, increase the renewal spirit’kittenbox.
-Buff conjures.
-Armour of earth CD to 60 seconds
-Lower damage of lightning strike and electric discharge by 10%
-Dust devil instant cast
-Reduce arcane wave/blast damage by 20%, then give them the benefits of elemental surge, while giving elemental surge a cooldown reduction trait instead.
-Reduce attunement CD by 1 second.
-More telegraphed skull crack
-Fix para sigil
-Lower the amount of signet of healing by some degree.
PERSONAL OPINION ON THAT ISSUE: Make it more active, it’s so passive and boring right now but so good. Slash it’s base healing to half, but then make it heal more over time temporarily if you successfully use adrenalin via skills on a target.
-Fix zerker stance to reflect tooltip (-100% condi reduction)
-Can double use the same adrenalin pool (mainly longbow)
-Pistol auto damage boost
-Pistol 2 rehaul (gets imob according to leak)
-CnD aftercast reduced, damage lsightly buffed.
-Flanking/larcenous 10-15% damage reduction, flanking required to get larcenous
-Shadow trap active removed
-Initiative price increase for infiltrator’s return, reduce range to 900
-Infiltrator’s strike should require LOS
-Elixir R res amount lowered, make insta cast
-fix automated response
-Shorter cast time on tool kit (Do you mean magnet?)
-Slick shoes slower cast time, fix speed
-Incentive for people to not use 2 kits
-Change elixir U completely
-Make turrets last a short amount of time and explode after duration
-Increase damage on auto attacks
-Give melee first weapon (I’ve seen leaks of an engineer hammer in the alpha client, so good news there).

All in all, great list, please take note developers.

Very nice of you, thank you for this

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Higher George Lucas

What does it mean!?1

hire* sorry.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


I didn’t hear any suggestions I didn’t disagree with while I do agree with most of them.

However, some Staff buffs for Ele would be welcomed. More then what is currently being done just because of how easy it is to avoid being hit by most of its attacks, and I think they’re going the wrong direction with buffing Water Blast.

However however, I like idea about the Lyssa runes having a much longer cooldown.

HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER, I agree with the change about flanking strike and larcenous strike. As well as the Shadow Trap change.

I didn’t (-) hear any suggestions I didnt (-) disagree (-) with. While I do agree with most of them…

so a triple negative makes a negative I think, but then we conclude on a positive, and then go on…

HOWEVER… and then comment in agreeance.

so I guess you disagreed with most of it.

Forget GL just hire this guy. He’ll sort things out!

You know, I made most of those grammar errors on purpose. Don’t be such a jerk.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


It’s funny that you put the words “community improvement” in the thread title, because I think that’s precisely what needs to happen.

Look at where we are now, how negative we are as a community about things. Who would want to join us? Who would want to add stuff to this part of the game given the reactions to it?

To the players who don’t sPvP, they’re going to see a bunch of miserable people and not want a part of it. To the devs who are deciding where resources go, they’re going to see a bunch of people who will never be satisfied with anything, so why give them anything?

I’ve been turning over the idea in my head for a while that the one thing the community can do, regardless of what the state of the game is or what’s going on in development, is that the community could focus on what’s good and fun about this game, because it is good and it is fun.

The other improvements will come. Especially if the community grows rather than actively tries to scare everyone away from itself. We could be doing so much freakin’ more to promote the sPvP format than we are and I think that’s where we as a community should be focusing. That’s one of the big things “killing” sPvP: our own toxicity.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Agree to most. As far as I can tell from the preview, a lot of these are already in the works for the mid-October patch.

Some of the nerf suggestions could be a bit harsh. Shaving is good.

I like the idea of new modes being introduced in hotjoins. Not sure about team joining in hotjoins—it’s already easy to get on the same team and hotjoins are already enough of a joke. I’m not sure we really need coordinated groups farming rank 1s. Maybe this could be a duo-join, where a maximum of two friends could join the same team.

The other improvements will come. Especially if the community grows rather than actively tries to scare everyone away from itself. We could be doing so much freakin’ more to promote the sPvP format than we are and I think that’s where we as a community should be focusing. That’s one of the big things “killing” sPvP: our own toxicity.

Also this.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Thank you guys for your feedback

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Trigr.6481 ~Snip~

iow. #nerfnecro..

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Tron.7639


1. Automated Tournaments (Daily and Monthly)
Single best thing that could happen to sPvP.

2. Guild Leaderboards (with ELO system)
You already talked about it but its that important.

3. A Guild Lord in every Map
Foefire is, IMO, the best sPvP map not only because of Graveyard but also because of the Guild Lord. Need more maps like that.

4. Points with different sizes and shapes
Right now, with the exception of Graveyard, all points have the same size and shape. Graveyard showed that having a bigger point rewards skilled play, not just AOE spam.
Also, not all of them need to be round.

All the other important stuff like progression, templates, screen clutter, etc. are at least on the teams radar.

(edited by Tron.7639)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


GW countbro. It all checks out in my opinion.

I wrote a transcript as I listened/waited for queue (No offense meant, not everyone has as much time as you and I, and this needs to be out there):

-All ideas/suggestions suggested by a player were run past 6 other experienced players in the class.
-Pet/AI bars should be hidden, only player health bars should display in the intrest of clarity.
-Free camera
-Tab functionality between players
-Colour coding for player/pets
-Conditions and buffs should have a timer for spectators.
-Add a queue join so you can play on the same team as your friends.
-New modes for hotjoins
-Alterac Valley equivalent from WoW
Game wide changes:
-More descriptive tooltips.
-Stealth cap for all classes: 8 seconds (No permastealth thief, prismatic mesmers)
-Lyssa rune internal cooldown to 60-80 seconds
-Improve leaderboards with team whole ratings/team leaderboards, alternate accounts/decay fix.
-Reverse the greatsword damage mechanic – more damage closer, less further away, risk/reward
-Speed up scepter 1 autoattack
-Scepter autoattack should apply a bleed on third auto chain
-Scepter 2 should always hit the target only if the target you have selected hit you
-More access to swiftness
-Unscathed contender – aegis should be moved to lower priority on block order (IE shield block, focus 5 block) so that aegis can be kept up for unscathed contender.
-Signet of mercy’s cast time is too long.
-Healing Breeze should be a 1.5 second cast, 35 second recharge.
-Kindled Seal – effects should be stronger, moved to a lower tier, or reworked into a different viable trait.
-Colour coded staff mark aoe (In order to differentiate between mark types)
-1/4th second activation time on marks, if you trigger the area of effect of the mark and dodge immediately
-Spectral armour should be reduced to ~6-7% life force gain.
-Revert DS fear back to 1 second.
-Signet of spite weakness reduced.
-Scale minions to player stats, improve AI
-Bone minion should move to target before exploding (akin mesmer shatters)
-Well of power/darkness CD’s reduced by 5 seconds
-Revert putrid mark change
-Get an extra ability in the spirit chain: “hold” ability that pauses the spirit. This unlocks the active (after a CD of roughly 5 seconds) and after the active is used the spirit follows the ranger again (Really good suggestion imo)
-Sword 1 attack chain should be cancelable
-Spirit procs should no longer proc from the spirit’s active effects
-Ranger pets should scale from ranger stats
-Axe 5 offhand should be brought down in duration and cooldown, no retal
-All pet actives should be controllable to the ranger, with autocast toggelable. Cost to manual usage of skills. (Radical change).
-First stun to go to your pet (via that one trait) doesn’t work with basi venom, fix this
-Reduce the hitbox of small spirits, increase the renewal spirit’kittenbox.
-Buff conjures.
-Armour of earth CD to 60 seconds
-Lower damage of lightning strike and electric discharge by 10%
-Dust devil instant cast
-Reduce arcane wave/blast damage by 20%, then give them the benefits of elemental surge, while giving elemental surge a cooldown reduction trait instead.
-Reduce attunement CD by 1 second.
-More telegraphed skull crack
-Fix para sigil
-Lower the amount of signet of healing by some degree.
PERSONAL OPINION ON THAT ISSUE: Make it more active, it’s so passive and boring right now but so good. Slash it’s base healing to half, but then make it heal more over time temporarily if you successfully use adrenalin via skills on a target.
-Fix zerker stance to reflect tooltip (-100% condi reduction)
-Can double use the same adrenalin pool (mainly longbow)
-Pistol auto damage boost
-Pistol 2 rehaul (gets imob according to leak)
-CnD aftercast reduced, damage lsightly buffed.
-Flanking/larcenous 10-15% damage reduction, flanking required to get larcenous
-Shadow trap active removed
-Initiative price increase for infiltrator’s return, reduce range to 900
-Infiltrator’s strike should require LOS
-Elixir R res amount lowered, make insta cast
-fix automated response
-Shorter cast time on tool kit (Do you mean magnet?)
-Slick shoes slower cast time, fix speed
-Incentive for people to not use 2 kits
-Change elixir U completely
-Make turrets last a short amount of time and explode after duration
-Increase damage on auto attacks
-Give melee first weapon (I’ve seen leaks of an engineer hammer in the alpha client, so good news there).

All in all, great list, please take note developers.

Very nice of you, thank you for this

we have no ranged dmg when they change the gs like he said or u said

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Diablo 3 has more viewers on twitch…

Yep. Sad but true.

d3 also sold 4+ times (9 months ago) the amount of copies than guild wars 2. Has a very different type of audience (some intersect).

The point being you 2 are making an illogical comparison.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: gesho.9468


It’s funny that you put the words “community improvement” in the thread title, because I think that’s precisely what needs to happen.

Look at where we are now, how negative we are as a community about things. Who would want to join us? Who would want to add stuff to this part of the game given the reactions to it?

To the players who don’t sPvP, they’re going to see a bunch of miserable people and not want a part of it. To the devs who are deciding where resources go, they’re going to see a bunch of people who will never be satisfied with anything, so why give them anything?

I’ve been turning over the idea in my head for a while that the one thing the community can do, regardless of what the state of the game is or what’s going on in development, is that the community could focus on what’s good and fun about this game, because it is good and it is fun.

The other improvements will come. Especially if the community grows rather than actively tries to scare everyone away from itself. We could be doing so much freakin’ more to promote the sPvP format than we are and I think that’s where we as a community should be focusing. That’s one of the big things “killing” sPvP: our own toxicity.


honestly, who’d like to join this whine fest.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Yeah, if I’m thinking about getting a game for the pvp, one of the first things I do is check the forums. I’d probably never get gw2 if I read the current pvp forum =/.

Also good suggestions.

BTW, I agree with the warrior suggestions except that I’m worried sigil of para is too much of a shotgun approach. I’d say just give skull crack a decent cast time and see how it plays first.

Healing signet I’d like to see reduced passive effect with the active component buffed in some way. It seems OP right now, but frankly it already has very little advantage over healing surge.

(edited by Brigg.6189)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


Yeah, if I’m thinking about getting a game for the pvp, one of the first things I do is check the forums. I’d probably never get gw2 if I read the current pvp forum =/.

Also good suggestions.

BTW, I agree with the warrior suggestions except that I’m worried sigil of para is too much of a shotgun approach. I’d say just give skull crack a decent cast time and see how it plays first.

Healing signet I’d like to see reduced passive effect with the active component buffed in some way. It seems OP right now, but frankly it already has very little advantage over healing surge.

Just a small note, skull crack cast time is being reduced to .5 s cast time and usable while moving next patch.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


To the @OP
More nerf cries on ele burst by a countered profession..get out of here!
My air burst is the only thing that can hit reliably that multiple stealth-high burst profession that you play, you want high risk = high reward? Let’s start from halving the dmg of godkitten I zerker hitting people for 7k dmg at 1200 range followed by Iduellist for 5-6k dmg

Learn to freaking play and put up with high burst…like I need to do against your profession that can bring me down from 100% to 0% in an instant if I don’t pay attention

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


It’s funny that you put the words “community improvement” in the thread title, because I think that’s precisely what needs to happen.

Look at where we are now, how negative we are as a community about things. Who would want to join us? Who would want to add stuff to this part of the game given the reactions to it?

To the players who don’t sPvP, they’re going to see a bunch of miserable people and not want a part of it. To the devs who are deciding where resources go, they’re going to see a bunch of people who will never be satisfied with anything, so why give them anything?

I’ve been turning over the idea in my head for a while that the one thing the community can do, regardless of what the state of the game is or what’s going on in development, is that the community could focus on what’s good and fun about this game, because it is good and it is fun.

The other improvements will come. Especially if the community grows rather than actively tries to scare everyone away from itself. We could be doing so much freakin’ more to promote the sPvP format than we are and I think that’s where we as a community should be focusing. That’s one of the big things “killing” sPvP: our own toxicity.

Every forum is whiny.
The community doesn’t make the game, the devs do.

If negativity on the forums, on the most supportive and constructive forums I’ve seen yet, is kittening them up, they shouldn’t be devs in the first place.

People play MMOs to entertain them, focusing on the positive is nice but makes no sense when your choosing what to do with your free time… a bad game is worse than most anything else… that is GW2 issue not the populations.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Give engis another kittening stun break for the love of christ please please please please please.

Our stun breaks are absolute kitten or too circumstantial to use in a large majority of popular builds. What in the kitten maaaaaan, why do I have to play without a stun break in a stun/condi meta just to be viable??? We are the only class that chooses between a stun break and condi clear and we are the class that is the most utility starved in the kittening game. Thanks for nerfing all of our decent stun breaks to the point where it’s hard to justify bringing one.

@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


I mostly like the suggestions. I have a few comments and additions:

1. In general, focus on changes that are relatively easy to make, or if they are difficult to make, they have a useful benefit for a lot of players. For example, it’s pretty simple to make an ability act more like another existing ability. Inverting mesmer greatsword #1 damage is a good example of an easy change with great benefit. However, something like the scepter block was over-complicated, at least when there are more prominent issues.

2. For camera mode, they said free mode is hard because like many games, they take short-cuts with terrain and video processing that players can’t normally see. Maybe a middle ground would be a free player camera – basically you control a “ghost” player, maybe with some extra height. It’s already been done in Southsun Survival.

3. Please no clone of WoW’s Alterac Valley. We have WvW for that. Alterac Valley and its younger cousin, Isle of Conquest, were terrible and had similar issues to WvW. Everyone blobs up and goes for the big reward objective. No worthwhile reward for defending or fighting players meant no one did it. In the case of Alterac Valley, most players ignored each other and focused on the PvE to complete the map as fast as possible. There was endless moaning to “let them win” when the fight stagnated because it was no longer good reward per time spent.

4. The reward system needs an overhaul. If GW2 sPvP is going to get anywhere, it needs to grow the playerbase. The easiest way is to add rewards that work outside of sPvP and favor tournaments. Another thread suggested giving ascended crafting materials in tournament chests. You would also want something to drag in players on a recurring basis like “play 5 tournament games in a week and get gold/karma/luck”.

5. You touched on it with mesmer and “needing” to use focus, but in general any profession that aims to be offensive needs mobility – usually swiftness. The best approach for a source (weapon, utility skill, or trait) varies by profession.

6. Personal pet peeve: change the amulet into two rings. Having to put all your eggs in one basket makes some potential builds that exist in PvE/WvW impossible or much weaker in sPvP. The stat rigidity is also cited as a deterrent by casual players. At the same time, the PvP Celestial combo needs boosted to match the proportions in PvE/WvW and change PvP Knight to toughness/power/precision.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Eh…my best suggestion at this point would be to start working on GW3 PvP-Only Edition which would bring together the best from GW1 and GW2 while trying to keep out as much cheese as possible. And, of course, release it when it actually IS done.
No? Well I’ll happily continue monitoring the slow death process currently experienced by this pvp either way, because most good/great ideas given so far ended up falling on deaf ears.

I am REALLY sorry, but if the very game engine was designed in a way that doesn’t support one of the basic features of every sound pvp (e.g. delayed match recording/uploading in a tournament setting) then the devs honestly need to stop banging their heads against the wall, because they’ll all end up with their skulls cracked and have an angry and disappointed playerbase up their behinds (ok, that’s already been accomplished), but most notably, both sides will merely end upthrowing away large quantities of time and effort for no good reason.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


Every forum is whiny.
The community doesn’t make the game, the devs do.

If negativity on the forums, on the most supportive and constructive forums I’ve seen yet, is kittening them up, they shouldn’t be devs in the first place.

People play MMOs to entertain them, focusing on the positive is nice but makes no sense when your choosing what to do with your free time… a bad game is worse than most anything else… that is GW2 issue not the populations.

That’s the thing though. You brought up free time, yet here you are spending your free time talking about a game you think is bad? Why would all these people be here if the game is bad?

No, it’s a good game, and people are choking the community and themselves to death with negativity. I know there’s problems, but I come back every day because it’s fun. Is it not fun? Give that some serious thought. Yeah, kneejerk reaction says no because we’re all so busy being negative. But everyone’s so freakin’ invested on here despite that. Why? Why if it’s not fun? Why if the game’s not good?

It is a good game, and it is a fun game. Change mindset.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Adris.1859


What about anticipated for almost a year nerf to AoE in general ?

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Every forum is whiny.
The community doesn’t make the game, the devs do.

If negativity on the forums, on the most supportive and constructive forums I’ve seen yet, is kittening them up, they shouldn’t be devs in the first place.

People play MMOs to entertain them, focusing on the positive is nice but makes no sense when your choosing what to do with your free time… a bad game is worse than most anything else… that is GW2 issue not the populations.

That’s the thing though. You brought up free time, yet here you are spending your free time talking about a game you think is bad? Why would all these people be here if the game is bad?

No, it’s a good game, and people are choking the community and themselves to death with negativity. I know there’s problems, but I come back every day because it’s fun. Is it not fun? Give that some serious thought. Yeah, kneejerk reaction says no because we’re all so busy being negative. But everyone’s so freakin’ invested on here despite that. Why? Why if it’s not fun? Why if the game’s not good?

It is a good game, and it is a fun game. Change mindset.

Because I’m at school and bored.
And it is hope, not a good game, that drives people to go to the forums and talk about bettering it.
Every one of the half dozen hardcore PvP players I joined the game with didn’t like it… every friend I made in the first few months short of one or two left within a few months…
None of those people go on the forums.

The game had a ridiculous amount of box sales in a B2P game, and the population has only plumeted to a fraction of a fraction from what I’ve seen.
I mean, there is a line between consumer bias and a badly made product… but that doesn’t mean a badly made product can’t exist.

It’s great that you like the game, it really is, but that is far from the majority opinion from everything I’ve seen since release. Gw2 had the biggest hype, the most fanboys I’ve ever seen in a game at release… yet it all flopped… it had the best shot at launch out of any game I’ve seen… yet it flopped… you can’t bring up player negativity in this game… any other, you might manage it… but not GW2… not with the extreme amount of love, hope and population the game had going for it.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


Yeah, but that’s every game that’s tried to woo MMORPG PvPers in the past decade.

How many more games are we going to overhype and then drive everyone away from until we realize maybe the games aren’t the problem?

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091



Bursties be with this list.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock

Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator

Great feedback! I’ll make sure the guys see it.

Thanks for taking the time to make the video!

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Yeah, but that’s every game that’s tried to woo MMORPG PvPers in the past decade.

How many more games are we going to overhype and then drive everyone away from until we realize maybe the games aren’t the problem?

Yes overhype can cause disappointment.

People were expecting a game roughly as good as its predecessor.
People were expecting a game that filled the promises Anet made.

Not the same game as GW1, Anet made that abundantly clear, but of the same level of quality.
GW2 came out leaps and bounds below.

That isn’t a problem with hype…
Making a new game for it to only fail to meet even the promise made by the devs themselves...
That’s not a problem with the people…

You seem to think it is a solidly entertaining game, which again, is wonderful for you… but no one I really played the game with, either through terrible match setup (S/TPvP) or badly made skills or the bad burst/bunk meta or conquest itself just could get that deep into the game…

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Majestic.5790


Bump up for this post :D

I can agree with all changes except for shorter cool down on attunements for the Elementalist

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Your staff changes to necro would single handedly destroy necro condition builds. It isnt even close.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Re-Necro changes:

No thanks to staff change unless it accompanies subsequent buffs to account for the fact that its harder to land them. Staff is a good weapon, but it is far from OP. Reaper’s mark is the only really strong thing there, and it already has a cast time for you to dodge, why do you need another 1/4s to make our marks less useful? I’m all for increasing readability, but do it through animations.

Also, it means I might as well just swap out of staff if I ever face a thief or ranger, because I know I’m never landing a mark.

With minions, their AI doesn’t need improving. Take it from someone who literally only plays with minions, they are working fine now as far as AI is concerned. Any other changes would be things like allowing them to walk over pebbles, or increase how high they can “step” with elevation changes.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


what? increase initiative price of infiltrator’s return 3-4? and also increase initiative cost of Larcenous 3-4? so by just initiating infiltrator’s strike 3init>flanking strike 3init>larcenous 3init = 9 and thief’s base initiative is only 12 or 15 when traited

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


and the only thing that makes Larcenous strikes high dmg is the

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


what? increase initiative price of infiltrator’s return 3-4? and also increase initiative cost of Larcenous 3-4? so by just initiating infiltrator’s strike 3init>flanking strike 3init>larcenous 3init = 9 and thief’s base initiative is only 12 or 15 when traited

Initiative atm is kittened.
Abilities should initially cost no initiative, but have a secondary attack, like larcenist strike, that costs initiative… it sits on that second attack to act as ‘a CD’, but you can pay the initiative, use the secondary attack and go back to the first if you need to.

That’d involve play and counterplay…
Initiative would start at like 15 and regen really slowly, ini traits would be tossed to tier 3~ if they are notable… if you want freedom of abilities you give up some dmg or whatnot…

It’d make initiative intead something that isn’t necessary to stack on every thief that isn’t super crazy insta-gib dps…
kittening kittened otherwise…

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaker.9213



1. Professions are getting too strong (damage wise)
2. AOE ranged damage is too high
3. Close (melee) AOE should be more rewarding
4. Rewards
-Armors skins
-Ladder based skins
-Tourney base skins
-Gold? Exp?
5. More awesome PvP Dailys (special rewarding??)
6. Less RNG in the way to get skins(Gem Store)
7. Give “newbs” the chance to play in “rank based server” (only Rank 10 and lower can join)
8. More advertisement
- Announce it in the whole game.
- Monthly / Dailies
- “Win streaks” (announced in the mists to get people go crazy to stop them)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430


2. Guild Leaderboards (with ELO system)
You already talked about it but its that important.

Elo system in team games. No, please.

HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


A lot of great suggestions, especially color-coding staff marks. For that to work however, there would obviously need to be some kind of activation-time on the marks, just like you explained.
Even though these changes would be for the good of the game, they still wouldn’t make GW2 competitive, but it’s a good place to start

General Changes (Suggestions)

Auto-attacks are still too strong and/or grant unecessary conditions (bleed on shortbow etc). Especially ranged auto-attacks.

Too many passive traits that have no counter-play. (Burning from Engineers and Necromancers, weird boon procs from rangers/engineers etc)

Devastating skills should be well telegraphed and have a higher cooldown, think of Churning Earth. With Churning Earth however, the situation is reversed, the dmg is not high enough compared to how vulnerable you are in the channeling period.
(Please see the last point about Elite skills, they kind of go hand in hand)*

Skills like Fire Grab should be chargeable, a great solution to the problem mentioned above. Exponentially increase the dmg as well as the build-up animation for better telegraphing.

Too many utilities provide very strong sustained defense. This is obviously not well-suited for a competitive game, since it kinda removes intelligent use and timing.
Ex. Spectral Armor / Armor Of Earth / Berserker Stance / Endure Pain. They all have a very long duration and provide great defense.
How do we change that?
Revamped: Spectral Armor
For a short period of time (3-5 seconds? would need testing) all incoming damage (including conditions) dealt to the Necromancer is converted into Life Force.

Elite skills need a revamp. Too many elite skills once again provide too much of a passive/sustained bonus. Warrior and Ranger gets three boons for a period of time. Rangers’ entangle has a very long duration and very low dmg, Elementalists’ Tornado again has a long duration and very limited dmg/control (easily countered), Necromancers’ Plague Form is basically a second-life since you become impossible to kill.
They should be revamped in a way that would allow for great teamplay and clutch plays.

A few examples:
Tornado – should only briefly or for a very short period of time transform you. When activated it would Launch (900-1200 range) all enemies within a pretty large radius (vague, I know) back and deal a high amount of direct dmg. Cooldown should be adjusted accordingly.

Plague Form – should function similarly to Enigmas “Black Hole” from Dota, only it would be the Necromancer himself that sucks and draws enemies closer while dealing dmg and leaving them unable to use skills. Duration should again be fairly short.
The reason why the durations need to be short, is because then your teammates would have to react and utilise the moment, this would seperate good players from the bad. Also, some of these elite skill should have a channel time allowing for better players to purposefully interrupt them.

Rampage (Warrior) – “Could” (just an idea) grant increased damage, attack speed and life-steal for a brief period of time (Would allow Warriors to do clutch plays, while still easily countered since the skill would not grant any form of stability). Telegraph this by making the Warrior glow intensely red like it already is.

There are other changes I would do, but if these were adressed the remaining would be minor, and we would have a great competitive infrastructure.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

(edited by KrisHQ.4719)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

On necro.

-Don’t agree with the activation time on marks when triggered, it can be blocked/countered when untraited, If you make marks have an extra activateion time i am sure noone will ever get hit by them except when cast upon a target.. and even that will be a big maybe.
To make this change viable,since the marks do damage overtime, make the direct damage done upon activation equal to the mesmers weapon attacks.. (then we can talk.)

-Colored marks are an idea, but only for people playing against necro’s, because who blasts a necro mark anyway? and what does a necro gain to benifit form any of the suggested changes? nothing.

(If necro gets colored marks with activationtime, mesmers should have a big mark on them so people can distinguish between them and their clones..)

-Spectral walk nerf too? not a big change? yes it is.. stripping even more defense from a necro..

-Weakness on spite, one of the counters to melee, spite doesn’t hit that often and it’s a typical thing to cast when cornered followed up with fear to create breathingspace.
so if a melee comes near spite is the counter because of glancing and endurance.

If all weakness should be buffed, (i like how people ask the total opposite for mesmer)

-nerf more fear..

-Minion’s.. monions… the running to target are logical.

-Putrid mark revert.. yeas.

like the video though

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


It’s funny. All the people that are against the Necro marks don’t realize that a 1/4th second activation time is NOTHING compared to Elementalist Staff skills. Literally. Nothing. I would kill to only have to wait 1/4th of a second for my skills to hit. Current necro staff can hit you before the mark even appears. That’s silly.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


most important points:
- /resign option
- team arena tournament old format(8teams, 3 wins for 1st place) and good reward for team arena but no gems
- arena should have only simple maps: no skyhammer. What’s more new players should not play on complex maps such as skyhammer.
- show kill/death ratio in stat tab next to every player, next to points
- better matchmaking so 5lvl dont play vs 50lvl.
-most new players to pvp dont get good enough tutorial and they get discouraged fast.
There should be very distinctive sign that roll, stunbreak and combos are super important, that skill should be used in special situation, not spamming 12345. I think players are thrown too fast into too deep waters.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


-Colored marks are an idea, but only for people playing against necro’s, because who blasts a necro mark anyway? and what does a necro gain to benifit form any of the suggested changes? nothing.

(If necro gets colored marks with activationtime, mesmers should have a big mark on them so people can distinguish between them and their clones..)

Well the difference is the clones on a mesmer are the only thing that keeps him alive. If necros would be willing to give up their life force (their means of survival) then by all means takes away mesmers ability to hide in clones. (and for the record even with clones a mesmers’ tactic is really easy to counter. Unlike a second life bar.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251



1. Professions are getting too strong (damage wise)
2. AOE ranged damage is too high
3. Close (melee) AOE should be more rewarding
4. Rewards
-Armors skins
-Ladder based skins
-Tourney base skins
-Gold? Exp?
5. More awesome PvP Dailys (special rewarding??)
6. Less RNG in the way to get skins(Gem Store)
7. Give “newbs” the chance to play in “rank based server” (only Rank 10 and lower can join)
8. More advertisement
- Announce it in the whole game.
- Monthly / Dailies
- “Win streaks” (announced in the mists to get people go crazy to stop them)

Though i don’t know as much about the first one.
Its like everyone thing else i’ve ever had issues with in sPvP is all right there. In order.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


-Get an extra ability in the spirit chain: “hold” ability that pauses the spirit. This unlocks the active (after a CD of roughly 5 seconds) and after the active is used the spirit follows the ranger again (Really good suggestion imo)
-Sword 1 attack chain should be cancelable
-Spirit procs should no longer proc from the spirit’s active effects
-Ranger pets should scale from ranger stats
-Axe 5 offhand should be brought down in duration and cooldown, no retal
-All pet actives should be controllable to the ranger, with autocast toggelable. Cost to manual usage of skills. (Radical change).
-First stun to go to your pet (via that one trait) doesn’t work with basi venom, fix this
-Reduce the hitbox of small spirits, increase the renewal spirit’kittenbox.

Some of the general ideas about more hotjoin modes etc were ok, but as someone who plays Ranger more than any other class, I want to point out that few/none of the above changes are a priority or even wanted by me or the Ranger community.

1) I have no idea what benefit to the game the suggested spirit “hold” function has- they already are extremely slow to activate their active effects. Maybe I am missing something here though, but I just don’t see anything in the idea from the description.

2) To “fix” sword the player just has to turn off auto-attack (although many rangers do ask for this)

3) Ranger pets should NOT scale from ranger stats, that would totally kill the class.

4) Axe 5 with no retal? kitten , that is the only reason to take offhand axe in spvp. How about making axe 4’s pull easier to land against a strafing target?

Controllable pet actives could be good, but the other ideas I either flat out do not like or really don’t care either way.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813



1. Professions are getting too strong (damage wise)
2. AOE ranged damage is too high
3. Close (melee) AOE should be more rewarding
4. Rewards
-Armors skins
-Ladder based skins
-Tourney base skins
-Gold? Exp?
5. More awesome PvP Dailys (special rewarding??)
6. Less RNG in the way to get skins(Gem Store)
7. Give “newbs” the chance to play in “rank based server” (only Rank 10 and lower can join)
8. More advertisement
- Announce it in the whole game.
- Monthly / Dailies
- “Win streaks” (announced in the mists to get people go crazy to stop them)

Good ideas

Win streaks would be soooo cool.

But no, in pvp we get pop ups saying scarlets minions are attacking hahahha

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Adian.8756


-Don’t agree with the activation time on marks when triggered, it can be blocked/countered when untraited, If you make marks have an extra activateion time i am sure noone will ever get hit by them except when cast upon a target.. and even that will be a big maybe.
To make this change viable,since the marks do damage overtime, make the direct damage done upon activation equal to the mesmers weapon attacks.. (then we can talk.)

Ah. Yet another case of "Please don’t nerf my profession - I want to kill people with no effort." Necro’s are borderline brainless OP. Something needs to change.

Marks with ’trigger time’ can be used strategically. As of now, it’s literally impossible to dodge marks. With a trait, they’re unblockable, they have no cast-animation (a very poor one), trigger instantly, deals a lot of damage and inflict a ton of conditions. Having trigger time means using them more skillfully; Predict your enemies path, and place the mark in front of them (so that they’ll run into it). If an enemy is about to flee from a fight, he’ll either have to a) Run into your mark, b) Find a path around it, or c) Stay in the fight. Regardless, the marks did their job.

What people don’t seem to understand, is that not every weaponset should be great at every situation. Oh, trigger time on marks makes it hard to hit Thieves and Rangers? Well, great. Then at least some professions have a better chance at dealing with the Mobile Nuclear-Necro.

-Colored marks are an idea, but only for people playing against necro’s, because who blasts a necro mark anyway? and what does a necro gain to benifit form any of the suggested changes? nothing.

No, they won’t gain anything from colored marks. And rightfully so, they are too good already. Colored marks would help promote skillful play. Timing your dodges/blocks to purposely evade the correct incoming attack.


What GW2 PvP really needs

An overhaul to the combat system. Sorry ANet, but changing numbers is not going to cut it. We’re long past that stage. Something needs to drastically change, if GW2 PvP wants to have any hope of being truly excellent. This thread is a good start, along with this one and a few others. I’ll add a list of my own, and quote a few notable ideas;

Lower Autoattack Damage
- As of now, simply spamming #1 is a very efficient strategy. The base damage is so high, that any profession can apply immense pressure, by nothing but their autoattack. Add conditions to that (Ranger etc.), and entire fights can be won by spamming #1, and nothing else (Spirit-Rangers).

Remove all passive traits
- There’s absolutely no counter to these. If I dodge the Dhuumfire proc, it doesn’t reset/go on a cooldown, it simply trigger on the very next attack. Regardless of how well I play, Dhuumfire will hit me every single time. The same thing applies to passive healing/condition removal. There’s no counter, and it promotes brainless play. Removing X conditions every X seconds is not rewarding skill. It’s lazy design at best.

Adjust Risk vs. Reward / Melee vs. Ranged
- In general, the Risk/Reward ratio is way off. Pretty much everyone is running ranged builds, as they deal equal damage, with the added bonus of being at range. Ranged skills should, in general, be ’worse’ than melee. This is how Risk/Reward ratios work: You’re sacrificing the ability to kite, for a bit more added damage (In Melee), or: You’re sacrificing a bit of damage, and gaining the ability to kite (In Ranged).

This section should also cover skills like Skull Crack and the Warriors Adrenaline mechanic in general. Skull Crack is incredible. Low cooldown, high damage, no animation and stun. Whats the risk? There is none. If you miss, there’s a small internal CD. I propose; If any Warrior F1 skill misses, the Warrior loses all Adrenaline.

*Continues in the next post*

Lyann Vail | 80 Mesmer
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!

(edited by Adian.8756)