Hardest class to play.

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I’ve tried a bit of pretty much everything and I can say without a doubt that Warrior tops the difficulty charts. It feels like a design from an early beta of the game that never saw a revamp. Yes, it’s simplistic, but being simple is a bad thing in PvP, it makes one predictable. The Warrior’s animations are very slow and dramatic, everyone and their mother knows what to expect after seeing one once or twice.

There’s really no escape hatches on the class. You can trait and use Melandru’s to make it a little more bearable but overall you get one Endure, one poor man’s condi cleanse and lastly your Shield #5 if you have it, and once those are spent it’s more or less good game. No real access to Vigor either so I hope you used your two dodges properly.

Well, you talk about the class being difficult, because it’s underpowered and I don’t think that’s wise, because balance can change very fast (okay, in ANets case definitely not very fast, but it can).

When I say that for example the Teldo-Engi is hard to play, I don’t say because it’s weak, but because it has many options that can be used in various different ways, it has some intricate tricks that require timing and is overall very flexible.

Add a bit of DPS on top of the War and/or a bit of sustain so it’s a decent class to play and it really becomes a very simple class, at least if you play the more Common builds. It has very limited Options and a straight-forward purpose: to spike sth. down and dmg downed Players.

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


There is no hardest class.
It’s pretty situational. For example the thief is a really good roamer, he’s fast and good in 1vX and it’s pretty easy to play. In a situation where your PD is going to die and you just came across and now have to decide between rez/down the opponent, a necro can be stronger (and also has the easy decision=use signet of the undeath..and that makes the necro be the easy to play class in this situation).
Warriors for example are very easy to play. But to be effective with a warrior can be a pretty hard thing.
I would say there are only 2 easy classes thief/mesmer because their ability to be invisible and strong stunbreaks and cc’s. And Necro and Warrior may are the less effective classes if played bad or at least not good x) But that does not make them really hard to play..
and btw.. the serker necro with signets, that was mentioned before, is pretty hard to play because the build is kitten..

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Pointless discussion here. We can either talk about the size of the universe.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Celtus.8456


I think the hardest to play is anything that doesn’t have too many auto-facing/easy-spam damage abilities, and isn’t helped too much by powerful AI.

Also, whatever I am playing is hardest and whatever you are playing is easiest.

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


oh who even cares

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


I’ve tried a bit of pretty much everything and I can say without a doubt that Warrior tops the difficulty charts. It feels like a design from an early beta of the game that never saw a revamp. Yes, it’s simplistic, but being simple is a bad thing in PvP, it makes one predictable. The Warrior’s animations are very slow and dramatic, everyone and their mother knows what to expect after seeing one once or twice.

There’s really no escape hatches on the class. You can trait and use Melandru’s to make it a little more bearable but overall you get one Endure, one poor man’s condi cleanse and lastly your Shield #5 if you have it, and once those are spent it’s more or less good game. No real access to Vigor either so I hope you used your two dodges properly.

Well, you talk about the class being difficult, because it’s underpowered and I don’t think that’s wise, because balance can change very fast (okay, in ANets case definitely not very fast, but it can).

When I say that for example the Teldo-Engi is hard to play, I don’t say because it’s weak, but because it has many options that can be used in various different ways, it has some intricate tricks that require timing and is overall very flexible.

Add a bit of DPS on top of the War and/or a bit of sustain so it’s a decent class to play and it really becomes a very simple class, at least if you play the more Common builds. It has very limited Options and a straight-forward purpose: to spike sth. down and dmg downed Players.

No, you are not wise, Teldo-Engi is a build not a class, every class can have a difficult build to play, but we are talking about class here, and it`s not the build which determine how difficult it is to play, it`s the enemies. so if you are playing as the worst class, because it has nothing against some one who has everything, its the hardest thing to do, no doubt

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


^maybe then we should say which is the hardest viable build?That makes more sence since there is a huge number of possible build for each classes and i assure you they can become really really unneccesarily complicated.In that case warrior is not considered viable so it cant be said its hard.
Also consider that in a perfect world where everyone is as effective warriors will manage to mantain that power by using more simplistic ways of gameplay than other classes since thats how they are build.
So truth is that when warrior finally gets balanced it ll probably (not certain though) be on the “easy” side

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


^maybe then we should say which is the hardest viable build?That makes more sence since there is a huge number of possible build for each classes and i assure you they can become really really unneccesarily complicated.In that case warrior is not considered viable so it cant be said its hard.
Also consider that in a perfect world where everyone is as effective warriors will manage to mantain that power by using more simplistic ways of gameplay than other classes since thats how they are build.
So truth is that when warrior finally gets balanced it ll probably (not certain though) be on the “easy” side

Why should we say which is the hardest build since its titled the hardest class, also Not viable= hard to play, i don`t get why it cant be said its hard when its not viable.
And as i said, more skills only make the job done easier, the less skill you get the harder it actually is. and That perfect world doesn`t exist and won’t exist.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


^maybe then we should say which is the hardest viable build?That makes more sence since there is a huge number of possible build for each classes and i assure you they can become really really unneccesarily complicated.In that case warrior is not considered viable so it cant be said its hard.
Also consider that in a perfect world where everyone is as effective warriors will manage to mantain that power by using more simplistic ways of gameplay than other classes since thats how they are build.
So truth is that when warrior finally gets balanced it ll probably (not certain though) be on the “easy” side

Why should we say which is the hardest build since its titled the hardest class, also Not viable= hard to play, i don`t get why it cant be said its hard when its not viable.
And as i said, more skills only make the job done easier, the less skill you get the harder it actually is. and That perfect world doesn`t exist and won’t exist.

“Not viable=”not viable!! as in not used when max efficiency is need.. :P
Or else I can kitten my self playing without offhand and gear and say i created something hard. If you find me a warrior build that will honestly bring something new to the table that it cant be achieved at that degree with other classes AND the execution of this new thing is really hard mechanically i will say warrior is a very hard class!

Also in the perfect world(that wont exist) the classes with more skills should be at equal power with the classes with less skills!
I dont know..i always thought that if you had to chaing 4-5 skills to achieve something that someone else can do with 1-2 then you are playing something harder unless that 1-2 skills are massively hard skillshots .
And if more skills give more power so “making the job easier” then we are starting to talk about imbalances

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


^maybe then we should say which is the hardest viable build?That makes more sence since there is a huge number of possible build for each classes and i assure you they can become really really unneccesarily complicated.In that case warrior is not considered viable so it cant be said its hard.
Also consider that in a perfect world where everyone is as effective warriors will manage to mantain that power by using more simplistic ways of gameplay than other classes since thats how they are build.
So truth is that when warrior finally gets balanced it ll probably (not certain though) be on the “easy” side

Why should we say which is the hardest build since its titled the hardest class, also Not viable= hard to play, i don`t get why it cant be said its hard when its not viable.
And as i said, more skills only make the job done easier, the less skill you get the harder it actually is. and That perfect world doesn`t exist and won’t exist.

“Not viable=”not viable!! as in not used when max efficiency is need.. :P
Or else I can kitten my self playing without offhand and gear and say i created something hard. If you find me a warrior build that will honestly bring something new to the table that it cant be achieved at that degree with other classes AND the execution of this new thing is really hard mechanically i will say warrior is a very hard class!

Also in the perfect world(that wont exist) the classes with more skills should be at equal power with the classes with less skills!
I dont know..i always thought that if you had to chaing 4-5 skills to achieve something that someone else can do with 1-2 then you are playing something harder unless that 1-2 skills are massively hard skillshots .
And if more skills give more power so “making the job easier” then we are starting to talk about imbalances

Not viable also = Hard. Sure you can play without offhand and armor, you will admit it been hard, won’t you and it is hard. and you didn’t create it, Everyone know that you can play without offhand and armor, but it will be super hard so nobody really use it, and since we are talking about fully geared class here(not some no gear bs), warrior would be the case.

No, more skills shouldnt be equal power to less skills, more skills would be better because it simply has more skills available for you in any situation, it allows you to do more precise actions and waste less WHICH is easier to play with then having less skills and not having them available when needed. Balance is more complex then " oh i can do like 7 buffs, remove 3 conditions, 2 second of invul and aoe damage with 5 conditions in one skill, but i only have one skill, while others have 10 separated skills(which added together will be equal to my one and only skill), so im obviously better"(not)

if you still can’t understand the concept, here, the guy with 10 skills will only need to press one skill which gives one aegis, your skill will be cut in half with only 7 buffs left on you.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


No, more skills shouldnt be equal power to less skills, more skills would be better because it simply has more skills available for you in any situation, it allows you to do more precise actions and waste less WHICH is easier to do then having less skills and not having them available when needed. Balance is more complex then " oh i can do like 7 buffs 5 conditions, remove 3 and aoe damage in one skill, but i only have one skill, while others have 10 separated skills(which added together will be equal to my one and only skill) but each skill only does less stuff, so im obviously better"(not)

The only resource in gw2 is time.I dont think the classes with more skills have less activation times on their skills..quite the opposite.So even if they truly had like double the option (which they dont im sure) the time ticking away is really the same for everyone.
Plust there are systems that prevent those classes from having acccess to all skills at all times and those skills have way longer cds than normal.So while you are right that more skills =easy mode thats not true at all when you add the cooldown management of them plus the mchanicsm that prevents you from having access to them ,the “activation time to effectiveness” ratio etc
I can make you a class with 100 skills all on 2 min cds and 3 sec activation times where every skill has only 1 sub effect of a skill of multiple effects of other classes!Would you say th same then?
Your post makes sence if we assume the game is completely unbalanced!

I fully understand the concept and what you are saying man..Im just saying its more complex cause you cant rally access,activate,and have evrything recharged however and whenever you want if we take into account ..balance..

(edited by Avead.5760)

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


No, more skills shouldnt be equal power to less skills, more skills would be better because it simply has more skills available for you in any situation, it allows you to do more precise actions and waste less WHICH is easier to do then having less skills and not having them available when needed. Balance is more complex then " oh i can do like 7 buffs 5 conditions, remove 3 and aoe damage in one skill, but i only have one skill, while others have 10 separated skills(which added together will be equal to my one and only skill) but each skill only does less stuff, so im obviously better"(not)

The only resource in gw2 is time.I dont think the classes with more skills have less activation times on their skills..quite the opposite.So even if they truly had like double the option (which they dont im sure) the time ticking away is really the same for everyone.
Plust there are systems that prevent those classes from having acccess to all skills at all times and those skills have way longer cds than normal.So while you are right that more skills =easy mode thats not true at all when you add the cooldown management of them plus the mchanicsm that prevents you from having access to them ,the “activation time to effectiveness” ratio etc
I can make you a class with 100 skills all on 2 min cds and 3 sec activation times where every skill has only 1 sub effect of a skill of multiple effects of other classes!Would you say th same then?
Your post makes sence if we assume the game is completely unbalanced!

I fully understand the concept and what you are saying man..Im just saying its more complex cause you cant rally access,activate,and have evrything recharged however and whenever you want if we take into account ..balance..

As you said, more skills have to equal to less skills, so the guy with 10 skills will have 10 sec of cd on each skill while the guy with 1 skill will have 100 sec of cd, because if it has anything less then 100 sec, both wouldnt be equal.
let’s just break that equal thing, even the guy with 1 skill have like 30 sec cd only on his skill, what will he do, when he gets 1 blocked and left with nothing buf 7 buffs for a total of 30 secs. he will be killed by that time.

actually no i don’t agree. even that only one skill has only 10 sec, the guy with 10 skills will still be better,because he can always just save that one aegis for your ultimate skill to pop while keep damaging you, because you have nothing else.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


I don’ know which is the hardest but I know bunker guardian is the easiest. I know this because I main a bunker guardian

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hardest class to play at what?



Group Fights?

Then we get into the whole Class Balance issue..

a BM Bunker Ranger is much harder to play then a 100b Warrior…but a 100B will lose every single fight with a BM Bunker.

But at the same time, even classes that require about the same amount of skill as a 100B Warrior will also beat that class…. because it has like zero substain in a fight.

Throw a 100B Warrior in a Group Fight, and he’s much better then the Bunker Ranger for example..

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hardest class to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

lol I saw the word thief about 3 or 4 times in this thread an stopped reading.

Warrior is the hardest, not so much because they take a lot of skill, its really that they do not have a whole lot of tools, making them SO easy to counter.

Tied for 2nd place are Engineers and Necros. You could say these classes are the hardest to master, especially the engineer, as they have a lot of things to work with an using them in the right situation at the right time takes a long long time to learn how to play them.