Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: Kirei.1792


30k hs without doing anything else and x5 srry ;p i don’t believe. screen it and i will believe. btw even auto attack does more damage then heartseeker spamming.
and yes a heartseeker spam is sooo easy dodge able. especially if he has haste up and spams 222. 1 dodge takes 6 iniative away. And i doubt i will beat a really good necro by just spamming 2. actually i think its impossible even with shadow refuge etc etc etc.
and in my opinion heartseeker isn’t that good.

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Coming from a primary thief player, this is nauseating to me. I think thief is a great class when played skillfully.

Playing a thief as primary too…and like you hs spammers and bs also always make me sad, seems everyone plays a thief just for ganking ppl in hot join….btw standing in blackpowder is more than enough to send hs and bs thieves to hell, i’m not saying they’re op, i’m saying the opposite…they’re sad, they’re (just sometimes) effective only vs ppl specced glass and you’re going to fail vs good players most of the times…but ppl still play them…

Bah…running a pretty balanced thief with valkirie and felling no need to go crazy glass zerk cannon…..players must try different specs before sitting on a bad one forever just because it’s more easy to play…

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: possante.8310


im a mesmer and have no problem saying haste is just stupid on this game. is even more stupid when you look to the profession that have more easy acess to haste are most the ones with already high speed atack rate.

haste should be removed fromt this game period.

HS is anotehr silly thing, np with the damage but with the insane range, 450 is to much for something with such low initiative cost and good damage.

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: Kirei.1792


yes possante, the range of heartseeker is stupid. should be reduced to 250 or something for sure. some 1 dodge? No problem. time a heartseeker when he lands. he dodges again? do the same, it can be used for damage wise and catch up wise but u won’t kill That fast with spamming just 22222

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


make heartseeker a groundcastingtargetskill would require more skill like elementalists aoecasts then it wouldnt Need any nerfs.

well but i think backstab hits too hard 14k on necros …

@ kirei; hi u re the beste thief in tha world i have ever seen . A true masterthief u make People scream ‘the thief the thief’ xDDD

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Haste + 5 Heartseekers = ~30k instant damage

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Heartseeker is an extremely easy to use and very effective ability.

It could probably do with a range nerf. Honestly though, I’d much rather see it replaced with something more interesting than BIG DAMAGE (+leap finisher).