Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

in PvP

Posted by: jalmari.3906


They said they want to make situtational use of skills matter more but where we ended was actually worse.

This is just one example but I loved to play my direct damage necromancer BEFORE this dhuumfire fiasko. Soon after they changed everything so much that it has become a pain to play it. My CC (cripple/weakness/chill just to mention few) doesn’t seem to matter because of over-cleansing or just passive cleansing and I get tons of conditions on my face at same time. Even though I do a lot of direct damage any good warrior just laughs at me because I would need CC to keep myself alive and they can just shrug it off while bashing my face with stun etc. And if that wasn’t enough they changed DS in a way that you would need to use attacks to get LF, but oh gawd how when you can’t see target or you’re stunned.

I have to totally agree with this video to some point. I don’t think evades would need to be like lot less by base value though, however vigor/sigil of energy combined with some traits really work too well for some classes, just like mesmer who just keeps dodging around and creating more clones from nothing. If you take a guy without all those energy buffs they can dodge maybe 2-3 times and they’re out they really need to think when to push that dodge then.

Another thing which I spotted worth having some attention imho is that there is just way too many things around and you would need to have some kind of at least 7th sense to dodge. Like think about blinking thief with backstabs/warrior stun etc.etc. or when you fight at some control point it’s just full of CC how you time any dodges there is like.. huh?? You just press dodge and hope it was at right time by knowing combo chains etc. It’s not really something you can visually see before it hits you really.

just imho.

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

in PvP

Posted by: Fourth.1567


Ultimately, we know most of the things you mentioned are in the works, or planned, or were commented by Anet. It might take some time, but it is nice.

What we don’t have any to no confirmation, though, is about the animations and the “spammy” nature of skills. We have no idea what is Anet’s opinions on that (or do we?), nor if they’re planning to do something about it.

The second part is what I worry about. In the first beta the number one complaint was clutter and particle effects obstructing what was happening. These shouldn’t be recent ideas for the developers. There was a choice to have the game being animation based as opposed to cast bars, obviously animations should be a huge priority. But even recently I don’t see the developers really showing an understanding for what this means.

It seems they address some of the larger issues brought up by players but really the issue is more wide spread. When it comes to animations, players just don’t have the knowledge. Most can tell if something feels awkward or has balance implications but that isn’t enough to go on to making a great game. The expertise has to come from the developers and I just haven’t seen it.

The other changes I mentioned as well, it is quite easy to say you get it and are working on them but it is a whole other issue to properly implement them. There was the whole issue with the old tournament system, good intention, poor execution. With the track record I really have to see the execution before I can have any faith.

Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


Just a quick word re: Helseth and being banned from that tournie and (possibly) the forums.

This is in defense of Anet.

Basically yea he may be right he may be wrong, but in life there’s a thing called respect and I don’t think this was even in the slightest adhered to.

Fine you have an issue with your class or another. Necro is OP when has any mmo not had this issue of class balance?

There is NO need to get abusive and take it out on the people that actually gave us a great game. If you have an issue with anet and continue to do so, give suggestions, creative criticism, then you might actually get heard…

Disrespect to designers and to people in the community is pretty dam uncalled for, you don’t like it the doors over here —-—>

