Hotjoin: it is time to let go
I really like playing with friends in tpvp and hotjoin; I love being able to goof around a bit and learn a new build/class in hotjoin, and I love the pressure of tourneys, I love meeting new people in hotjoin, I love getting to know people in tourney teams.
Op why do you want to take that away?
The only thing I want, and I have wanted since the game launched, is more spvp game modes. I get so sick of playing the same game mode over and over, that I end up going and playing other games.
The account-medal in the character select is showing you the emote of the ascendant title you have, but has NO meaning to your effective rank (the list is: deer/gladiator, dolyak/mercenary, wolf/avenger, tiger/ransacker, etc.)
One thing is for sure, and that is that the Account Medal is not linked to the same value as the emote.
When I reached the Deer Account Medal and got Gladiator, I already had the Dolyak emote and rank 21.
So it may not be showing you the emote. Because the emote doesn’t necessarily match the title.The account medal is linked to the achievement value, while the emote is linked to the PvP rank value.
It should not be like that.
The PvP rank Account Medal’s description says “PvP rank”, not “Points scored in PvP matches” like the achievement, so it should match the PvP rank and the /rank emote.
That’s what I was talking about.
So yep, The Medal is based on your achievment-title and your emote is based on your actual rank. Seems like you understand it. Hope I could clear things up for you
And yes, it is some kind of irritating what A-Net did there.
Please excuse me for being a noob, but why do so many people care about glory and rank? Such things are not necessarily a reflection of skill but time played, so why does it matter if people are getting more of those fake currencies in sPvP than tPvP? And since I don’t think it does matter, I say we stop worrying about it in this thread.
Back on topic: hotjoin sPvP is currently our best place to work on 1v1 and small group combat skills that translate into WvW. That is precisely why I started playing it in the last couple weeks. So it has value to me, even if it means I’m not learning optimal conquest-mode strategies.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
Have to bring this thread back to attention, as it is a key-issue in this game and should definitely be looked at.
Please excuse me for being a noob, but why do so many people care about glory and rank? Such things are not necessarily a reflection of skill but time played, so why does it matter if people are getting more of those fake currencies in sPvP than tPvP? And since I don’t think it does matter, I say we stop worrying about it in this thread.
Back on topic: hotjoin sPvP is currently our best place to work on 1v1 and small group combat skills that translate into WvW. That is precisely why I started playing it in the last couple weeks. So it has value to me, even if it means I’m not learning optimal conquest-mode strategies.
I like to rank up in order to show off. And if you think that showing off isn’t important, you might want to ask why MMOs are so popular in the first place. Loot, gear etc are all ways of showing off. Titles are a great way to do the same.
Hotjoin sucks because of the scoring/rank point system. Bring the conquest scoring TO conquest and zerg happy players will leave.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
Maybe make hotjoin give only half of the rank points that a tournament gives. And add unrated tournaments.
But removing hotjoin would be the best.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
why would you guys want to get rid for team deathmatch (aka hotjoin) as it is the only alternative to conquest mode?