Improve SoloQ (not gameplay / class related)

Improve SoloQ (not gameplay / class related)

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562



I believe that the current SoloQ system is broken, for quite a lot of reason. This post is about ideas to improve it. This is not about gameplay or the current meta.

I’ll try to list my idea, starting from the one that requires really few changes to the system.

  • If a game isn’t 5v5 when it should start, delay it for a minute. If it’s still not 5v5, cancel it. Sure, it’s not nice to lost time, but it’s way better than playing 4v5.
  • Do not group a profession more than twice in a team. This would help in avoiding stupid team setup
  • Add a way for a team to cancel a game before it starts. It could bring the dishonour debuff to the whole team, or something. This would avoid playing game you have NO chance of winning. It could be used when a team has, for example, no bunker and the other team has 2.
  • When someone disconnects, stop the game for 2 minute (or less if he comes back faster). After two minutes, the game continues.
  • If a team played 4v5 for more than X minutes in the game and lose, forgive the lose, but still count the win for the winning team. I believe dishonour would prevent abusing the system.

The last idea is probably the more “complex”, and could lead to problem with queuing, but its worth mentioning to have feedback about it.
Add a way for people to check for role they can fulfill: point holder, roamer, damage dealer, condition dealer.
It could allow for more balanced team setup. What do you think?

PS: Also, please remove SkyHammer !