Lets give FEEDBACK on Skyhammer

Lets give FEEDBACK on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Cyanon.1928


Lets make our feedback short, clean and productive!

Here’s mine so far.

Positive observations:

1. New design promotes fair matches.
2. Skyhammer de-caping was a clever idea that manages to keep the crucial role of the cannon.

Negative observations:

1. Total elimination of the breakable glass floors made the map less interesting and less unique.


These are aimed at making the matches more interesting by stimulating map awareness and strategic thinking skills while maintaining a high degree of fairness overall.

1. Bring back breakable glass floor BUT make it only breakable by Skyhammer (This will ensure fairness).

2. Add a secondary structure bellow breakable floor so if a player falls (knocked, feared, bad step) the player can run back to the upper platform (This will promote strategic thinking skills).

3. Once floor is broken, keep it broken for about 20 seconds (This will stimulate map awareness).

(edited by Cyanon.1928)

Lets give FEEDBACK on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Sidizen.9048


All of those suggestions are really good, I hope Anet implements them.