Lf2 Players for tournies
Hey there!
Our time zone and play times match perfectly. I’m currently rank 19 (nearly 20… kitten PvE mucking up my PvP time…) and primarly play a warrior built around survival, but focus on dps (not a glass cannon, but still high sustained dps). I wouldn’t mind hitting up some free tPvP with you guys in order to get a feel for how you play as well as let you see how I mesh with your team. If we work out great, then paid tournies here we come.
I’ve also had extensive experience playing a necro, mesmer, ele, guardian, engineer, and thief in sPvP. As for voice chat options, I have my own Mumble server, but have Vent, Teamspeak, and/or Skype ready to go as well (just let me know what you use). Feel free toadd me in-game or send me a message. Will be on at around 7:30pm tonight.
I run a roam/support ele (just like all other eles) and a guardian
IM rank 29 now and honestly I pug 99% of the time but im a DAoC vet and warhammer vet. you can google the name and see my videos and accomplishments and comedies from past games rather than jus go by a forum post.
Im on east from 8-12.. except for when the jets are playing
Im pugging now and am interested in being in a group. Drop me a line and we’ll see how it goes
A Classy Gentleman
Im interested in this group. I haven’t been interested in spvp for a while because i was doing PVE and doing map completion (96% done). I’m usually on at the same time that you’re on (EST). I play a Warrior with mostly toughness traits with crit damage and crit chance. I’ve got skype and I can get ventrillo or any other programs for chat.
Ra Waan
Awesome, Lets see if we can get some people together and figure out a plan.
I’m totally interested too!
I’m a rank 19 Ranger.
Looking to get involved in a team or guild to be more competitive in tournies.
These Pugs are starting to get to me…
Let me know if any of you guys want to queue up together or if there’s a guild looking for more peeps
Thank you guys for all your responses, We will message you or you can message us and we will run a few tournies with you guys etc. So look for me gingerail, or arken hopefully we get something rolling before the paid tournies.