MMORPG Forum Toxicity

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


ITT people complaining about the toxicity of the forum community all the while contributing to it. This includes the OP.

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


ITT people complaining about the toxicity of the forum community all the while contributing to it. This includes the OP.

And again you with your bashing.

Stella Truth Seeker

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


ITT people complaining about the toxicity of the forum community all the while contributing to it. This includes the OP.

And again you with your bashing.

And again me, stating the obvious. I have no idea who you are, but my statement is true.

I also read some of your posts…don’t start throwing stones he who lives in a glass house.

(edited by Pyriall.1683)

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


ITT people complaining about the toxicity of the forum community all the while contributing to it. This includes the OP.

And again you with your bashing.

And again me, stating the obvious. I have no idea who you are, but my statement is true.

Ah lets just sit back and watch the fire burn! Popcorn anyone? Anyone? No?

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


ITT people complaining about the toxicity of the forum community all the while contributing to it. This includes the OP.

And again you with your bashing.

And again me, stating the obvious. I have no idea who you are, but my statement is true.

Ah lets just sit back and watch the fire burn! Popcorn anyone? Anyone? No?

You can’t ask a question and answer it in the same post without an edit. How would anyone have seen the question for you to answer? Hmmmm?

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


kittenposting too stronk

Stella Truth Seeker

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


kittenposting too stronk

And again you with your bashing…

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: MarTn.3810


I agree with a lot of the complaints, because even though the PvP carries some entertainment value, it’s extremely flawed and quite simple(in a negative matter) in my opinion. Guild Wars 2 offers very little variation in terms of the gameplay (something which is a fundamental flaw in the game itself), a problem which is also reflected in the PvP in terms of metas and such. Experimenting with builds and trying out new things is the way to get frustrated with the game due to the simple fact that some builds are from an objective standpoint better than others for the majority of the situations you’ll encounter in a PvP match.

Over the past years I’ve learned to accept that the PvE is what I bought the game for, and that the PvP is a simple “bonus” that will never be a consistent experience with possibilities for creativity. I really wanted to enjoy it, but it’s really hard to appreciate when you have to play a specific profession in a specific way in order to have a good time.

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Chrono.6928


So I bought GW2 at launch and played it for like 2 days before putting it down. To be honest, the only reason why I put the game down was because I was already running a guild in SW:TOR and was fairly committed to that game. However, I recently picked GW2 back up after bouncing back and fourth from WoW and SW:TOR. I have to commend the dev team over hear at areananet. I am absolutely loving this game, I play strictly PVP and have been a pvp player in ever mmo that I have played.

The thing that bugs me is today’s generation of spoiled MMO gamers. Coming from a pvp perspective, GW2 offers gamers one of the best PvP experiences you can get in an MMO. Yet, when I come to the forums for tips and whatnot, all i see is moaning and complaining. And most of the complaints are not even valid.

I understand that the forums if a place where people come to give suggestions and ideas about how to make the game better. But, the truth here is that every time
I come to the forums I feel like I’m wasting my time playing some trash mmo. At least that is how GW2 forum community makes it seem. Thats the end of my little rant, I just wish people would be a little more accepting of the game that the developers have created, BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME!

in general forum users complain more than most of the playerbase. For example when HoT launched most forum users complained about it being to hard or not having elite specializations at start, while the majority of people in game just said wow what a cool game (once they got past the up’ed difficulty maybe)

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Watson.6492


I post on the internet and play competitive video games because girls don’t like me.

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


I post on the internet and play competitive video games because girls don’t like me.


MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: assasin oates.3018

assasin oates.3018

man up. we have the right to moan and complain and I will exercise it to it’s fullest

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


Shut up stoopid!


Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

MMORPG Forum Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Mr Godlike.6098

Mr Godlike.6098

There are many things to love about pvp in GW2.

That said, the dev team (and their managers) have repeatedly demonstrated a lack of … polish?

  • Visibility into changes is poor.
  • There is no Test Server.
  • Feedback from the most informed from the player community is either ignored or glossed over.
  • Balance patches are too infrequent, and the current model of huge changes every 3 months followed by almost no corrections is a flawed model, though admittedly better than what we used to have (which was balance patches every 6 to 9 months).
  • There is no clarity of vision for the various classes and what balance might mean
  • They leave certain classes at the top of the food chain for too long, while others are non-viable (also for too long).
  • They often show a profound lack of understanding about how their classes work and what previous metas have showed us.
  • There is minimal interaction between the devs and the player community. Evan and Josh occasionally post here (thank you guys!) but mostly we’re ignored.
  • There are still problems with matchmaking, leavers/afkers, and pip gain/loss that remain unaddressed (like people disconnecting during the 90 second wait period before the match starting, and the game letting the match proceed in spite of this).

On the community side of things:

  • We have too many players who have vendettas against certain classes and spout non-sense at every turn trying to get their class buffed and their hated classes nerfed.
  • People get frustrated by things, and have knee jerk reactions to over nerf rather than considering the repercussions of the changes that are being proposed. Sometimes there is a fine line between a class/build being OP and it being non-viable.

Just some thoughts from someone who’s played GW2 for most of the past 3.5 years.

True story bro…sad but true.

Was depressed ele…now depressed druid
Kawaleria (KW)