MMR so high that I can no longer get a match.
Looks like someone is bitter about video games.
Nah, white knights just annoy me and my network is down at work. So nothing but forum watching for me atm.
The difference between the way that this forum responds to devs and the way that reddit responds to them helps me understand why they prefer answering questions over there rather than in this nest of harpies.
Pucker up and kiss it guys. Your 50 bucks for the expansion that the devs promised, in the manifesto, was never going to happen entitles you to suck up every sweet drop of developer comments like ambrosia from the gods.
you proved his points, feel the aggressiveness and entitlement.
The difference between the way that this forum responds to devs and the way that reddit responds to them helps me understand why they prefer answering questions over there rather than in this nest of harpies.
Pucker up and kiss it guys. Your 50 bucks for the expansion that the devs promised, in the manifesto, was never going to happen entitles you to suck up every sweet drop of developer comments like ambrosia from the gods.
you proved his points, feel the aggressiveness and entitlement.
Paying for the expansion actually does entitle us to a working product. Yes
Looks like someone is bitter about video games.
Nah, white knights just annoy me and my network is down at work. So nothing but forum watching for me atm.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending them. I’m just explaining to you why they don’t like you.
I’m just dropping facts. Don’t hate. Appreciate.
I’m not hating. I’m literally just chatting and passing time.
I think to solve this issue, there should be an optional checkbox for players.
For lower levels, using the checkbox you accept that you can rolled in with higher lvl players (optionally, with higher rewards), and for high level players, the checkbox would let them allowed together with lower level players (with probably decrease their loss and gain by 30% if they do).
With this, players will have a free decision if they want to get rolled together with high/low league players with some consequences.
This isn’t your MMR, but your ladder position. We could let matchmaking expand the ladder position cutoff, but then we’d have a lot of players complaining that they keep getting matched with people outside their division. We’d have to let this happen pretty slowly still.
How long would you be willing to wait before going significantly outside your division for matchmaking?
Please let us queue outside of HotM already. Standing around for 45mins waiting on a queue is just boring. I left that other game due to having to play the queues more than the game itself. At least in the other game I could be doing other things, farming, world pvp, etc.. Let me roam in WvW or play in guild arena while waiting in this long queue please.
But that’s beside the point, I’d prefer the matching system be setup better as well.
How is this the wrong thread? The dev just asked here for solutions.
I think to solve this issue, there should be an optional checkbox for players.
For lower levels, using the checkbox you accept that you can rolled in with higher lvl players (optionally, with higher rewards), and for high level players, the checkbox would let them allowed together with lower level players (with probably decrease their loss and gain by 30% if they do).With this, players will have a free decision if they want to get rolled together with high/low league players with some consequences.
I personally kind of like the idea of this. I used this feature in Heroes of Newerth depending on my mood. You could select shorter queue times with worse quality matches or longer queue times for better quality matches.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
I think to solve this issue, there should be an optional checkbox for players.
For lower levels, using the checkbox you accept that you can rolled in with higher lvl players (optionally, with higher rewards), and for high level players, the checkbox would let them allowed together with lower level players (with probably decrease their loss and gain by 30% if they do).With this, players will have a free decision if they want to get rolled together with high/low league players with some consequences.
I personally kind of like the idea of this. I used this feature in Heroes of Newerth depending on my mood. You could select shorter queue times with worse quality matches or longer queue times for better quality matches.
Spice it up, why not add a buff that prevents pip loss BUT only if you don’t play your most played rank class?
This sounds no different to GW1 and waiting for GvG games back in the day. guess it’s just the price you pay for being good at something. Almost like real world sports. the casuals play every weekend, the pros only a few big games a year.
kmark.8519’s options is a good middle ground though.
Or, as time goes by, your ladder is expanded to get a match at the cost of being paired with someone below your ladder.
Honestly, this is a good thing. It means they factor in the divisions quite heavily which when people spread out over it, will increase the match quality.
Edit: If your position this season could influence your starting position next season and add some placement matches or whatsoever that would deal with the initial population spread issue when a season starts.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Idk why you are so shocked it takes a long time to get matches they just opened this league a few days ago. Let’s say you had 100% win rate to get to sapphire it would be like 40 games won straight if I remember correctly. Obviously most people do not have this win rate so you’re looking at 60-80 games over a 3 day period. I would like to think most people have a life and can’t play 24/7
You know this would all be prevented if you didn’t let premades farm soloquers. Everything about leagues is ridiculous.
How is this the wrong thread? The dev just asked here for solutions.
Sincere apologies, I entirely misread what you were saying and thought you were commenting on a different topic by mistake.
Okay – It took 2-3 hours but I finally got a match. I lost it as the game was decided before it even began due to them having regulars and I had 3 unknowns. I gave it all I had though, but it was impossible…
2-3 Hours? / 1 Match / -1 Pip
I don’t even know what to say anymore…
You can’t get matches because you went super hardcore in the first days of the season and got way ahead of everyone else. And since you are way ahead of everyone else, the matchmaker doesn’t have anyone comparable to match against you.
What did you expect Anet to do? Magically summon high-division players out of thin air?
Give it a week and your queue will be fine.
There are not enough players at your level for a competitive match, Collero.
I think you progressed too fast, either through shady measures or though sheer determination. No one else is that determined. How many games did you play to make it to Ruby in just a few days, anyway?
As an aside, I also like the idea of being able to click a check-box to open matchmaking up to higher or lower ladder players…giving extra pip progression or simply a guarantee of non pip-loss for our philanthropy.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Seems to me that there needs to be diminishing returns on how many games you can play in a particular period of time. Getting to Ruby within the first few days seems extreme and someone should probably take a shower and maybe go for a walk.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
What did you expect Anet to do? Magically summon high-division players out of thin air?
Not to be so strict on who you can play from other divisions? I was Sapphire, and there was many who were playing in Emerald queueing at the times I was.
It’s okay – I forgot I was playing Guild Wars 2 where everybody must reach things at the same time.
…and what a waste of time it all was.
(edited by Collero.7963)
its been 4 days, do you wanna be in legendary in a week? i rather not have to play with people outside my division than having longer Q times. if your going to be match or group with people outside your division that then whats the point of having league.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
its been 4 days, do you wanna be in legendary in a week? i rather not have to play with people outside my division than having longer Q times. if your going to be match or group with people outside your division that then whats the point of having league.
It works fine like that in SC2 & CS:GO.
…and what a waste of time it all was.
In my opinion the best solution is this.. Make the pvp seasons much MUCH longer than they currently are.
Look at it this way.. By the time players settle into their tier of gameplay and are finally getting frequent match ups with other players of those skill… The season will reset, resetting their medals and causing this same cycle again and again. That to me is frustrating. Two month seasons are far too short, we need at least half a year or even a year for seasons to actually settle into the system correctly. Yes it will require the wait for those that rushed, but hell it will be worth it when everyone reaches the divisions they belong in.
In my opinion the best solution is this.. Make the pvp seasons much MUCH longer than they currently are.
Look at it this way.. By the time players settle into their tier of gameplay and are finally getting frequent match ups with other players of those skill… The season will reset, resetting their medals and causing this same cycle again and again. That to me is frustrating. Two month seasons are far too short, we need at least half a year or even a year for seasons to actually settle into the system correctly. Yes it will require the wait for those that rushed, but hell it will be worth it when everyone reaches the divisions they belong in.
I agree – ArenaNet need to respond on this now because they really need to lengthen each season starting now.
…and what a waste of time it all was.
I personally kind of like the idea of this. I used this feature in Heroes of Newerth depending on my mood. You could select shorter queue times with worse quality matches or longer queue times for better quality matches.
SoloQue Checkbox!
Longer Q, but only Solo Players.
I. Need. It. For. Yesterday!
In my opinion the best solution is this.. Make the pvp seasons much MUCH longer than they currently are.
Look at it this way.. By the time players settle into their tier of gameplay and are finally getting frequent match ups with other players of those skill… The season will reset, resetting their medals and causing this same cycle again and again. That to me is frustrating.
Yes I can predict the complaints now.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro