Mug only depended on mug.
Except 3 posts prior to yours that I quoted, I pointed out exactly the kittening opposite. Mug only does “insane” damage if you’re running extremely high power and satisfy the conditionals on a number of DPS oriented traits.
If you can’t make your point without ommitting facts, hyperbole, or just outright lying, it’s probably not worth making.
Also, as a side note, mug is a trait.
You omitted the fact its a minor 5 point trait.
10 point major, since I actually know where abilities I profess to have knowledge about are located.
A)There’s no need to point out where mug is – If you don’t know where mug is on the traitline, what makes you qualified to come to the boards and kitten about it?
B)2 of the 3 traits Jportel claimed where necessary for Mind wrack to hit hard are…I bet you’re going to feel silly when I finish this sentence…10 points in.Dude, you’re a thief basher all over the forums, you should be better at this.
But also compare backstab to mindwrack… that is the big difference. Thieves can still pull of gnarly burst without mug thanks to backstab. Also thieves can pull off their burst every 4 seconds mesmers need at least 10 seconds.
Let me clarify – I’m not trying to weigh in on Mug vs Mind Wrack – I don’t know Mes’s numbers well enough to express an opinion on the matter, and unlike most people on these boards, I’m not willing to call something OP/UP/etc unless I feel like I completely understand all the factors associated.
I was simply pointing out that “7-8k Mugs” don’t exist, and “4k mugs” were a product of extreme Min/Maxing combined with a number of conditional DPS traits One of which requires your target to be below 50% health. New players who don’t truly understand what’s going on are going to come to these boards to try to figure out why they’re getting pasted so hard – when they have trouble with thieves, and come to boards and see idiots crying about “7-8k mug crits pre-nerf”, confirmation bias kicks in and we have a whole new wave of idiots. I’m just trying to prevent that.
I referenced your post to point out what a misinformed/trolling poster Gank was – he’s all over the boards crying about anything thief related; my guess is his mother did not love him.
As far as your point, I was clarifying – claiming that mug “Only needs mug” to crit like a beast is disingenous/misinformed. Mug Only needs Mug to work (obviously), huge crits (In the 4k realm) with it come from being a min/maxed GC thief and satisfying a number of conditionals, one of which requires 30 points in the Crit/crit damage traitline AND your target to be below 50% health.
Well for mindwrack to do insane damage the Mesmer has to have a huge set up as well. I was never really in favor of the mug nerf even though it was a trait I never used. WAS it a little strong for a 10point line? Perhaps… is it now? Most definitely not. One Mesmer trait that may need moved up is “shattered concentration” It has the ability to rip several boons at once… however if they do that they should bring harmonious mantras down a tree because nobody and I mean nobody runs mantra heavy builds in pvp.
Also in general thieves that took mug also took all the other traits to make it hit like a truck… In reality steal does no damage to begin with so taking mug was a XXXXX% increase in steals damage… Also with my thief that has absolutely no traits in power lines I can still land 5k backstabs on the regular…5k damage every 4-5 seconds… Mesmers can simply not do that… If they are shatter based then their phantasms might hurt… If they are phantasm Mesmers then you have nothing to worry about from shatters…. And hybrid Mesmer builds can’t do both things amazingly well. Nerfing mind wrack will force mesmers into either bunker builds which still aren’t very effective when compared to d/d ele/bm ranger/guard bunkers… We can try running confusion builds but unless they up confusion damage in PvP it’s hard to keep sustain going with that. The point is thieves have very viable builds that have nothing to do with mug and even with the mug nerf the damage from a thief with the same traits pre nerf is better than a Mesmer mindwrack hands down.