No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Lol @ the noob/casual helper skill empathic bond considered OP ahaha (note: I just saw eurantien’s response: we agree more than you think!)

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


OP plays Mesmer, Elementalist and Guardian.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Here is a list of things that you should nerf:

1, Dhumfire – icd
2, Doom – duration
3, Signet of Spite – duration
4, Healing signet – heal
5, staggering blow – cast time
6, Automated response – 90% not 100%
7, Healing turret – cast time
8, Zerker stance – 90% not 100%
9, pin down – bleeds
10, combustive shot + cleansing Ire – radius
11, Spirit of nature – health pool
12, spirit of sun – passive proc
13, Inf Strike – not moving people to somewhere without line of sight
14, Larcenous strike – remove evasion from flanking strike
15, feline grace – add 10s icd
16, Shadows refuge – cooldown
17, mark of blood – 1 less bleed
18, necro scepter auto attack – lowered durations
19, emphatic bond – 20 second icd
20, critical infusion – 15s icd
21, incendiary power – 20s icd
22, Lyssa runes – 60s icd

I am sure there is more. But this would be a good start.

The logic would be to reverse the power creep which made everyone quit, and to actually add skill and FUN back to the game by not having as many builds which are frustrating to fight against because of passive bs or because of uncounterable things like cc chains, mass evasion and Ai spam.

Problem = most of this stuff is things you actually buffed. So you need to have the guts to admit you made mistakes and reverse alot of these changes.

I’m glad you could gather a list of 22 things that you can’t overcome/beat.

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Wtf? Nerfing S\D so much would destroy the thief class . Maybe you want all thieves to go D\D free kill suicide mode? They should just redisign alot of things in this game that are a complete disaster . You also forgot necro’s death shroud duration is ridiculous .

the OP cant deal with it, therefore needs a nerf, makes sense right?

I have 4 accounts (some free trial), with a 70% win rate in solo q over about 500-550 games. Have had 3 accounts in the top 50 at times before decay. So I can deal with it. But I dont want to. Because it is lame. If you want to tell me to l2p then prove your individual skill and go and win 70% of your solo q games (at high rating) over 500 games then come back.

Solo queue? You’re basing your skill off solo queue? lul…

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


13, Inf Strike – not moving people to somewhere without line of sight
-Fine, give us a +150 range in exchange
14, Larcenous strike – remove evasion from flanking strike
-Give us back 2 boon strip and we’ll talk. Might even throw in a damage nerf. The recent nerf slashed S/D’s utility and a nerf like this would pretty much destroy the set completely across all modes.
15, feline grace – add 10s icd
-This idea is terrible. It’d destroy all melee builds that aren’t D/x BS across all modes.
16, Shadows refuge – cooldown
-Not sure what end this is to accomplish, keep it in PvP. Some thieves find this an invaluable support tool, and our support options are rather limited as it is.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


Here is a list of things that you should nerf:

1, Dhumfire – icd
2, Doom – duration
3, Signet of Spite – duration
18, necro scepter auto attack – lowered durations

You could just consolidate these into a single change – remove/redesign Terror. None of these things is OP if Terror isn’t present in the build. Necro’s will cry of course, and it is admittedly fun to use, but it’s bad for the game. Plain and simple. They don’t even need it anymore. I’ve been running builds without it and there’s no drop off in efficacy, just a drop off in ease of play for the Necro, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

6, Automated response – 90% not 100%

AR to me just needs to be changed to “Drink an Elixir C and toss Elixir C at your location when health reaches 25% – 90s CD”.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Demonts.4593


who wants to bet this guy plays mesmer ele or guard? lol

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


who wants to bet this guy plays mesmer ele or guard? lol

How much do you want to bet?

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Here is a list of things that you should nerf:

1, Dhumfire – icd
2, Doom – duration
3, Signet of Spite – duration
18, necro scepter auto attack – lowered durations

You could just consolidate these into a single change – remove/redesign Terror. None of these things is OP if Terror isn’t present in the build. Necro’s will cry of course, and it is admittedly fun to use, but it’s bad for the game. Plain and simple. They don’t even need it anymore. I’ve been running builds without it and there’s no drop off in efficacy, just a drop off in ease of play for the Necro, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

6, Automated response – 90% not 100%

AR to me just needs to be changed to “Drink an Elixir C and toss Elixir C at your location when health reaches 25% – 90s CD”.

Why? terror actually takes skill to use when bursting someone. Like corrupt boon took skill but they nerfed that in favour of passive procs like dhuumfire

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


Good to see your list includes having necros nerfed back into obscurity. Complete waste of a class.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


terror is ok and u can counter it easy , the bigest problem is burning witch makes huge dmg , if they will remove it i would be realy happy , terror was never OP , the OP thing is that u can stack burning , 10 bleeds , poison and then fear so basicly u can lose around 3k hp per second if u will not be able to cleanse that. Change to doom duartions also shoudnt happen , spignet op spite , yeah the duration on it is way to high but i am not sure about scepter auto attack , its like 5-6s bleed + 5-6s posion on third attack hmm idk how it would work. U could add 1 more thing to your list “Nightmare runes” tbh random fear iis kinda OP /;

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


Here is a list of things that you should nerf:

1, Dhumfire – icd
2, Doom – duration
3, Signet of Spite – duration
18, necro scepter auto attack – lowered durations

You could just consolidate these into a single change – remove/redesign Terror. None of these things is OP if Terror isn’t present in the build. Necro’s will cry of course, and it is admittedly fun to use, but it’s bad for the game. Plain and simple. They don’t even need it anymore. I’ve been running builds without it and there’s no drop off in efficacy, just a drop off in ease of play for the Necro, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

6, Automated response – 90% not 100%

AR to me just needs to be changed to “Drink an Elixir C and toss Elixir C at your location when health reaches 25% – 90s CD”.

Why? terror actually takes skill to use when bursting someone. Like corrupt boon took skill but they nerfed that in favour of passive procs like dhuumfire

Try bursting someone without Terror. That takes skill.

To be honest, it just doesn’t jive with the Necro abilities that use it for how much damage it does and what should be considered as a healthy level of counter-play.

Doom was designed to be defensive, that’s why it’s instant cast and available while stunned. Used offensively it simply doesn’t allow for enough counter play. The way marks can be used is a similar issue. The way the animations work you can lay it at someone’s feet and deny them from even seeing it’s there let alone going to be triggered. Like I said, it just doesn’t jive with the skills it’s attached to and their purpose.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Lolz the balance preview had alot of these things touched on. Obviously, it wouldnt be a balance preview/patch without some OP passive immunity BS or something similar. But I think they copied my ideas. :P

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


OP plays Mesmer, Elementalist and Guardian.

IMO. This proves more credibility as opposed to be something against him.

Guardian and Mesmer are pretty much the two most fairly balanced classes (Excluding Phantasm 1v1) no one past rank 30 cannot claim to be unable to fight one of those two without it being atleast of even footing.

And Ele is pretty much the class taking the back seat right now.

Although I disagree with some of the thief related suggestions. If power creep is in fact the biggest problem with the game, would it not make sense to bring the classes in line with these 3 classes? (IMO 4 cuz I think thief is actually fine, and warrior is close)

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

No BS - just 22 things you should nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Hype.8032


Nerf the OP! Those suggestions are OP!

Tualek & F I Monk / Thief —-- Tk E / Engineer
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198