No fun anymore

No fun anymore

in PvP

Posted by: Ocean.1364


Its sad but its true. I play only pvp in this game. I dont know what have you done with matchmaking but i win about 1 game from 8-10 matches. So this mean about 3 hours of losing and 15 minutes of winning. In last season it was fine I was winning about 60-70 percent matches and get into diamond now im only flustrated and dont know what to do.
Its immposible to get out of this losing bracet. So can you change the matchmaking in the state where it was or can you atleast change mmr to better for players with top score in loser team. And to second player dont change mmr ?
And why im playing agains team so much. I solo and want to play agains solo players too. Sometimes i play with one friend but why we are agains teams ?