I sent in a ticket about HP bars not showing in PvP but was told to post on the forums instead. I’ll copy the ticket message here. Thanks for reading!
For the past three years, I have been pretty unhappy about not being able to see peoples hit-point (HP) bars above their heads when in combat. It’s a feature that appears in 99% of other games, and it causes me to ignore team fights and focus more on 1 on 1, or small fights. I feel like I am missing too much information in team-fights when I can’t easily view my own team, and enemy teams HP. I think this is an even bigger issue for new players in GW2, it felt like I was fighting the UI rather than the players. I understand that some people might not like it, but could it please be added as an opt in feature?
In guild wars one, you could actually see people channeling skills under their HP bars, I feel gw2 pvp needs to give the user more display options. Especially when it comes to standardized character models.
Please would you consider passing the message about HP bars over to the PvP dev team?
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.