No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Rank 33 and you just feel the same as r10….yes you have experience, you faceroll people and have a wolf (Not so cool imo) when you stomp others…and…..nothing else. 90% of cosmetic items look like crap, and at r40 they still look crap..and i bet also at 50… And most of all…in gw1 you had the magic emote, the console command that pushed millions of players to dedicate a game life in HA (Like me btw)….where are \rank emotes? We have those titles…yes avenger (pretty cool…if you love cpt america and iroman) Ransacker (Horrible) Marauder (Probably sounds just a bit better than ransacker but still terrible) and so on…and nothing else…oh yes…a ton of 15 slot account bound bags…wow

Seriously people need first of all spammable \rank emotes (That were the first target in gw1 for everyone playing HA) then some REALLY useful items, like HoH chest stuff actually worth something (Cristalline sword, remember?), minipets, pve exotic stuff and so on…not just gems who everyone can have just farming gold and buying them…something that you CAN’T get in pve, something you can show in pve also proving that you spent time and effort becoming better not just farmed lv80 maps or dungeons mindlessly all day long (Not attacking those people, if someone likes to play pve only everyone can do what he wants)…i don’t know if you can get my point but we seriously need something really rewarding because at the moment you keep ranking up without knowing why are you doing it..And btw…the tiger finisher emote is ugly….not just bad…it’s plain, terribly horrible dfq happened to gw1 roaring r9? It’s like a diseased underfed cat crying for attention….sad

(edited by Archaon.6245)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Naito.5693


He has a point.
I am currently top3 in QP ladder, rank 44 with 90% win ratio and 1300 tournament wins and I don’t feel anything.
I remember the amount of joy I had when I hit r9 (there were a few people with r12 already). The emote, the ability to join most HA teams just because you had that r9 title. I remember facing top100 teams in GvG, I remember shaking in fear (I played infuser monk) when facing top10 bspike teams.
I actually felt that all the hard work I put into theorycrafting and playing has finally paid off.
Despite the fact that our team stomps “sponsored” teams on daily basis we are not going to get sponsored because there is actually a very little chance of gw2 becoming an esports discipline.
Maybe I was just younger but I don’t feel a thing here.

A Lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

(edited by Naito.5693)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


When starting spvp I checked some of the skins available at higher ranks.
Those were about the only things I could find I was going to be rewarded with for sticking to it.

8v8 spvp is a terrible mode in my view.
And as a casual I end up in pugs against premades in tpvp. Not much fun either, and paid tournaments did exactly NOTHING to better that, sadly enough.

This meant that I felt rather trapped in an endless grind that was just remotely enjoyable at times.

So I gave up on the skins and honestly couldn’t tell you my current rank in the game right now.
It’s twenty-something, but I seriously don’t know.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

the man has a point.

that said, /rank emotes would make this game 100x better. i’d still call it thief wars 2 until thieves got properly adjusted, but it’d be 100x better.

cheers op.

Team Shanghai Alice

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: ShRNA.4376


Rank itself should be the Reward, if it actually reflects player skills rather than just the length of mindless grind.
In other competitive game, such as SC2 and Super Street fighter 4, people enjoys to play just to improve their skills so that they can have higher rank to brag with and challenge stronger opponents. Sadly, this does not exist in GW2. The so called Rank is just a grindfest like WOW’s honor points.

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Rank itself should be the Reward, if it actually reflects player skills rather than just the length of mindless grind.
In other competitive game, such as SC2 and Super Street fighter 4, people enjoys to play just to improve their skills so that they can have higher rank to brag with and challenge stronger opponents. Sadly, this does not exist in GW2. The so called Rank is just a grindfest like WOW’s honor points.

And here we have the other problems…in gw1 you get rank points only winning the match…no matter what if you have a bad team and you lose you get no points, nothing…you just wasted your time…and if you want to get something you MUST improve yourself and find good mates and l2p a build in a team(Not iway please), here pvp it’s a grind party like pve…you gain points even if you lose, maybe less (Or maybe not) but you can still get ranks loosing every single match…it’s nonsense…nonsense at all

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


He has a point.
I remember shaking in fear (I played infuser monk) when facing top10 bspike teams.

Very bad situation being infuser vs old good bspikes

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


the man has a point.

that said, /rank emotes would make this game 100x better. i’d still call it thief wars 2 until thieves got properly adjusted, but it’d be 100x better.

cheers op.

xD You know i’m Cond Dmg :P

(edited by Archaon.6245)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Paid Tournaments shouldn’t require tickets / any form of payment to get in at all. This SINGLE “feature” is absolutely not needed and is probably a large contribution as to why there are longer que times for Paid Tournies.

Gotta Farm tickets (Or for the benefit of Anet, people buy them with money!) which is going to take away from actually playing in Paid Tournies if you actually do farm them, which is going to make the game continually terrible for casuals trying to pug free tournies.

Simply the pressure of “I’m spending tickets to play this, I only want to play with my full team so we can win” <—- etc etc anything along those lines will pressure players into NOT que’ing for it “unless” which is going to add more wait to the que times.

Why did Anet have to be so STUPIDLY tryhard at being 100% unique in EVERY aspect? They wanted esports?? This is a pathetic joke of a system at BEST. What ever happened to using something tried and true? Why not simply adopt a design that … you know … actually WORKS? Can’t see any shame in that … -_-;

But then again … $$ mongering will drive a game into it’s grave early as I’ve seen in the past … and quite frankly that’s all I can gather is their reasoning for using this type of failed ranking system, monetary profit. And that’s simply from the fact you can pay money to buy tournament tickets to keep playing paid tournaments while trying to hold “top rank” which is naturally going to pressure players into buying them to “keep going”.

What a BS way to milk money out of players, Anet.

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Paid Tournaments are definately BS
Gems? What can you do with gems? Buy sunglasses for your town clothes (ROFL)? Buy glory boosters to gain more glory to spend in chests with crap inside? Or…maybe…trade gems for gold and then what? There’s nothing to do with gold if someone wants to play pvp…and if you want gold for pve the fastest way to farm gold is…well…play pve. I really can’t get the point of all of this…maybe i’m just idiot (Probably yes) or something…but srsly i can’t

(edited by Archaon.6245)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: merrypgm.5798


that’s because the pvp rank doesn’t mean anything andany kitten can get hit unlike gw1 where the number2 map was a net anti-noob , old times were so good

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


that’s because the pvp rank doesn’t mean anything andany kitten can get hit unlike gw1 where the number2 map was a net anti-noob , old times were so good

And we miss them…bring them back anet, you made an awesome pvp game with gw1…don’t ruin everything with this…

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

Its so sad that anet will completely ignore this thread and yet its the best idea ive seen on these forums yet. Implement /rank and chests that have a small chance to give something super rare…

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


How about this:

1. As you level up in PVP, you earn tokens that can convert PVE gear to be useable in PVP. (aesthetics only). But you must have already earned the PVE gear thro PVE.

2. You can also earn tokens to allow PVP items to be worn outside of Mists.

I’d rather not have these be glory/rank rewards though because that just encourages hotjoin grinding. These should be tourny rewards.

Oh and rank 100 should be T-bagger

(edited by gwawer.9805)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Numot.3965


The best reason pvp is because you enjoy pvp. People need to get out of the toxic mindset of doing stuff for rewards rather than the activity.

That said it would be nice to have some way to bring aesthetics from pvp to pve because some of the gear from chest is hard (or awkward) to get in pve .

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Well I for one don’t need shiny new stuff to play PvP, all I need is a fun PvP, with alot of depth. Where I can play my own style, my way of playing and play it well. Unfortunately GW2 doesn’t offer much of that atm.

For example I had Gladiator 7 title in GW1. The only thing I had from that was that title, no items, no emotes, no whatever. Just fun game play. Can’t really see why I would need a carrot on the stick for playing PvP.

Honestly the most fun PvP ever for me were probably good old Quake 2 times. No achievemnts there, no statistics, no emotes, no items, but pure fun hardcore pvp gaming…

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Kerishan.8460


I think is better to focus attention on armor skin than /rank emote.

/rank emote is coll yeah but what is the point? No one care about million of ppl being spam /rank emote all day because of their rank.

I think the better solution is increase the amount of armor in pvp lobby (who want low armor pve in pvp?). No difference in stat means only skin matters. So my suggestion is to destroy all crap skin from lobby and put cultural and all dungeons skin on reward and not in random mode (like cultural).

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


The best reason pvp is because you enjoy pvp. People need to get out of the toxic mindset of doing stuff for rewards rather than the activity.

Man, noone would play, let’s say, dungeons, without rewards, and this is just an example…yes maybe they’re fun (The first time, or the first ten times..maybe) but you will never do it for 50, 100, 200 times just for fun….at one point also pvp becomes a sort of work….do you think those starcraft – chamalee – oh my etc enjoied it? To achieve something really high, no matter what, at one point, if you’re mentally sane, you have to FORCE yourself doing it….and actually for what? Just…nothing

New maps for sure, some new ways to play them and not only those BS tournaments, /rank and points only for winners (So ranks would mean something)….and this is all we need and i don’t think this would be much more problematic to do than making and setting up a whole map like crystal desert..or not?

(edited by Archaon.6245)

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


The best reason pvp is because you enjoy pvp. People need to get out of the toxic mindset of doing stuff for rewards rather than the activity.

That said it would be nice to have some way to bring aesthetics from pvp to pve because some of the gear from chest is hard (or awkward) to get in pve .

the activity itself is determined by a broken system.

- 8v8 spvp is a zerg that does not reward strategy
- The point system does not reward defending, even in 5v5
- tpvp is premade vs pugs, leaving the casual in the cold again.
- It’s only conquest and conquest, and conquest
- paid tournaments require too many tickets so many teams don’t join as much as they should, and go back to stomping pugs.

And did you miss that Arenanet themselves focus on the rewards?
Why else do you think each 10 ranks has their own set of skins? That is THE reward this game uses, and it’s there in pvp.
So what are you on about that it’s the players focusing on the rewards?

The complaints are this:

1. The system isn’t as good as it good be
2. the rewards aren’t as good as they could be.

And that’s where the question arises: is it worth going for the ranks at all?

But if you don’t care for the ranks, you still are stuck in a broken pvp system, so there goes your fun anyway…

Whatever you focus on: rewards or the game play itself, you hit a brick wall when doing pvp.
Rewards are an incentive, this game uses these kind of rewards as ONLY incentive.

But here you come saying we shouldn’t care about rewards.
Go tell that in pve too: let them remove any skin in the game except the generic ones. See who will still do anything at all in pve except leveling…
Aside 100% map players in pve are working for rewards, that’s about ALL they are doing at 80.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

No reason to continue pvp? \rank - rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


who doesn’t want those emote back? Is there someone out there or is just anet that doesn’t give a crap about our opinions?

edit. WE WON

(edited by Archaon.6245)