Normalized Character Models in sPvP

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tumri.7892


Cons: i chose sylvari because i think ts he most awesomest race, i spend alot of time in combinig dyes and clothes, i don want people to just make that go away in a simple click. Now, i know theres alot of people who dont care abou looks, but i do! I spend time on it and want people to see it, kind of.
Casting bars are a very bad idea for reasons ofhers (and anet) have stated.
If i was forced in another model i would actually complain on the forums instead of adding critisism.
I guess making the height difference between races less is quite reasonable… As lomg as asuras are still the smallest and norns the biggest. I just dont think its needed.
Seeing onl humans eould be pretty borin aswell :/.

Translation: Other people should be forced to see my customization because I want them to.

In the real world this would be the equivalent of an artist displaying his nude art in the street because he feels a right to force people to see it.

People can already force all other characters to have their dyes changed to red/blue team colors. This is a simple step up that makes the actual character models and animations easier to see.

Aerion | | Steam: Tumri756
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock

(edited by Tumri.7892)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I’m all for a player-side option to change the models to all humans. I would also support a GW1 style cast bar, I understand why ANet doesn’t want them but if they had them placed just above your HP orb you would still be focused on the screen. There also HAS TO be another used side option to reduce visual effects. I LOVE how cool the combat in GW2 looks, but not when I’m trying to dodge a mesmers spike but can’t see it because of satanic purple butterflies and other crazy visual effects everywhere.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’d like to actually go the other way and have racials put back into pvp, that way there would be a reason to pick a race you love like charr for might/fury, or sylvari for the root/turrets

but yeah its silly that a tiny asuran warrior can actually do more damage than a big burly norn warrior purely because people might not even realize the asuran is using 100b where as the norn shouts and screams and flails around like “MOVE AWAY NAOW!”

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


i’d like to actually go the other way and have racials put back into pvp, that way there would be a reason to pick a race you love like charr for might/fury, or sylvari for the root/turrets

but yeah its silly that a tiny asuran warrior can actually do more damage than a big burly norn warrior purely because people might not even realize the asuran is using 100b where as the norn shouts and screams and flails around like “MOVE AWAY NAOW!”

That would be TERRIBLE for balance. Some racial elites would allow a Norn to traverse most of the map in an instant. Other normal racial utilities would also be far to good in PvP.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


I don’t think Asura is harder to target, they have the same size of Target Box as every other class out there. I don;t have to see what they are casting. I look for hint. For example: If a Player play Mesmer GS and he raise his sword when his health is full. You don’t need to see he actually raise his sword, all I need to see is the tip of the sword being held up, then I know IBersker coming up. Not that hard really, IF you get used to it. Play one Asura to get to know an Asura,please.

If an asura is standing in front of you in a clear area no, they’re not harder to target. Now put a tiny asura in a team fight where there are tons of spell effects, turrets, illusions, ranger pets, etc. everywhere. To click on something you have to be able to see where it is and asura just get lost in the clutter much more easily. Is it impossible to do, or game breaking or the end of the world? No. But is it balanced? No. There are 5 races in the game so players have options, if one gives a small advantage that’s a serious problem might as well turn everyone into asuras in the mists.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nik Rane.6431

Nik Rane.6431

ooooOooOoooOoo i remember reading anet stating that they want players to look at the actual playing field more …

I wish they would rethink this logic. The amount of particle effects going on in a 4v4 with any of the meta builds (condi engi, for example) is just silly. It reminds me of the old CounterStrike tactic where people would spam Smoke ‘nades not because they had very effective mechanics, but because peoples’ computers would tank in fps.

In an 8v8 or a WvW ZergVZerg it gets ridiculous. The only thing I can do as an engi is run in, drop some nades, run out, and stay on the sidelines while I continue to mash 1-5 and pray that I’m doing a significant amount of damage, because I sure as hell can’t see anything. On that note, the amount of Greatsword Warriors in default armor just sitting in the AoEs pressing 1, frantically trying to hit something, is hilarious.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Every tried to target someone in a team fight where there’s a maximum-sized norn mesmer spamming clones? It’s impossible to see anything on the battlefield. That’s just as bad, or even worse, than having to deal with tiny asuras.

It’d be nice if Anet had the option of using placeholder models (like those in WvW after the no-culling patch) instead of player models. When so many counters depend on proper visual analysis of your opponent, there really shouldn’t be such blatant problems with character models.

(edited by Kharr.5746)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


That would be TERRIBLE for balance. Some racial elites would allow a Norn to traverse most of the map in an instant. Other normal racial utilities would also be far to good in PvP.

tbh thats what i was thinking about! you’d have norn “striders” rushing points in animal forms while sylvari/human “rooters” try to stop them in their tracks and charr “sapper’s” drop landmines on points.
and the biggest thing you’d have…diversity, you’d have to think what race best suits your playstyle, it wouldn’t just be a mandatory asurafest based on the difficulty of reading their animations.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


No cast bars, every race normalized as human in rated play.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The normalization of races is already proven to be functional, as character models in WvW will do this. Everyone will display as a normalized model (I believe human) for a couple seconds depending on your settings and computer performance, and then the real models will load after a few more seconds. Simply moving this option over to sPvP should be a simple issue.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


The normalization of races is already proven to be functional, as character models in WvW will do this. Everyone will display as a normalized model (I believe human) for a couple seconds depending on your settings and computer performance, and then the real models will load after a few more seconds. Simply moving this option over to sPvP should be a simple issue.

surely this will be an easy task for gw2 programmers that never have random unrelated bugs appear each patch

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


That would be TERRIBLE for balance. Some racial elites would allow a Norn to traverse most of the map in an instant. Other normal racial utilities would also be far to good in PvP.

tbh thats what i was thinking about! you’d have norn “striders” rushing points in animal forms while sylvari/human “rooters” try to stop them in their tracks and charr “sapper’s” drop landmines on points.
and the biggest thing you’d have…diversity, you’d have to think what race best suits your playstyle, it wouldn’t just be a mandatory asurafest based on the difficulty of reading their animations.

It would also mean ANet has to balance those skills, and currently they can’t balance the non-racial skills to the point they don’t either make something terribly OP or make something previously OP totally worthless. The SECOND a few races are considered to have superior racial skills you’ll just see a massive number of Norn Thieves or Sylvari Engineers.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tumri.7892


Racial skills in sPvP sounds like an absolutely horrendous idea and I’m glad ANet would likely never even consider that idea.

Aerion | | Steam: Tumri756
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


I don’t think Asura is harder to target, they have the same size of Target Box as every other class out there. I don;t have to see what they are casting. I look for hint. For example: If a Player play Mesmer GS and he raise his sword when his health is full. You don’t need to see he actually raise his sword, all I need to see is the tip of the sword being held up, then I know IBersker coming up. Not that hard really, IF you get used to it. Play one Asura to get to know an Asura,please.

If an asura is standing in front of you in a clear area no, they’re not harder to target. Now put a tiny asura in a team fight where there are tons of spell effects, turrets, illusions, ranger pets, etc. everywhere. To click on something you have to be able to see where it is and asura just get lost in the clutter much more easily. Is it impossible to do, or game breaking or the end of the world? No. But is it balanced? No. There are 5 races in the game so players have options, if one gives a small advantage that’s a serious problem might as well turn everyone into asuras in the mists.

Would that not be the same with Mesmer Norns float all of my screen thanks to his massive size clones of himself?? Soon, people also crying about Norn for being so big and block view…

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tumri.7892


I don’t think Asura is harder to target, they have the same size of Target Box as every other class out there. I don;t have to see what they are casting. I look for hint. For example: If a Player play Mesmer GS and he raise his sword when his health is full. You don’t need to see he actually raise his sword, all I need to see is the tip of the sword being held up, then I know IBersker coming up. Not that hard really, IF you get used to it. Play one Asura to get to know an Asura,please.

If an asura is standing in front of you in a clear area no, they’re not harder to target. Now put a tiny asura in a team fight where there are tons of spell effects, turrets, illusions, ranger pets, etc. everywhere. To click on something you have to be able to see where it is and asura just get lost in the clutter much more easily. Is it impossible to do, or game breaking or the end of the world? No. But is it balanced? No. There are 5 races in the game so players have options, if one gives a small advantage that’s a serious problem might as well turn everyone into asuras in the mists.

Would that not be the same with Mesmer Norns float all of my screen thanks to his massive size clones of himself?? Soon, people also crying about Norn for being so big and block view…

Exactly. Both of these situations are bad. Normalized models would mean BOTH situations are avoided. Read the original post.

Aerion | | Steam: Tumri756
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: pot.6805


Yes please do this.

Beast mode

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

No, this is the worst solution. It is like saying “Everyone use drugs in sports except. You should start use them too.” With that mentality you ruin games. It is like saying “game is unbalanced so everyone should take the strongest class”. Do you want to see something like this? I hope not.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

No guys, the OP is absolutely right. There MUST be an option to see all characters as humans. You don’t have to use it, but it there should be. It is not about “I can’t see what an Asura does”. The problem is “why Norns are so easy to read while Asuras aren’t?”.
SPVP should be balanced in EVERY aspect.
You are not forced to use it, but there must be the option for who wants too.

PS: And yes, there is a difference between Asura or non-Asura, just look at tournaments: most of players are Asura. Ugly to play against and ugly to watch, really.

Have to agree with that. Also for Shoutcasting a match it is hard to tell what asuras are actually doing. There is alot of interesting stuff going on, which is rarely noticed by shoutcasters/observers when you have a teamfight going on between 8 asuras.
I think for the future this toggle is needed to enter the e-sport scene.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

No, this is the worst solution. It is like saying “Everyone use drugs in sports except. You should start use them too.” With that mentality you ruin games. It is like saying “game is unbalanced so everyone should take the strongest class”. Do you want to see something like this? I hope not.

Doesn’t make any difference to me…asura are the same as other chars no problem with that, still have human guardian and thief and i feel no difference with asura ones…hitbox is still the same so nothing changes..

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

No, this is the worst solution. It is like saying “Everyone use drugs in sports except. You should start use them too.” With that mentality you ruin games. It is like saying “game is unbalanced so everyone should take the strongest class”. Do you want to see something like this? I hope not.

Doesn’t make any difference to me…asura are the same as other chars no problem with that, still have human guardian and thief and i feel no difference with asura ones…hitbox is still the same so nothing changes..

You clearly don’t play bunker Guard much if you think Banish being entire covered by other players, due to their race, is fair.
Why do you think almost all bunkers play as Asura?

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195


I agree that they should do something about the character size. The only reason i have asura characters is because their animations are so much better and it just feels alot “cooler” to play with them.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

No, this is the worst solution. It is like saying “Everyone use drugs in sports except. You should start use them too.” With that mentality you ruin games. It is like saying “game is unbalanced so everyone should take the strongest class”. Do you want to see something like this? I hope not.

Doesn’t make any difference to me…asura are the same as other chars no problem with that, still have human guardian and thief and i feel no difference with asura ones…hitbox is still the same so nothing changes..

You clearly don’t play bunker Guard much if you think Banish being entire covered by other players, due to their race, is fair.
Why do you think almost all bunkers play as Asura?

More than 1k matches with bunker guardian…using both human and asura (2 different specs) and it’s the same…can’t see any advantage from being smaller or bigger, decent players don’t care bout your size…bad ones can’t do kitten no matter if you’re small or big…so not a big deal at the end of the day..

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

decent players don’t care bout your size…bad ones can’t do kitten no matter if you’re small or big…so not a big deal at the end of the day..

Then explain me why big majority of top players play Asura.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


decent players don’t care bout your size…bad ones can’t do kitten no matter if you’re small or big…so not a big deal at the end of the day..

Then explain me why big majority of top players play Asura.

Because it’s still a small advantage and every advantage you can get counts in high level tPvP. I wouldn’t mind any option to improve the current situation (cast bars are the best option for several reasons imo) but it’s nothing to go crazy about.

In the end most tPvP players are playing to win and if a certain race increases your chance slightly they are obviously going to use it.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Edell.1286


Force me to play a human or anything else in tPvP and I’m done with this game.

I like my Asura, he’s my virtual alter ego in GW2, I customized his looks, armor and weapon to fit my mood and my persona. Also, so far, the only rewards we get from doing sPvP and tPvP are armor and weapon skins. If you can’t even “show off” with your own style in the arenas (and that includes your race), what would be the point ?

Oh wait, right, “esport !”, “hardcore gaming !”.

I don’t care if there’s some sort of option that would let the most hardcorest esport gamers of GW2 display basic models instead of the real ones, we already have that for the colors, so why not. But don’t force me to play a Bookah.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Since you don’t have to level up you can just create an asura too if you think it gives you so much advantage…just complete the first pve mission and you’re done, here you are your op asura ready to go…

No, this is the worst solution. It is like saying “Everyone use drugs in sports except. You should start use them too.” With that mentality you ruin games. It is like saying “game is unbalanced so everyone should take the strongest class”. Do you want to see something like this? I hope not.

Doesn’t make any difference to me…asura are the same as other chars no problem with that, still have human guardian and thief and i feel no difference with asura ones…hitbox is still the same so nothing changes..

You clearly don’t play bunker Guard much if you think Banish being entire covered by other players, due to their race, is fair.
Why do you think almost all bunkers play as Asura?

More than 1k matches with bunker guardian…using both human and asura (2 different specs) and it’s the same…can’t see any advantage from being smaller or bigger, decent players don’t care bout your size…bad ones can’t do kitten no matter if you’re small or big…so not a big deal at the end of the day..

Every match I play against an Asura Bunker I get knocked off the point around 2 times PURELY due to the animation being covered BECAUSE they are an Asura. These two times would not have occurred if they were not an Asura player.
I was thinking that maybe it doesn’t affect you as much because you are an American player and get ~200 ping less than me, but for me if the animation is covered for a split second it hits, no exceptions.

If I had the option to change them into a human then I would not have this MASSIVE DISADVANTAGE. It is a massive disadvantage, no matter what you say, choosing a different race shouldn’t mean a point decap.

I agree to an extent the difference isn’t too much if you’re just 1 on 1, sometimes I miss it because the animation is smaller and there’s a slight advantage. It really isn’t too much for me to care, but soon as other players join in and I can’t see their animation at all then I become extremely frustrated.

The only reason you can’t have had this happen to you is if you don’t pay attention or you’ve resorted to burning stabs or dodges when you can’t see the enemy.

(edited by Jax.5261)

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249


I agree with OP this is extremely annoying and a fix similar to team colors where the user could normalize other player’s race is a great option.

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

@Blackhat I know why they do it. The question was “sarcastic”. And even if it is not a big advantage, it is still an advantage. And it should be ripped of.
@Edell No one here said “everyone must play human”. We are proposing to put an option to SEE everyone as a human.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tumri.7892


Force me to play a human or anything else in tPvP and I’m done with this game.

I like my Asura, he’s my virtual alter ego in GW2, I customized his looks, armor and weapon to fit my mood and my persona. Also, so far, the only rewards we get from doing sPvP and tPvP are armor and weapon skins. If you can’t even “show off” with your own style in the arenas (and that includes your race), what would be the point ?

Oh wait, right, “esport !”, “hardcore gaming !”.

I don’t care if there’s some sort of option that would let the most hardcorest esport gamers of GW2 display basic models instead of the real ones, we already have that for the colors, so why not. But don’t force me to play a Bookah.

Guys please read at least the OP(preferably all the posts) before jumping to conclusions about what we’re asking for. We aren’t saying people should be forced to play human or something in sPvP. We are asking for the option to SEE OTHERS as human so that we can make out their character model and animations more easily and so that everyone is on equal footing regardless of race choice.

Aerion | | Steam: Tumri756
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tumri.7892


bump. still relevant, although I must admit this issue is sort of trivial in this new patch with people running ridiculous amounts of condition cleave builds where it doesn’t matter what your opponent is doing you just dump condition AoEs on them and they die.

Aerion | | Steam: Tumri756
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Considering how ugly humans are, I like the idea:

It would feed my hate towards the enemy even more!XD

OR we might have specialized tabs for enemy players only.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136


Give them rats visible cast bars or flashier animations and I won’t complain that I can’t see crap behind all the explosions and fires going on around Asuras.

If you want watching animations to be a pivotal part of whether you avoid damage or not you can’t pretend to then include a race whose average size is about half the size of other characters, but whatever, who cares about competitive play? If you ask me, it’s acceptable for one race to suffer for the sake of 4 others but I dunno.

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Give them rats visible cast bars or flashier animations and I won’t complain that I can’t see crap behind all the explosions and fires going on around Asuras.

If you want watching animations to be a pivotal part of whether you avoid damage or not you can’t pretend to then include a race whose average size is about half the size of other characters, but whatever, who cares about competitive play? If you ask me, it’s acceptable for one race to suffer for the sake of 4 others but I dunno.

But that’s not the issue: they wouldn’t suffer. What we are asking for is the option to see every other enemy as a race of our choice in the mists. We are asking for another option.

For instance, I play a norn warrior, but the enemy might still see me as a norn, but also as a human, or an asura if he wants to.

I think it’d be great if we could get the chance of deciding whether race we want to use as standard model. This way we might decide to see everyone as norn (with clearer animations but potential battlefield cluttering), as asura (harder to read animation, least cluttering), as human (balanced) and so on, or to see each enemy as the race he has chosen.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


I think the best fix would be visible enemy cast bars, preferably under nameplates.

Gawd I can’t believe how we are making this sound like a mission impossible.

WoW has this since years ago. GW1 had this. GW2…


Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

Normalized Character Models in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


I think I have said it before in this thread, just use cast bars and the problem is solved. Animations are simply not enough for a competitive game. It would help interrupt builds to be more viable as well.

If I remember correctly someone from Anet saw that idea in a thread ~2 months ago and said they are thinking about it. Let’s hope they actually implement it.