Now the ranger QQ is out the way...

Now the ranger QQ is out the way...

in PvP

Posted by: Fella Feller.4936

Fella Feller.4936

Now the QQ about spirits should be over, how about we deal with the real issue with pet builds, and the games potential viewability – health bars, name plates, AoE spell effects and asura.

How many people would watch LoL if all the player models were small enough to hide in a caster minions hit box, and by doing so totally obscure thier name plate and health bar? Not many would be my guess.

The Tally family of Desolation-
Victor(Ranger), Astral(Ele), Martial(Warrior), Erroneous(Mes), Ticker(Engi), Ravin(Thief)
with special guests Hematophagia(Necro) and Grace Burns(Guardian)

Now the ranger QQ is out the way...

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


there was some speak about give ranger more active condi remove and battosai was speak with them about give active pet skill controll.
also whats with dps rangers (longsword and longbow suck like hell)

but well, there was the spirit ranger and the noobs who cant beat it and so this problems are not any more important :P

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus