Player Driven Meta
This last month and a half have been very confusing to me. The majority of PvP players agree that the condition meta isn’t fun and needs to go asap. The thing is we already have the tools to try and change the meta ourselves without the need of a balance patch.
Warrior is the answer.
The class has several build that are absolutely perfect for destroying condition based builds, yet no high ranking teams seem willing to use them. What’s even more baffling is how the same people who are saying how much they hate the current meta are now claiming that the class that can stop them is OP. This may just be a case of a very vocal minority making a lot of noise; that being said it still doesn’t excuse the lack of use Warriors are still seeing.
Even if you think Warrior is OP, which I don’t, why are you unwilling to use it yet it’s fine to use Necromancers and Spirit Rangers? Why not try taking 2 Warriors in place of 2 condition users? Building to beat the enemy team is how you create a more dynamic and constantly shifting meta. Hopefully, if we saw more teams with Warriors curb stomping condition teams that would lead to them bringing something like a Mesmer in order to counter Warriors. What was common in GW1 was that Hammer Warriors who know how to quarter knock could lock down a high value target like a monk, so teams had a Mesmer with skills that forced the Warrior to back off.
It feels like the balance team is attempting to indirectly nerf conditions by buffing Warrior. This is a great strategy in my eyes so long as they avoid too much power creep. Too many players want to be able to have a fair chance to win against any build, this is not only practically impossible but not the best choice if you want a shifting meta. A Rock-Paper-Scissors approach would make the game much easier to balance and would allow for more team diversity.
Imagine that conditions are scissors, CC Warriors with Zerker Stance, Dogged March, and Cleansing ire (notice how much they invest) have become rock. So what’s paper? Mesmers, just like GW1. They have access to so many escapes that CC is all but worthless, and that’s fine. The balance isn’t perfect yet but if they keep this sort of balance philosophy I could see Warriors and Mesmers becoming an important part of any team. In a perfect world every class would have access to a rock, paper, and scissor build without being able to have elements of multiple without having significant weaknesses as well.
Instead of demanding that ANet keeps patching the game, lets try and change it ourselves and make their job easier.
EDIT: Here’s the most recent SotG
I too think the Warrior is the answer. I just need to convince my WvW guild to bring the hammer train to Spvp so we can show off 1 – how easy it is to play Warriors and 2 – CC is king.
I theorycrafted the following setup:
1 – Support/Bunker Guardian
1 – Mesmer
3 Warriors
-2 Hammer and Mace/Shield. Spec for 0/10/30/0/30. Utilities are BS, BS, EP (or SoS). Basically, these guys just chain CC people to death.
-1 GS and Rifle. Spec for 0/30/10/0/30. Utitlies are BS, EP, ES. Due to condition spam, this guy stays in the back to pew pew at 1200 range. I know kill shot is hard to land but when you can do it at 1500 range, its hard to see it coming.
I theorycrafted the following setup:
1 – Support/Bunker Guardian
1 – Mesmer
3 Warriors
That’s the PvE meta since release…
Until that, I’ll play GW2.
It hard to have a player driven Meta, when the developers keep doing things to favor certain types of classes while others like for example elementalist have class mechanics that end up working against them.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
First advice: use Rune of Melandru.
-25% stun time means Skull Crack will stun you for 3 seconds, right?
Last time I played, to swap weapons you need 0.5 seconds (seems like a bit of “lag”, even if IMHO it shouldn’t be removed) If Skull Crack only lasts 3 seconds, warriors have only 2.5 seconds of 100 blades. Remember that the most of the damage is dealt by the last part of it. It will probably be around 50% damage reduction.
This means Skull Crack -> Hundred Blades combo will be much less effective.
Alas I have no idea about universal ways to kill them faster that are as easy as this.
So you’re using a whole new rune set just for one single build….