Players exploiting / destroying the essence of sPvP
I think they have already put a 350 glory cap per match
But those ppl are extremly stupid
U cant trade glory for gear and then sell them for cash
Nor trade glory for gear with better stats
They cant benefit in any way
I realize that sure, it would be easier to just leave and find another game, but I care about the community and the game to much to just look the other way. This type of activity compromises the essence and integrity of the game, and makes it less enjoyable for those of us that legitimately play the game the way it was intended. Thanks for your time.
I dont understand why anyone would waste their time farming glory, but I also dont understand how it upsets you so much. Are you worried that there will be people walking around in cool looking pvp gear that dont really deserve to be wearing gear that looks that cool? How does it make the game less enjoyable for those of us who play the game legitimately? I’m saying this as someone who has never farmed glory and don’t care if other people want to do it, it’s their time they are wasting. Unless there are things you can buy with glory that I’m not really aware of, tbh I haven’t spent any glory or even looked at what you can get with it because I assumed it was all cosmetic stuff only.
AlphaDuck it is indeed all cosmetic, anything that changes character stats is free from the vendors in the mists.
Farming their way to better looking gear doesn’t affect anyone really. That doesn’t mean you need to do what they say when you enter a map they’re on, just kill them and go about your business as though it’s a normal match, i would.
It’s a valid problem but an effect of bad design on dev side.
Right now the the points gain promotes point trading and not fighting.
Winning is just a small bonus and % based on your total point gained. Little points = little bonus for winning.
System promotes point farming instead of fighting to win because:
-8 people stand on point capping it for points instead of 1 guy capping it and other 7 going to keep for example or svanir
-thre is absolutely no point in defending the points because you lose on not capping other points and lose on potential neutralize + cap
That and many others. Unless ArenaNet changes it to something like GLOBAL points (everyone on Team X gets points for everything) or something similar it will remain like it is now.
I stopped playing to “win” some time ago already since it was simply bad for glory points.
Played to win: 50-100 points
Played for points: 350-500
I only play to win in tournaments.
I think they have already put a 350 glory cap per match
But those ppl are extremly stupid
U cant trade glory for gear and then sell them for cash
Nor trade glory for gear with better statsThey cant benefit in any way
This. Later these same people will get steam rolled against a team that actively plays to win. Instead, they’re use to having the points handed to them. Thus, their level of skill will be lower.
I can understand this in a game with a gear grind, but other than saying, “Look how awesome I am!”, I see no point in doing this. These will be the people that get steamrolled later and post on the forums QQ’ing nerf.
Seeing the title, I was prepared to go all ‘nooo our precious essence of sPvP’, but that’s kind of a legitimate issue. The good thing is that farming isn’t that effective with the cap, easily less than 5 times that of legitimate play, so it doesn’t seem to be worth the mindnumbing boredom to many. As long as there won’t ever be a botting epidemic… That would make PvP a joke.
Plus. Freaking. One.
I haven’t done sPvP since a few weeks ago when I ran into this same situation and got yelled at by a bunch of barbie dress up “pvpers” that just wanted to trade caps for glory. Ridiculous game design error.
I admit that when I play hot join I farm glory, the only exception is when I am learning a new class, even then I dont spend long playing properly until I go back to aiming for glory instead of winning. I play tournaments to win, hot join for glory.
If an enemy is coming to a point I am on I always let them neutral before I engage, more points that way, either that or I fake leave then come back after they cap. It’s just the way its designed, its either I follow the zerg and hope my zergs better than theirs or avoid 1v1’s because before the fights over tons of enemies come and ruin my day. It’s usually a waste of time to fight, just cap ‘n’ run.
This is a disheartening conversation to walk into lol, anticipating my first travels into sPvP after beta. If I read this right, it sounds like playing to win deprives the other side of both glory and the victory. If enough play to win, maybe we will get lucky and the materialistic wanna bes will all rage quit.
I know there are people who value trophies and show and tell over all else. Gear in this case. I just don’t get it anyway.
The offenders getting glory for gear isn’t what upsets me, it is merely a symptom of the issue. The main issue for me is that when I join these types of games I am singled out as a “fun-killer” for playing how the game was intended to be played, and farmed by an entire team while my team does nothing but laugh. I hardly think that I can be faulted for playing and enjoying the game the way it was designed to be played.
The other issue that I have is the blatant exploiting of the system for the glory. I don’t give two kitten if they have the gear, but exploiting is akin to cheating in my eyes, and no one likes a cheater. Who wants to play in a game full of cheaters.
wtb normal battleground like 5 on 5’s or something no capping points just a simple battleground area for killing
i dont htink its the map chat that is the issue here, sure farming glory by trading nodes is a more effective way to farm glory…I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT!…i personally want to go in and play a game and not have to deal with hey man we are jsut dueling in here go somewhere else. or the node flippers, this actually pisses me off far more than losing a fair well played match because at least that is fun.
i dont even care about glory gear i will always wear the gear that shows off my guild symbol since that is what is cool to me .
please do something about this and please allow dueling in the mists because not having it is silly and basically forces us to use empty maps to duel in to test specs out or other reasons people have for dueling..
Haven’t seen it myself in GW2, but coming from others games I can certainly imagine it’s happening.
Don’t understand why. Just playing casually I’ve racked up 35k+ glory, just hit rank 20, and have the sets I want for my characters. If I enter a game, I’ll likely do the same as the OP. Feel free to try to farm me. I enjoy challenges.
i dont htink its the map chat that is the issue here, sure farming glory by trading nodes is a more effective way to farm glory…I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT!…i personally want to go in and play a game and not have to deal with hey man we are jsut dueling in here go somewhere else. or the node flippers, this actually pisses me off far more than losing a fair well played match because at least that is fun.
i dont even care about glory gear i will always wear the gear that shows off my guild symbol since that is what is cool to me .
please do something about this and please allow dueling in the mists because not having it is silly and basically forces us to use empty maps to duel in to test specs out or other reasons people have for dueling..
This guy understands
lol seriously who cares if someone is farming glory xD
The stats are always the same
Go play and leave the forums for something useful…
Just to say, farming glory is hardly an exploit :P
It’s not an oversight on ANet part but bad design. What players are doing shows it brilliantly that it needs changing.
The point is not that anyone cares or not about farming glory.
The point is that those farming glory are preventing the others from playing the maps for what they are…
It’s no fun being in a group that just agrees on not doing pvp, just using the map and the system for some boring grind routine.
It’s even worse when they call you out if you do want to pvp… in a pvp encounter.
Personally I do pvp for the fun of it, shiny gear comes second.
Others can join for different reasons, but don’t tell me to drop my pvp fun for your farming of glory points…
Sounds like The Secret World all over again.
Just report them and move onto another server. It’s up to the ANet devs if they want to do anything about it.
Tirydia – Scrapper
This just means that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. The mystical “Woah, he has good armor, he must be a beast” that everyone thought Gw2 would be didn’t turn out to be that way. In a lot of games, you can generally PvE for PvP items. In a way, this is no different, as you’re interacting with your environment in a way that is exploiting (farming glory).
All this means is that if you see someone in beastly looking gear, don’t automatically assume he/she is good, but instead test their actually skill ability first. This is even more of a reason to not care about such a concept as glory farming. The reverse also applies; don’t take someone for granted or think that they are a joke because they are in rabbit gear. They might just be a beastly player that wants to mess with you.
So in short, I don’t really see what ANet needs to do about this because it doesn’t effect population, or economic growth in any way. They banned exploiters that used the karma weapon vender bug to their advantage because that could have had a serious down turn on the game’s global economy. This can’t, and won’t.
Aeros, isn’t the point that glory farmers determine how a pvp battle is played?
More than whatever the heck they aquire with the farmed glory?
Pvp battles should reward active pvp play, not mechanics that go against the fighting-defending bit.
Any system that is designed with time translates into reward will never denote skill. At the very least, I wasn’t fooled into thinking that GW2 armor aesthetics would translate into skill. I don’t even see why this is much of an issue really, because it is just about looks. ANet typically does not treat exploits very well though, so it’s in their court. It can only be in their court though, if you actually report these people.
Tirydia – Scrapper
i will make sure to report every single person farming glory or using the maps contrary to there intended purpose.
The point is not that anyone cares or not about farming glory.
The point is that those farming glory are preventing the others from playing the maps for what they are…
It’s no fun being in a group that just agrees on not doing pvp, just using the map and the system for some boring grind routine.
It’s even worse when they call you out if you do want to pvp… in a pvp encounter.
Personally I do pvp for the fun of it, shiny gear comes second.
Others can join for different reasons, but don’t tell me to drop my pvp fun for your farming of glory points…
Exactly! I didn’t really feel like it needed to be said, but for those who cannot see the obvious. I’ll quote it again.
The point is not that anyone cares or not about farming glory.
The point is that those farming glory are preventing the others from playing the maps for what they are…
Just report them and move onto another server. It’s up to the ANet devs if they want to do anything about it.
Just to clarify, what exactly would you report them for seeing that the report function is pretty limited. This isn’t technically botting, but I’m not exactly sure what other report option would be better in this situation.