Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


all my spvp toons are the shortest, skinnest, asurans i can make them…with a small head at that.

it makes a huge diff.

for example i do about twice as good on average with my asuran glass warrior, than with a large charr.

still this isn’t something i see them changing in the future.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


Lol, still arguing against the OP ?

Altough his arguments fell short, the thing Asura have advantage in PvP is obvious.

Their animations are tougher to notice, especially in teamfights.


A player can bypass it and deal with it, still it is an unfair advantage in a PvP environment without casting bars ( that’s why gnomes were not broken in WoW, stop using this example ), where according to your animations you can spot if the mesmer is summoning the iZerker or using his heal.

Positioning and the lack of visual impact for asuras weapons are all secondary issues, but animations recognition is indeed a huge problem when we go down to asuras.

IT’S OBVIOUS , stop this senseless discussion, lol.

They are also harder to click – afaik you must click on a guy in order to call target on them? Tab-targetting is also not that great in this game so sometimes you have to manually click someone to target them. Asura have an advantage (small maybe) of being harder to click as well.

I don’t think this is a really big issue in the grand scheme of things but the OP does have a valid point. Those trying to turn this into an OP thief kittenfest are just ridiculous – has nothing to do with thieves other than the fact taht landing a backstab is another of several areas where an asura has a slight advantage.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


LoL, I do not have problem killing asuras. That is not what topic is about.
Also, I own caed, foo. Cannot take lessons from someone that I consider a joke.
And third caed is completely different build. He is burst and uses basilisk, so of course he does not have a problem hitting stunned target. He does not need to backstab repeatedly moving targets like I do.

Ahahahaha this is where I found out your were trolling. =]

Remodel is not required, any decent thief can backstab a moving asura.

P.S. I don’t play asura – they have ugly faces.

You should not make comments that miss the topic saying that ‘decent thief can backstab a moving asura’. Everyone CAN backstab moving asura, even bad thieves, question is if it is more difficult with asura than with other models and answer is yes.

You do not even play build similar to mine so how would you know?

And I am not trolling, everything I said is true. Picking asura models gives no-tradeoff advantage to people and it harms certain builds more than others.

For example, it will harm more backstab attrition build like mine than your backstab burst build, especially because you rely on landing one backstab and you use stun to help you, while I rely on landing consistently many of them without the help of any cc.

There is no difference in the difficulty of stabbing the smallest asura versus stabbing the largest norn. They both have equally distinguished backs.

P.S. If you think I use basilisk to ensure a backstab you haven’t watched me play.

(edited by Narcarsis.5739)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


Lol, still arguing against the OP ?

Altough his arguments fell short, the thing Asura have advantage in PvP is obvious.

Their animations are tougher to notice, especially in teamfights.


A player can bypass it and deal with it, still it is an unfair advantage in a PvP environment without casting bars ( that’s why gnomes were not broken in WoW, stop using this example ), where according to your animations you can spot if the mesmer is summoning the iZerker or using his heal.

Positioning and the lack of visual impact for asuras weapons are all secondary issues, but animations recognition is indeed a huge problem when we go down to asuras.

IT’S OBVIOUS , stop this senseless discussion, lol.

They are also harder to click – afaik you must click on a guy in order to call target on them? Tab-targetting is also not that great in this game so sometimes you have to manually click someone to target them. Asura have an advantage (small maybe) of being harder to click as well.

I don’t think this is a really big issue in the grand scheme of things but the OP does have a valid point. Those trying to turn this into an OP thief kittenfest are just ridiculous – has nothing to do with thieves other than the fact taht landing a backstab is another of several areas where an asura has a slight advantage.

this is also not true, since asuras have the same hitbox of all other races ( try it yourself, you can click higher than asuras height and you will still be ableto target them).

Positioning MAY be a slight advantage for asuras, but the only, possibly gamebreaking, advantage asuras have is related to their animations.

This is a very valid point, and people should stop bashing the OP, because he, at least regarding this issue, is totally right.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


For now I dont care how big small certain characters are. A well played Norn Warrior will strike fear into your enemies just by being big yeah. As long as there are no tourneys or real stakes it doesnt really matter. I play human cause I like the aesthetics, when there is something at stake I will make the smallest Asura with some crazy armor were you can barely see my animations at all. Considering this, size in general will be an issue in the future, but most certainly not at the moment.


Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Having played a big charr all the time in spvp, switching to asura… lol, what a difference.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


I for one am not really bothered that much by Asura but I do notice a lot more of my attacks land when using one. It is an advantage, I don’t think it’s possible to argue otherwise.

My suggestion for this is more or less a compromise between the stated reasoning
of either side of the argument.

Make an option to display all enemies as human. This could be a single model, also reducing the amount of objects loaded (more of a WwW issue but might as well touch on it). You still get you aesthetics, so even if you want to play an Asura but don’t want to deal with others hard to read animations you don’t have to deal with it. I would like to hear an argument against this.

This sounds like a great idea, and I think that this would be the best option to even out pvp for higher ranked play while letting people keep their individuality for all levels of play.

agreed with this. It will make everyone happy and the asurans can be asurans and the others can still read animations normally. There now no one has to flame one another.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


For now I dont care how big small certain characters are. A well played Norn Warrior will strike fear into your enemies just by being big yeah. As long as there are no tourneys or real stakes it doesnt really matter. I play human cause I like the aesthetics, when there is something at stake I will make the smallest Asura with some crazy armor were you can barely see my animations at all. Considering this, size in general will be an issue in the future, but most certainly not at the moment.

idk if its just me but i cant help it, i just start laughing when ever i fight a big norn because they look so goofy with everything they do.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


When i hop on my thief, which is rare nowadays i dont have trouble hitting an asura or backstabbing em , any more than anything else.
The only issue is noticing key animations for important dodges now and then.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

1 word. Tab.

You really still click to find your target? I actually think Asurans are funny to kill in spvp (I mean defeat, ehherm..). Specially when you are smashing them^^ They may be a little annoying to deal with but I hardly find an issue with targeting them with backstabs or flanking strikes.

Although this post does remind me of good old Halo 3 days, Elites in Team BRs.. man that was annoying.

Ye tab a mesmer.

Snow Crows [SC]

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Asura models have an advantage because it is more difficult to see certain cast animations compared to a big norn. How are you suppose to react when you are at a disadvantage. I chuckled at the idea of this game becoming an esport because of small things like this

(edited by RoRo.8270)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Would be interesting if they made it so that damage and knockback etc will vary slightly depending on size.

Char will be larger, easier to target, but can take little bit more hits and knockback a little bit less.

Asura will be tiny, harder to target, but get hit a bit harder and knockback more etc.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I want to see homerun hits on asura.

No in all seriousness a slight size increase for asura in spvp 35-45% would be easy to implement and would help players High and Low.

I am a small tree but the smallest asura is almost 1/3rd my size, largest asura are almost 1/2 my size, if they were atleast 75%-95% my size I don’t think it would be such a problem.

I would totes jump on the option of making all models human… great idea.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Vgman.4019


Asura are fine, the real issue is the lack of information that the UI gives (cast bars, targets target, bla bla bla). In the future I hope to see a good few UI updates wich could easily negate asuras advantage all together (even if that advantage is only other people taking longer to be able to properly read their movements).

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.6257


I would enjoy fighting a bunch of humans

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


The only issue I have with Asuras is seeing particle effects on the Asura, like when immobilizing. An immobilized target should have very visible purple chains glowing around the body. On an Asura, the purple chains are almost invisible and non-existent, and the only way you can visually notice that the Asura target is immobilized is by selecting the Asura, looking at the top of the screen and confirming that the immobilize condition icon is there.

Same with stuns. The swirling white spiral animation is supposed to clearly indicate, visually, that a target is stunned. On Asuras, the animation is harder to see.

(edited by zone.1073)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

P.S. If you think I use basilisk to ensure a backstab you haven’t watched me play.

kid uses basilisk. caed 2stronk.

dude asura are kittening broken the difference between dodging a banish on an asuran versus dodging a banish from the largest norn. ………….. nuff said. not to mention letting pve skins into pvp? that candy cane skin is not only small and skinny as kitten on asuran, but it also shows very minimal glow on banish cast. gfg.

just my two cents.

>inb4 “JUST ZOOM IN”

Team Shanghai Alice

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Two races of humans, plant elves or cat monkeys… I’ll stick with the Asura, thanks. Now that I know this annoys people so much though, I’ve deleted my couple of non-asuran chars so ALL of my pvp toons are Asuran. t(-.-)t

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Two races of humans, plant elves or cat monkeys… I’ll stick with the Asura, thanks. Now that I know this annoys people so much though, I’ve deleted my couple of non-asuran chars so ALL of my pvp toons are Asuran. t(-.-)t

LOLOLOLOLOLOL Nice. And increasing the asura to max sixe which is almost as tall as the smallest human would be acceptable. IDK how they would implement making all models human in PvP but if its only like enemy models I guess its whatevs. Kinda how they do it with the team colors I guess. But this is honestly the first I have heard of an entire race being accused of OP and the same with several others that have posted with similar opinions. Most of us just gave up because we would get Mufa telling us he would own us easily 1v1 even if we are asura but he was the one that opened the thread… Anyways Imma keep playing sPvP on my Asura not because I know it ticks people like him off but because I like my ninja back flip dodging purple butterfly making asura Mesmer. That is all and have a nice day.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Anyways Imma keep playing sPvP on my Asura not because I know it ticks people like him off but because I like my ninja back flip dodging purple butterfly making asura Mesmer. That is all and have a nice day.

I think you brought this thread around to the real issue here. NERF BUTTERFLIES.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Anyways Imma keep playing sPvP on my Asura not because I know it ticks people like him off but because I like my ninja back flip dodging purple butterfly making asura Mesmer. That is all and have a nice day.

I think you brought this thread around to the real issue here. NERF BUTTERFLIES.

Has anyone wrapped their head around why mesmers have butterflies as an effect? I know this is off topic from the whole asura argument but butterflies main source of deception is from the illusion they create of being bigger than they really are, hence the patterns on the wings and such. Which is why I see what Anet did there. :P

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Give us a settings option to change our view of Asuras, so that Asuras have the same model and size as humans and sylvari, but with an Asuran head. Done deal.

The player controlling the Asura will still see themselves normal and tiny. But people who see the Asura have the option to tick “Normalize Enemy Character Models” in settings.

(edited by zone.1073)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: S H A K U R AS.9536

S H A K U R AS.9536

I agree in 100%, asuras should be removed from pvp!

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


I agree in 100%, asuras should be removed from pvp!


Actually, everything seems easier when playing this race compared to my charr! It feels like I’m moving faster, the camera view is better – I never thought it could be such a huge difference in how the game feels and plays, and for some odd reason, it makes gameplay a lot easier!

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I agree in 100%, asuras should be removed from pvp!


Actually, everything seems easier when playing this race compared to my charr! It feels like I’m moving faster, the camera view is better – I never thought it could be such a huge difference in how the game feels and plays, and for some odd reason, it makes gameplay a lot easier!

Maybe all characters should be reduced to the size of asura in spvp?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: xiv.7136


Give us a settings option to change our view of Asuras, so that Asuras have the same model and size as humans and sylvari, but with an Asuran head. Done deal.

The player controlling the Asura will still see themselves normal and tiny. But people who see the Asura have the option to tick “Normalize Enemy Character Models” in settings.

This idea needed to be quoted

Surely this would satisfy both sides right?

I like pizza

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Thats a very good suggestion, an appearance control function.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Give us a settings option to change our view of Asuras, so that Asuras have the same model and size as humans and sylvari, but with an Asuran head. Done deal.

The player controlling the Asura will still see themselves normal and tiny. But people who see the Asura have the option to tick “Normalize Enemy Character Models” in settings.

This idea needed to be quoted

Surely this would satisfy both sides right?

Will this also make Norn human size? If they ever put this change in, I’d reroll Norn mesmer, maximum size. Don’t like not being able to target a little me, GL when there are 4 MASSIVE me’s.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Well, what we need in this game is a solution: cast bars. Yes, that’s coming back to “old” MMOs. However, it increases the skill cap. I’m not saying that there should be bars for auto-attack. Nah, just for other ones, dodges too maybe. What it does? Well, increases skillcap since you can make use of good-timed interrupts in larger fights than against two people, and you don’t care if they’re playing “E.T. rat” or normal model. Also, it creates great window for PvE fight (like, you can time skills better) and does great come-back to GW1 mechanics, much more based around interrupts.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Hopefully ArenaNet will add castbars so you will be able to interupt more.

Right now I’m pretty sure no one of you can interupt a phoenix or a ring of fire reliably. (laols I miss the days when you could interupt fel domination and win the game=D)

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Plum Butter.4058

Plum Butter.4058

The problem with enemy cast bars is that Arena Net wanted everything to be more reliant on the visibility of the world itself. That is why they were not in the game to start with and the UI is very minimized.
They want you to see when your party members are hurt because of the visual affects not just watching a healthbar bob up and down.
However, when you cannot see things happening by the enemy because it is just plain smaller, this visual dependency desicion seems to fall short in reasonability.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


The problem with enemy cast bars is that Arena Net wanted everything to be more reliant on the visibility of the world itself. That is why they were not in the game to start with and the UI is very minimized.


This. No cast bars. It would lower the skill cap, not raise it. Memorizing the names of the most dangerous skills so you can interrupt them isn’t in fact, skill. Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is.

This required situational awareness lends itself greatly to the immersiveness of the combat and gameplay. And I think it would be of too great a detriment to that immersiveness and feel changing character model sizes, for the tiny smidge of fairness you might add.

It’s also a totally hokey/kludgey way to fix the “issue.” I hope ANet has more class than to just resize a race model because someone lost at pvp.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

(edited by kodesh.2851)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Plum Butter.4058

Plum Butter.4058

I’m no quite sure if this has already been suggested, but befor GW2 came out, during a convention demo the person showing the fight against Tequatl was playing an Asura Guardian or Warrior (can’t remember exactly) but he was wielding a Great Sword. During the first few minutes the demonstrator was showing off how funny/different the Asura wield a Greatsword compared to other classes.
My thoery is that if Arena Net could somehow exaggerate (and I mean really crazy stuff) the different animations Asura have for different abilities it might alleviat some woes.
I could be wrong.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


The disparity in size for the races is a very real issue, one games have encountered before and one that I’m amazed Anet would make it given it’s a newer MMO and we’ve all seen it. It’s easy to solve too, you just have to make the size differences just enough to be noticeable but not extreme and you make the animation on the smaller races a tad more “obvious”. If you instead go on with the kind of extreme size differences we have you force serious pvp players into certain races. Which is lame and specially awful if you want to use the same character to pvp and pve. The smaller race is harder to spot when scouting, harder to see their animations for, harder to position against, etc. They COULD fix it now as they could just make size adjustments to bring them closer together without changing anything else but yeah… But yeah, I doubt they will. They should have done it from the start.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

(edited by Julius.1094)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


The problem with enemy cast bars is that Arena Net wanted everything to be more reliant on the visibility of the world itself. That is why they were not in the game to start with and the UI is very minimized.


This. No cast bars. It would lower the skill cap, not raise it. Memorizing the names of the most dangerous skills so you can interrupt them isn’t in fact, skill. Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is.

This required situational awareness lends itself greatly to the immersiveness of the combat and gameplay. And I think it would be of too great a detriment to that immersiveness and feel changing character model sizes, for the tiny smidge of fairness you might add.

It’s also a totally hokey/kludgey way to fix the “issue.” I hope ANet has more class than to just resize a race model because someone lost at pvp.

Re-size of skins is just plain wierd, and I’m 100% sure it will not be implemented in game. Ever.
You say that cast bars lower skill cap. Well, not really. Have you ever heard of “Fake Cast”? What it means, you cancel ability when casting to force enemy try to counter it. In games like WoW it’s very skillbased mechanic due to hard CC/healing skills and in much more dynamic game like GW2 it could be even more, just because reaction time is quite shorter.
The another reason is, you won’t build working Esport based on watching animations. They’re too different, they can lag out, they just won’t work. You can’t make MMO based only about bunkers/roamers and watching animations, dear God! You have to predict, you have to have full view of what you see, then we can speak about more advanced tactics, build diversity and e-sport. Without these basics, I’d say core pvp mechanics most of the times you smash your defenses and interrupts veery randomly when entering larger fight.
When the game pretends to be a revolution, be it, but don’t throw away whole bunch of good ideas because “it was before” like Robespierre in french revolution, or you’ll kill yourself.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

(edited by Rym.1469)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Cast bars increase skill cap? LOL
Fake Casting an improvement on gameplay?..

You can already cancel abilities, your animations are your castbars, as an above poster said “Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is[Skill]”

The reason for this thread clearly proves the point that people can and do see abilities memorize animations, counter weapon switches, it’s infact because of this that asura are so stupid right now, they provide an ezmode alternative, where your skills are hardly noticeable.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


cast bars would totally dumb this game.

IRL, as a martial artist, i need to foretell my opponent animations to see what’s coming to me, i don’t see any reason why this should not be rpesent in a game.

aNet made a really good job with animations, you need skill to avoid big stuff and interrupt/recognize heals: the only advantage lays in playing an asura.

So just re-size them for the opponent ( as zone already proposed) and problem solved.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: grimmson.9154


I think an option to change enemy models size/colour/apperance is already worked on.
So if you want, every enemy is a red human male. or if you want they are all a pink little asura. Only in your view.
I switched from human to asura and it is a difference.
I don’t think anet will let the asura/charr imbalance stay the same. Just a question of time.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Okay, so I’ve always played asuran mesmer. Tonight I made a maximum size male norn mesmer. Loaded him out with the exact same build/gear as I usually run, and ran a few hours of spvp. Not only did I not notice any difference in my survivability, I have never received so much trash talk. Whatever ppl thought of trying to target me or my team around 4 of my big butt, they definitely noticed me, and let me get under their skin.

So, whatever targeting advantage asura may have given me, I’m pretty sold on Norn as being the OP race for spvp. At least when it comes to Mesmers.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


You say that cast bars lower skill cap. Well, not really. Have you ever heard of “Fake Cast”? What it means, you cancel ability when casting to force enemy try to counter it. In games like WoW it’s very skillbased mechanic due to hard CC/healing skills and in much more dynamic game like GW2 it could be even more, just because reaction time is quite shorter.
The another reason is, you won’t build working Esport based on watching animations. They’re too different, they can lag out, they just won’t work. You can’t make MMO based only about bunkers/roamers and watching animations, dear God! You have to predict, you have to have full view of what you see, then we can speak about more advanced tactics, build diversity and e-sport. Without these basics, I’d say core pvp mechanics most of the times you smash your defenses and interrupts veery randomly when entering larger fight.
When the game pretends to be a revolution, be it, but don’t throw away whole bunch of good ideas because “it was before” like Robespierre in french revolution, or you’ll kill yourself.

Yeah, in wow I always pvp’d as destro lock. You had to juke fears and bait those counterspells. Of the two combat systems I think GW2 is more fluid and just feels better. It’s just my opinion that cast bars would detract from that. I want to be watching the combat, not text and colored bars.

That’s not an offhanded response. I loved how my lock played. I wish Gw2 had a better analog, but overall I don’t think cast bars mesh with this combat system. You’re not likely to change my opinion on that point

Maybe target of target, but only for allies. I don’t mind a little fog of war. A smidge of realism and the unexpected is nice. Wow pvp often came down to who got the opening, or who ran their little fight script best. You had cooldown timers and notifications for everything. It became wooden and mechanical (imho) at higher levels of play.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Having played a big charr all the time in spvp, switching to asura… lol, what a difference.

I think its best to learn pvp on a charr/norn and then switch to asura. Helps to get targetted alot to learn! And how to know to stop people seeing your animations as a norn then makes you an even better asura.

I think you need a mix or norn and asura on a team. Maybe norn mesmer and guardian and the rest asura.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Taevion.2896


speaking of asura models, i made a level 80 max height and muscle charr for my warrior when the game was released thinking it was cool but now that my warrior is so predictable with it’s generic and slow animation that my giant model stature has made my skill animations 10x easier to tell by the enemy, i currently have stopped playing my warrior and wished it was an Asuran model because it actually ‘hides’ the tells BETTER.

Giant characters have such slower animation that all their moves are easier to predict because of the visual length in every animation.

It could just be me but i feel like the Charr animation for Warriors are so much more generic looking and predictable compared to the flashy animations of human and asuran models

(edited by Taevion.2896)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Cast bars increase skill cap? LOL
Fake Casting an improvement on gameplay?..

You can already cancel abilities, your animations are your castbars, as an above poster said “Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is[Skill]”

The reason for this thread clearly proves the point that people can and do see abilities memorize animations, counter weapon switches, it’s infact because of this that asura are so stupid right now, they provide an ezmode alternative, where your skills are hardly noticeable.

I can’t say if you read anything I’ve written about fake casting or not. Probably second option, as you don’t point any kind of reason. Yes, I see that we already have cast bars, channeling bars and animations, genious. What is very important, I’ve also noticed you can cancel them! Wow! I suggest you to not ignore post you reply to. If we don’t want this game to be zergfest/RNG faceroll defense we have to know what foe is doing. Example? Sure, here you have one: You 1 vs. 1 against a thief, and he’s going to restealth. He’s an asura. Now, how you can point out what kind of stealth did he use? Was it a short one, longer one? You see, you don’t really notice it. Ruins tactics, and makes you to just give up or defense randomly. Blizzard didn’t make their shorter races taller or reskined for pvp, that’d be hilarious. Did it lower the skill cap? Well, not at all. GW1 had cast bars, had very good mechanic (mesmer) based about canceling/interrupting casts and it was no problem. You can’t sella game as a e-sport which is trying to be Street Fighter, no castbars=no prediction=no tactics=no skill. Keep up zergfest,

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Lets get this bookah hate thread to 200 come on guys just 7 more posts! Seriously though. I can’t believe this discussion is still going. I think a dev would have posted by now if they had any intention of doing something about asura size in pvp.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Visionary.5681


There is the other issue as i see it.

They want GW2 to become an Esport. Esports require spectators. 5asura vs 5asura (of the tiniest, skinniest build) will be crap boring to watch as an esport, because you wont be able to see who cast what and when.

I agree that they have already dug their own grave a little bit with this. The easiest solution as i see it, is as previously suggested. Upscale all Asura to a set size when they enter Spvp.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Arekai.5698


A thief complaining about something that isn’t fair in pvp?
The irony.
You know what’s more difficult to hit than a small player model? Something that’s in stealth 90% of the time.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


A thief complaining about something that isn’t fair in pvp?
The irony.
You know what’s more difficult to hit than a small player model? Something that’s in stealth 90% of the time.

I went back to this several several times.. Pointing out that his main complaint to begin with was the difficulty in which it takes him to land his stupid backstab. Other people have brought different points and that is fine. But the main complaint by the Op is that he can’t land his insta gib combo and that makes him a sad panda.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Cast bars increase skill cap? LOL
Fake Casting an improvement on gameplay?..

You can already cancel abilities, your animations are your castbars, as an above poster said “Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is[Skill]”

The reason for this thread clearly proves the point that people can and do see abilities memorize animations, counter weapon switches, it’s infact because of this that asura are so stupid right now, they provide an ezmode alternative, where your skills are hardly noticeable.

I can’t say if you read anything I’ve written about fake casting or not. Probably second option, as you don’t point any kind of reason. Yes, I see that we already have cast bars, channeling bars and animations, genious. What is very important, I’ve also noticed you can cancel them! Wow! I suggest you to not ignore post you reply to. If we don’t want this game to be zergfest/RNG faceroll defense we have to know what foe is doing. Example? Sure, here you have one: You 1 vs. 1 against a thief, and he’s going to restealth. He’s an asura. Now, how you can point out what kind of stealth did he use? Was it a short one, longer one? You see, you don’t really notice it. Ruins tactics, and makes you to just give up or defense randomly. Blizzard didn’t make their shorter races taller or reskined for pvp, that’d be hilarious. Did it lower the skill cap? Well, not at all. GW1 had cast bars, had very good mechanic (mesmer) based about canceling/interrupting casts and it was no problem. You can’t sella game as a e-sport which is trying to be Street Fighter, no castbars=no prediction=no tactics=no skill. Keep up zergfest,

I think you’re the one ignoring all the posts replying to you…
Zergfest? What?… I don’t even hotjoin..

Lets take apart your situation just to prove how you willfully ignore features which are already in place yet you have no idea about.

Thief Stealth; Animations, did he hit you before he stealthed? He was Melee ranged? Chances are he used Cloak and Dagger.

If you saw him Glowing: Healing+Stealth
House over his head and a circle: Shadow refuge
You are now blind and there was smoke? Blinding Powder.

All Stealth is 3 seconds unless traited to be 4 or interrupted to be less.
Shadow refuge stealths longer 6-7 seconds.
Was he at 25% Health? Traited stealth(lol)or Rune.

There’s the answer to your question.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Cast bars increase skill cap? LOL
Fake Casting an improvement on gameplay?..

You can already cancel abilities, your animations are your castbars, as an above poster said “Having a feel of what your opponent is/will cast next based on many hours of gameplay and by watching their movements, is[Skill]”

The reason for this thread clearly proves the point that people can and do see abilities memorize animations, counter weapon switches, it’s infact because of this that asura are so stupid right now, they provide an ezmode alternative, where your skills are hardly noticeable.

I can’t say if you read anything I’ve written about fake casting or not. Probably second option, as you don’t point any kind of reason. Yes, I see that we already have cast bars, channeling bars and animations, genious. What is very important, I’ve also noticed you can cancel them! Wow! I suggest you to not ignore post you reply to. If we don’t want this game to be zergfest/RNG faceroll defense we have to know what foe is doing. Example? Sure, here you have one: You 1 vs. 1 against a thief, and he’s going to restealth. He’s an asura. Now, how you can point out what kind of stealth did he use? Was it a short one, longer one? You see, you don’t really notice it. Ruins tactics, and makes you to just give up or defense randomly. Blizzard didn’t make their shorter races taller or reskined for pvp, that’d be hilarious. Did it lower the skill cap? Well, not at all. GW1 had cast bars, had very good mechanic (mesmer) based about canceling/interrupting casts and it was no problem. You can’t sella game as a e-sport which is trying to be Street Fighter, no castbars=no prediction=no tactics=no skill. Keep up zergfest,

I think you’re the one ignoring all the posts replying to you…
Zergfest? What?… I don’t even hotjoin..

Lets take apart your situation just to prove how you willfully ignore features which are already in place yet you have no idea about.

Thief Stealth; Animations, did he hit you before he stealthed? He was Melee ranged? Chances are he used Cloak and Dagger.

If you saw him Glowing: Healing+Stealth
House over his head and a circle: Shadow refuge
You are now blind and there was smoke? Blinding Powder.

All Stealth is 3 seconds unless traited to be 4 or interrupted to be less.
Shadow refuge stealths longer 6-7 seconds.
Was he at 25% Health? Traited stealth(lol)or Rune.

There’s the answer to your question.

Ok so when he’s covered completely by another player’s animation, which one was it? That’s the real argument here. Not that it’s too small to see, it’s that it’s too small and can easily be covered. (one could also say the smaller size can make the read slower and they’d still have an advantage, but that’s not the point because the difference isn’t that big in that case.)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


It’s a small nuance and tiny advantage, in my opinion, one that would be rectified by enemy castbars as an option for those who want to use it.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast