Please nerf quickness

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I don’t know what the idea here is about quickness. If you’re caught for whatever reason, and it’s used, you’re dead in many cases, and even if you reacted, you’re still severely injured in an endgagement.

The tone of top-end damage spikes in this game needs to be brought down somewhat.

In the efforts of focusing defense vs focusing offense, the gains for certain classes to go offensive vs other classes is completely and utterly out of balance. To truely have a “All classes can play many if not all roles.” Then the performance values of overall spike damage, AoE Damage, Condition Damage, and Defensiveness all need to be roughly equalized within a certain margin of skill and human error.

Right now, it is absolutely no where within the ballpart of this. It’s effectively becoming the wackamole rock paper scissors gameplay that Anet stated clearly that they wanted to avoid.

And quickness is an essential part of this.

I will put this in the most plain terms so that everyone involved can understand: Either every single profession in this game needs to have access to quickness, or NO profession in the game should have access to quickness. It is a buff that cannot and should not be cherry picked for specific classes due to how powerful it is.

Once this overall decision is made, the question as to adjustments that need to be made for it’s global use/absence can then be assessed in a properly equal environment.

But that is just one issue of a fundmental flaw in the class balance system that basically skews the risk/reward system as well as the build approach effectiveness into the favor of one or two specific professions for each role.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Fantom.9217


Quickness is essential to this game’s survival as an esport.

GW2 needs MORE cooldowns like quickness, not less.

Cooldowns that force a reaction or punish a mistake are CRUCIAL for a competitive video game. Players must have tools that they can use to punish sloppy or slow enemy players.

Reaction time, APM, and decision making under pressure are 3 skills that quickness rewards, and slow/bunker play does not. Those are the types of skills that you MUST reward if you want to create a successful esport.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I’m personally more in support of a game that rewards higher-minded play than simply APM and how fast you can lock your fingers up into arthritis.

Though I do believe the class diversity and the reason certain classes are better at automated/slow-play are build for that sort of environment. There can, and should, be room for both.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


Quickness is essential to this game’s survival as an esport.

GW2 needs MORE cooldowns like quickness, not less.

Cooldowns that force a reaction or punish a mistake are CRUCIAL for a competitive video game. Players must have tools that they can use to punish sloppy or slow enemy players.

Reaction time, APM, and decision making under pressure are 3 skills that quickness rewards, and slow/bunker play does not. Those are the types of skills that you MUST reward if you want to create a successful esport.

You cannot balance for 3% of your playerbase when the mechanics ruin the game for the other 97% of players, this is fact. No successful game does this. The casuals can’t survive without the professionals, but the reverse is also true, the professionals can’t survive without the casuals.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


Quickness is essential to this game’s survival as an esport.

GW2 needs MORE cooldowns like quickness, not less.

Cooldowns that force a reaction or punish a mistake are CRUCIAL for a competitive video game. Players must have tools that they can use to punish sloppy or slow enemy players.

Reaction time, APM, and decision making under pressure are 3 skills that quickness rewards, and slow/bunker play does not. Those are the types of skills that you MUST reward if you want to create a successful esport.

You cannot balance for 3% of your playerbase when the mechanics ruin the game for the other 97% of players, this is fact. No successful game does this. The casuals can’t survive without the professionals, but the reverse is also true, the professionals can’t survive without the casuals.

Bloodline champions?

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


Quickness is not the problem. The problem is the wrong classes / builds get quickness: the burst dps builds and classes.

A damage over time spec with that thing wouldn’t be dramatic because of the much cleansing going on. However, on a class with nasty burst dps the thing gets, sorry, idiotic. However, the worst design decision: AoE quickness. Yaaaaay!

It is surprising that most people seem not to be aware that there is a huge increase in tank specs (none guardians) like eles, necros and engineers. It is more or less nearly a hardcounter to the burst dps.

(edited by Asmodean.5820)

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


If they nerf it they should speed up the baseline warrior HB attack so that it does not affect warriors as much as other already too strong professions. Warriors cannot just rob you of 80% of your hps if you know what you’re doing, unlike a thief who opens up from stealth and 2-3 shotting you making it pointless to know what you’re doing or not. I’ve seen people who were very good and had fast reaction times, had great intense and long fights with them as warrior, but when our thief came they completely kitten them. So if something available to many professions gets nerfed, the already balanced professions like warriors need a buff elsewhere.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I think it’s a fine utility because it can be easy to counter and usually if a player makes one good defensive move, the enemies quickness is wasted and that’s one less Utility slot for nothing. However, it needs! to be fixed to not effect Finishes and Revives. Quickened finishes (even revives) are the lamest thing in Spvp, it’s not even a talented way to beat someone or a team by using it to stop their team mate. I’m a ranger and I use Zephyr and I’ve used this tactic. I know its cheesy and a brutal way to play to gain an edge in tournaments, but after getting sick of rangers doing it to me, I’m now doing it back.

That’s my issue with Quickening, if Arenanet wants PvP to be competitive team fights, get rid of the basically instant finishes/revives.

Please nerf quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Sure nerf Quickness but nerf the Mesmer and Engineer’s sustain and stun breaks while you’re at it. Some things are more broken than quickness, and all I have to say to quickness is don’t fix something that ain’t broken.

Because quickness has incentive, stun breaking while sustaining over and over while your gadgets deal damage because your skill cap is low is more broken and anti-fun than anything.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?