[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: AlexVv.3965


Why not both? New game mode on a new map.

Good variant:)
And, perhaps, even a duel mode in the Mists zone, and the possibility of open PVP in some areas of PVE (as a pleasant addition to the WvW)
Sorry for my bad English

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


Please change skyhammer to team death match.

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

New game modes for existing maps – the quick and easy

Capture the Flag
Would work on pretty much all maps. Flags start at points A and C, must be taken (short pickup time) to home point (10?sec to reset flag). Flag carrier has reduced speed and can use weapon/utility skills, any teleport drops flag (very much like orb carrier on Spirit Watch). Very fast (3?sec) respawn times.
King of the Hill
Designate an area in the middle that is the fighting area. Anyone outside the area is invulnerable, but gets a speed boost. A larger border should encompass the fighting area while mid point acts as the hill. First to (300? points @ 1 per sec) wins. Thinking about giving the team that is behind by 100 points a short buff but I’m not sure how that would work, if at all.
Team Deathmatch
Simply disable capture points, as well as siege (treb, skyhammer). First to (50? kills) wins. Would a team of 5 be too small?

New game modes for existing maps – the long and hard

Think Halo zombie mode with superspeed and no gravity! Survivors must hold out until the timer ticks down to (0 from 10?min). A survivor has:
- Skills and traits replaced to support ranged combat
- Decreased speed (20%?)
- Increased hp regen
- 20k hp, 3k armor, 3k attack
- 1 stack of defiant
- Heal skill that only effects other survivors
Every 2 minutes the survivors must go to point A and C to get supplies, and point B is infected spawn. They are in danger of getting attacked by the infected! Any survivor killed by an infected will respawn as one (no downed state). An infected has:
- Skills and traits replaced to support melee combat
- Increased speed (50%?)
- 20k hp, 2k armor, 4k attack
- Can jump (5?) times as high!
- Suffer from knockback (5? blowout per hit) when getting hit (does not interrupt skills)
- No falling damage
The little area in front of the spawn (both sides?) is the barricaded area (yes gonna have to add some textures here). Add siege too! Only a few ballistas, maybe 1 arrow cart and 1 trebuchet.
Guards and Bandits
Protect the caravan! The caravan consists of (5?) NPCs that are pretty tough and have some damage mitigation skills, as well as defiant. At least 1 NPC must make it from spawn to all points from A-C in order. If left unhindered, a caravan will do the full rotation in (5? min) on Legacy of the Foefire.
Guild versus Guild
Here it is folks! 2 teams of up to 50 each face off on an all out deathmatch to see who is the better team! All points and siege disabled. First to (250? kills @ 50 ppl per team) wins. All stack on kill sigils disabled (corruption, life, bloodlust). Some champ RI NPCs added near spawn to prevent spawn camping.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Thoth Divine.8642

Thoth Divine.8642

Am I the only one who likes Conquest? I liked death match style in WoW arena but they were much smaller places. Idk, I played Arathi Basin for 3-4 years and now this and I’ve yet to become bored of the style… Esp. since in my opinion maps are much more fun/better than any WoW PvP map.

I hope there’s some way to chose which mode you want to play tbh.

Blessed Curse – Symbolic DH
Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: MIrra.3604


I vote (1) New Maps.

A new game mode is just stupid.

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbo.2845


I vote (1) New Maps.

A new game mode is just stupid.


[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Game mode is what I would prefer.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: I like the idea of new maps and new game modes. I’m just worried with the map direction after spirt watch and then skyhammer. It seems like ANET is trying to introduce more gimmicks vs a core focus on PvP.

As for new game modes, I’m pretty much only interested in team deathmatch. My favorite match to watch is the weekly 2v2.

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


New game modes for existing maps – the quick and easy

Capture the Flag
Would work on pretty much all maps. Flags start at points A and C, must be taken (short pickup time) to home point (10?sec to reset flag). Flag carrier has reduced speed and can use weapon/utility skills, any teleport drops flag (very much like orb carrier on Spirit Watch). Very fast (3?sec) respawn times.

Team Deathmatch
Simply disable capture points, as well as siege (treb, skyhammer). First to (50? kills) wins. Would a team of 5 be too small?

Guild versus Guild
Here it is folks! 2 teams of up to 50 each face off on an all out deathmatch to see who is the better team! All points and siege disabled. First to (250? kills @ 50 ppl per team) wins. All stack on kill sigils disabled (corruption, life, bloodlust). Some champ RI NPCs added near spawn to prevent spawn camping.

CTF? Spirit watch is already too imbalanced towards certain classes. The only way I’d like this is if the flag carrier had NO skills except to run. The only option would be to drop the flag. That way it is fair across classes. It would also force people to defend more rather than watch some engi rocket boot his way to the point.

Team deathmatch? Yes please. Either first team to a certain number of kills (with a time limit) or everyone fights over one large conquest point. First to take it wins.

GvG? No thanks. This is better suited in WvW where players can have so many more combinations of armor/trinkets/food/etc. More strategy is good.

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: zaced.7948


with a broad variety of quality game modes the quantity of maps doesn’t matter.

you could easily play modes like ctf or deathmatch on current maps with absolutely minimalistic changes. for ctf just add a ramp to the base, remove npcs and place a carriable thingy in there. for a more sophisticated ctf-experience place buffs where the cappoints were.
let people choose between gamemodes while joining a roster, give them a random map and et voila, you have several gamemodes with little effort.

it would be extremely easy to remodel existing maps into other game modes and it would take aeons less time than making a new map for every single game mode.

however, all is vain. pvp was neglected for such a long time that even something completely revolutionary would not bring people back. people are resentful because it’s their nature and being ignored and fed crumbs for over a year ruined this games reputation for srs pvp players for good. so instead of trying to make some kind of new revolutionary and “awesome” (this word is so overused, if someones says it i instantly assume they are exaggerating) map, which probably will take another ten years to complete after iterating it a thousand bazillion times, it would be by far wiser to make small adjustments to please those few stubborn dudes and dudesses that are still there.

i could ramble on but i think this post is long enough. people don’t have that kind of attention span nowadays.

(edited by zaced.7948)

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


Am I the only one who likes Conquest? I liked death match style in WoW arena but they were much smaller places. Idk, I played Arathi Basin for 3-4 years and now this and I’ve yet to become bored of the style… Esp. since in my opinion maps are much more fun/better than any WoW PvP map.

I hope there’s some way to chose which mode you want to play tbh.

I like conquest as well, Arathi was my favorite WoW PvP map (2nd is Eye of the Storm~which I suppose qualifies as Spirit Watch in WoW).

It is suffice to say that conquest is the best choice for Guild Wars 2 esports, since the strategy of positioning is simply more complex than TDM. Statistics prove that, however, other game modes do need to exist, even just for blowing off steam.

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

CTF? Spirit watch is already too imbalanced towards certain classes. The only way I’d like this is if the flag carrier had NO skills except to run. The only option would be to drop the flag. That way it is fair across classes. It would also force people to defend more rather than watch some engi rocket boot his way to the point.

Team deathmatch? Yes please. Either first team to a certain number of kills (with a time limit) or everyone fights over one large conquest point. First to take it wins.

GvG? No thanks. This is better suited in WvW where players can have so many more combinations of armor/trinkets/food/etc. More strategy is good.

CTF would work just fine if no movement enhancing skills or teleports worked, and the carrier had reduced speed. No available skills while running is debateable. I dont like the idea of not being able to defend myself when my teammates are ignoring the one who is killing me.

GvG like everything else is an option. Once Anet introduces some more amulets like they said they would, hopefully there will be some useful combos besides zerk, cleric, and soldier (crosses fingers). Food is not necessary, and even disliked by a lot (+40% duration for example). It would possibly bring some people into pvp from WvW (fingers uncrossed).

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: phillip.6821


I would say MAP… But after spirit watch and skyhammer, i’m to scared for any more maps… So I guess game mode =/

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Why not both? New game mode on a new map.

They did a new map and new gamemode before. You guys remember dragonball?

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Chopping up maps for smaller team fights is an option. The water in Spirit Watch or the center point in Foefire are examples where players already do this with custom arenas. However, unless we needed 6 TDM maps ‘RIGHT NAOW’, we would still prefer to make a new polished experience and let players with customs arenas keep doing what they already have been.

There’s a difference between ‘RIGHT NAOW’ and waiting a year…

It takes you guys a while to go from deciding something is going to be worked on, to releasing it, to fixing the issues in the release till the quality lets it actually improve the game.

By people saying ‘do it now!!’ that means ‘we want it done and of high enough quality to actually improve the game, within half a year’.

Your best bet is to just scrap all work on any of that you have done and open the game up to the playerbase.
I can’t see another way for GW2 to draw back any of the players its lost.
I can’t see another way for GW2 to even survive the coming of the next wave of MMOs.

It’ll take time.
It’ll take work.
But in every way (playerbase/money-income) it is a good call if you can manage it.

(edited by garethh.3518)

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: meeelting.6987


I was an avid player of Gw1. For about a year or two after release, I was consistently pvping in the top 50 Guilds. For some reason I’ve never been able to get into Gw2 pvp.

Here’s my recommendation: Implement a blitz-combat type of map. Fast to get in, fast to get out, good for when you got 30 minutes or when youre waiting for your buddies or guildies to get a group for whatever dungeon you wanna do.

4on4 man combat. Timed at a max of 3-4 minutes per rounds, with much smaller maps. Best of 3 rounds.
Let the previously winning team continue playing.
Remove possibility of ressurecting a “completely” downed character, and remove the possibility of healing the 30 seconds to prevent stalemates.
Ability to view skills being used. (This adds fun because we can finally start focusing on countering each other, not just spamming damage and debuffing. More interaction is GOOD! This is actually one of the most imporant and best aspects from gw1!)

Heres what i find “wrong” with the current implementation of spvp:
Ticking-based point maps. It removes too much complexity. It boils down to defend X points – making certain builds more prevalent and the combat stagnate into a slow drip as people resurrect. People chase around too much and it becomes a watered down experience.
It’s way too flashy. I cant see whats going on. I’m on a top tier computer here and i find myself being forced to lower the graphics stuff!

Oh, and i would love to actually see “guild wars” guild vs guild combat in guild wars 2. Gw1 gvg is literally the best mmo pvp I have ever played.