Premade vs non it fair?

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913



Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Isn’t hot join still an option? Thought that is where most people ‘tested’ their builds and learned. The point y’all are making is teams should have their own que. It didn’t work before o they fixed it to what it is now. They have reworked the MMR system numerous times. Read up and learn how it works please. The with wins we had from the above screenshots we started to play against people with better MMR. Clearly the system thought your skill level could handle us but poor communication with your team on rotations lead to that 500-0. Having a team que and solo que along with ranked and unranked would add to many options for queing so the que times would be terrible. You clearly arn’t terrible if we have matched together in the past. Either the system thought you could handle those matches or there weren’t enough people playing. Teams get put into a higher MMR so your solo team must have a better MMR then all of us by ourselves? I get the argument of teams vs solos and how you think they need to be separated but they did that and it didn’t work. So they changed it, combined them, and adjusted the MMR system for it. Add a solution instead of raging please, something new that they havn’t tried.

I don’t see anyone raging here but you and your little troll friend who admitted loves farming pugs becuz its oh so easy( if you like easy non competitive matches with no challenge good for you… some don’t) And I already suggested a solution in one of my other comments, I really don’t feel like repeating myself anymore. And yea we get it that you guys love the system the way it is where you can easily farm solo players with your organized premade and enjoy that for whatever reason. But there’s a lot of us who don’t enjoy such a system and would like for it to go back to the way it was before when we had fair, even, fun matches. But there’s no need for you to get angry because some people voice their opinions, besides I’m sure its not gonna change so stop worrying about it and go back to farming pugs Have a nice day.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


A sore loser will argue that being matched against better players is “poor quality.”

You guys don’t understand that what you’re asking for won’t fix your problem.

Lets see now, you either failed at reading comprehension or you are trolling. The topic is clearly about solo vs premade. If you want to discuss player skill I suggest you start your own thread instead of baiting people on this one.

I’ll have to back Pepsis up and point out, that Ellie isn’t complaining because she’s a sore loser or anything like that. She’s an experienced Guild Wars player. She’s PvP’d since Gw1 and she didn’t have trouble in PvP, until the the MM changes, putting pre-mades against solo players.

You don’t have to explain anything to this troll, besides I don’t think he has the mental capacity to understand anything you say.


Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Honestly, most premades are pretty weak since you’ll generally get matched against teams with 1 or 2 people of your skill level along with their lesser skilled friends.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Honestly, most premades are pretty weak since you’ll generally get matched against teams with 1 or 2 people of your skill level along with their lesser skilled friends.

That’s your experience, in my experience I get matched against very organized premades (usually 5 of them)that have been PVPing forever, and if there’s a couple of people on my team grouped they usually aren’t very organized or experienced. So its always a slaughter fest, which I’m sure the ones being slaughtered aren’t having fun. The premade probably is though if they are anything like the ones commenting/trolling on this thread. So I’ll assume nothing will ever change and this will never be a competitive pvp game that makes any type of sense. That’s why I cut back on my playing time by like 99% which in the end probably will turn out to be a good thing. And I’ll save some money that way

(edited by Ellie.5913)

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Rocketship Virus.6732

Rocketship Virus.6732

Ellie you are blowing my mind. You want a change correct? To go back to the way the system used to be when it was even more broken. When there was a team que and solo que. It didn’t work, that simple. You are the one forum lurking complaining about this in other posts demanding change so yeah I would consider that a slight amount of rage. You are using drastic assumptions, I have not been PvPing forever. Only really got into when the PvP seasons started since the old system was broken and I didn’t enjoy it. Again your MMR is matching against what it considers fair. I am really curious to see what your PvP stats are (games played v. games won). I got no problem admitting I am around a 2:1 ratio. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion does not make them a “Troll”. And it isn’t a matter about farming solo players but getting better at team play. Some of us enjoy competitive team play. Made myself clear on that many times. And there isn’t a team que because it did not work so your solution is to bring back what didn’t work before. Logic. You clearly arn’t terrible cause you have been PvP’ing since GW1. Random arenas v. Codex arenas worked in GW1, HA v. JQ/FA. There were tons of play styles to work with. This game not so much. Que times were terrible. this is from when they fixed it. Just wanted to prove that there was team que and solo que and it did not work out for them. So again your solution is a bad one because Anet already tried that. Instead of complaining about the current system once again I will ask that you suggest a solution otherwise your posts just get drowned out as being a cry baby.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Anet should just introduce an in-game voice chat for pvp. It would probably reduce raging too since decent human being are less inclined to tell people they suck over a voice chat.

Bad Elementalist

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Second match & who’s on the opposing team ……same exact 5 man premade (who admitted they “love farming noobs” after I asked them why aren’t they playing in ranked)

I ran into that premade in unranked while duo-queuing. We won like 500-60. I got the sense that they were just random people who decided to group together to have some fun.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Rocketship Virus.6732

Rocketship Virus.6732

Second match & who’s on the opposing team ……same exact 5 man premade (who admitted they “love farming noobs” after I asked them why aren’t they playing in ranked)

I ran into that premade in unranked while duo-queuing. We won like 500-60. I got the sense that they were just random people who decided to group together to have some fun.

OMG thank you! My point exactly. We were all just working to get better at team play. Like isn’t that the point since it’s 5v5?

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Second match & who’s on the opposing team ……same exact 5 man premade (who admitted they “love farming noobs” after I asked them why aren’t they playing in ranked)

I ran into that premade in unranked while duo-queuing. We won like 500-60. I got the sense that they were just random people who decided to group together to have some fun.

OMG thank you! My point exactly. We were all just working to get better at team play. Like isn’t that the point since it’s 5v5?

No. You’re not allowed to make friends in this game. You should constantly rage at your teammates for being bad (facts don’t matter here, be creative), and be the solitary hero that Tyria needs but doesn’t deserve.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Rocketship Virus.6732

Rocketship Virus.6732

No. You’re not allowed to make friends in this game. You should constantly rage at your teammates for being bad (facts don’t matter here, be creative), and be the solitary hero that Tyria needs but doesn’t deserve.[/quote]

^ Friend request sent ^

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Ellie you are blowing my mind. You want a change correct? To go back to the way the system used to be when it was even more broken. When there was a team que and solo que. It didn’t work, that simple. You are the one forum lurking complaining about this in other posts demanding change so yeah I would consider that a slight amount of rage. You are using drastic assumptions, I have not been PvPing forever. Only really got into when the PvP seasons started since the old system was broken and I didn’t enjoy it. Again your MMR is matching against what it considers fair. I am really curious to see what your PvP stats are (games played v. games won). I got no problem admitting I am around a 2:1 ratio. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion does not make them a “Troll”. And it isn’t a matter about farming solo players but getting better at team play. Some of us enjoy competitive team play. Made myself clear on that many times. And there isn’t a team que because it did not work so your solution is to bring back what didn’t work before. Logic. You clearly arn’t terrible cause you have been PvP’ing since GW1. Random arenas v. Codex arenas worked in GW1, HA v. JQ/FA. There were tons of play styles to work with. This game not so much. Que times were terrible. this is from when they fixed it. Just wanted to prove that there was team que and solo que and it did not work out for them. So again your solution is a bad one because Anet already tried that. Instead of complaining about the current system once again I will ask that you suggest a solution otherwise your posts just get drowned out as being a cry baby.

Yea I’m not one that just blindly eats what people feed, You can try to make me read a dozen pages as to why it didn’t work and how queue times were much longer than now. But you forget, I actually played when solo queue existed, and as a solo player my queue times weren’t long at all, they are MUCH longer now. And the matches were more even back then since it was all random pug vs random pug and no organized premades that have a plan and work together better than randoms & with builds and classes to complement each. The scores proved it too, there wasn’t any blow out matches when solo vs solo existed like there is now, pretty much every match is a blow out these days unless you get lucky and have a match that’s all solo vs all solo, which doesn’t happen often. Its obvious to most that premade vs non premade isn’t fair so it really doesn’t matter how much you try to argue or troll, that fact will not ever change.
Oh and btw I’m not the one raging, I haven’t raged any you are the one calling me names and telling me I’m "forum lurking " as if I’ m supposed to not voice my opinion and experiences like everyone else……….plz. Like I said you don’t have to get angry and rage and try to silence me from telling the truth, you will keep your silly little pug farm, nothings gonna change so stop stressing just go and enjoy farming pugs and be happy and stop trolling me already.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Anet should just introduce an in-game voice chat for pvp. It would probably reduce raging too since decent human being are less inclined to tell people they suck over a voice chat.

That would be helpful to those who would actually use it. Unfortunately its hard/impossible to get a random group of strangers to do anything you ask them to do ( some don’t even speak much English) so most probably wouldn’t use it except maybe premades since they are more organized and working together. And as for the decent human being thing…yea from some of the things I’ve heard people say in pvp there’s a lot of indecent human beings so they probably would yell out all kinds of profanity’s and harassment, which wouldn’t be an issue if there was a block button on it. But yea I agree that we should at least have that option, I love having options seems like there’s not a lot of em these days though.

(edited by Ellie.5913)

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Rocketship Virus.6732

Rocketship Virus.6732

By forum lurking I mean I have seen your name on a few different posts spitting the same thing as in here. We get it you are not happy with the current system. Love how me voicing my opinion and trying to educate you on why Anet changed the system to Glicko2 is considered “trolling”. Because I do not agree with you doesn’t make a troll. And the from the sound of it I am also a troll/pug farmer for wanting to play with a team instead of solo. This is one of the biggest group oriented games I have ever played and actually like that aspect of it. Continue your rants in here because that will definitely push Anet to solve your issue. Solo que times may have been better (I don’t remember it being that way but ok) but Team times sucked. Still waiting to see you online and will gladly party up with and prove not every match with a Pre-made is a blow out.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Of course teaming up with friends gives you an advantage, that’s true for just about every single aspect of the game: PvP, PvE, WvW, Roleplaying(?), playing the market, doing the story missions.

GW2 is an MMO, it was designed to be a social game. You’re encouraged to make friends with people and then enjoy the game with them. You don’t have to go it alone. I’d encourage you to find others who are at around your skill level (be generous here — some of your teammates are probably better than you think) and team up with them. This opens up a whole new layer of the game for you to experience: coordinating rotations (even if it’s just 2 or 3 of you), working on combos, etc.

Of course, you’re more than welcome to do the solo thing, too. But it doesn’t sound like you’re having a good experience with that. Just my 2 cents.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Yes I get it a lot of people like to team up but even more people like to solo play its just easier and less stressful than dealing with people. So it just makes no sense that they have to make unfair matches for the majority just to make the minority happy. Makes no sense at all but it is what it is. And if they want to force people to team up they should just remove the solo queue option then, and maybe add a different pvp area to play in just for solo players, ( like they did in gw1) cuz mixing them together makes no sense at all.

Premade vs non it fair?

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Oh and if this Rocketship dude thinks I’m raging and ranting just by calmly stating my opinions and experiences …clearly you’ve never seen a REAL rage or rant >.< Lucky you. Oh and trolling by calling me a cry baby & I’m “forum lurking” and that sort of thing, yea I’d consider that trolling not the worst kinda trolling ( I’ve seen MUCH worse) but a little bit yea. And I don’t know who said it but some one on your premade did say the reason they play unranked instead of ranked is becuz they love farming noobs and bads. In other words they don’t want a challenge or a competition just a pug farm.